288 entries in 0.549s

mats: i spent the last ten mins reading
BlueMeanie4's blog
BlueMeanie4, gox or bitcoin?
BlueMeanie4 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 weeks, 2 days, 2 hours, 35 minutes, and 48 seconds ago: <
BlueMeanie4> most of them are in Berlin
BlueMeanie4: yep pretty sad, you can read about what is underneath on 4chan/pol/ <<< in hindsight, /pol/ was a short stop otw to #b-a, once i began to put in more time here, i pretty much stopped putting in any time at /pol/
BlueMeanie4: that it lacks that form of cancer does not mean it lacks cancer
BlueMeanie4: gun control, but they also ship people around so they don't have a group that's entirely from one state
BlueMeanie4: I'm actually from there
BlueMeanie4: and being coerced back in, I'd think
BlueMeanie4: less and less of that with the economy as it is
BlueMeanie4: I recall some "livestreamer" of the PDX "protest" calling them pigs, then chatting up a girl
BlueMeanie4 let me tell you something. they got bums everwhere here. one night, one prolly drunk dude got rambunctious and started yelling.
BlueMeanie4: I could just as easily see this Yuri character as anticommunist psyops
BlueMeanie4 the "whole country" is only "a mess" in the sense that random idiots are inept, and the model where you run a continent as a centrally planned economy requires a lot more than a conclave of idiots in charge.
BlueMeanie4: That's kinder imagery than the Candida.
BlueMeanie4 there are numerous long, middle and short plans to break down anything standing all the time.
BlueMeanie4: russia has a hand in what
BlueMeanie4 i doubt anyone's much interested in "getting new users". what's wrong with new users getting us ?
BlueMeanie4, yes -- where "user" means average dummy
gribble: You rated user
BlueMeanie4 on Sat Oct 18 13:17:40 2014, with a rating of -2, and supplied these additional notes: thinks the WoT should be more like an iPhone;
http://twitter.com/BlueMeanie4. gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user
BlueMeanie4 has changed from 1 to -1.
mircea_popescu: ;;rate
BlueMeanie4 -1 Meanwhile abandoned id used by meanwhile-abandoned USG-sponsored project to keep tabs on #b-a. Hey, was fun while it lasted.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user
BlueMeanie4 has changed from 1 to 1.
mircea_popescu: ;;rate
BlueMeanie4 1 Meanwhile abandoned id used by meanwhile-abandoned USG-sponsored project to keep tabs on #b-a. Hey, was fun while it lasted.
mircea_popescu: ;;rated
BlueMeanie4 1 Meanwhile abandoned id used by meanwhile-abandoned USG-sponsored project to keep tabs on #b-a. Hey, was fun while it lasted.
gribble: You rated user
BlueMeanie4 on Tue Aug 26 18:09:56 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: Marx sez : never trust a capitalist..
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for
BlueMeanie4, Daniel_Krawisz, davidldubuc, DTdirk, indolering, JuliaTourianski, Michael1, mist, normalra, nubbins, perdent, princessnell, ragmondo, RPrpRP, sgarnick, sgornick, tbz1, tweeeaks, usagi, wywialm, xinxi, and Zerock.
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for
BlueMeanie4, Daniel_Krawisz, davidldubuc, DTdirk, indolering, JuliaTourianski, Michael1, mist, normalra, nubbins, perdent, princessnell, ragmondo, RPrpRP, sgarnick, sgornick, tbz1, tweeeaks, usagi, wywialm, xinxi, and Zerock.
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for
BlueMeanie4, Daniel_Krawisz, davidldubuc, DTdirk, indolering, JuliaTourianski, Michael1, mist, normalra, nubbins, perdent, princessnell, ragmondo, RPrpRP, sgarnick, sgornick, tbz1, tweeeaks, usagi, wywialm, and Zerock.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell
BlueMeanie4 so what about that nxt/devwork story ?
BlueMeanie4 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 3 days, 7 hours, 59 minutes, and 28 seconds ago: <
BlueMeanie4> hello from Murica
BlueMeanie4 this is basically like smbc's technicality club. you can easily end up hammered into the dirt for having used the wrong adjective.
rithm: so
BlueMeanie4 is cool
BlueMeanie4 it would put a lot of pressure on coallescing lordships
BlueMeanie4 the probability of you being successful in this endeavor is not 'real danger'
BlueMeanie4 well i wouldn't imagine it'd be the entire opinions
bluemeanie4 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 23 hours, 9 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: <
BlueMeanie4> later
cazalla: asciilifeform: funny how
BlueMeanie4 reads so much like ninjaspamgun <<< ninjashogun parted earlier today so perhaps you are right
assbot: Blue Meanie (
BlueMeanie4) auf Twitter
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: funny how
BlueMeanie4 reads so much like ninjaspamgun << i dun see it.
ben_vulpes: <
BlueMeanie4> thats how a money supply expands << i'm quite excited about this monetary system without insane expansion all the time.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: what's the deal with your rating of
ben_vulpes: <
BlueMeanie4> make your system usable for christ sakes << paha cs-folken can't in2 gpg and gribble?
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user
BlueMeanie4 has been recorded.
TheNewDeal: ;;rate
BlueMeanie4 1 usg scientist. may negrate soon
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user
BlueMeanie4 has been recorded.