288 entries in 0.549s
assbot: overview for BLUEMEANIE4 ... ( http://bit.ly/1hPjiW0 )
mats: i spent the last ten mins reading BlueMeanie4's blog
assbot: Logged on 24-02-2015 19:20:08; thestringpuller: https://twitter.com/BlueMeanie4/status/570067969130110977/photo/1 << d00d can't decipher sarcasm?
thestringpuller: https://twitter.com/BlueMeanie4/status/570067969130110977/photo/1 << d00d can't decipher sarcasm? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: !down BlueMeanie4
cazalla: BlueMeanie4, gox or bitcoin?
BingoBoingo: !up BlueMeanie4
danielpbarron slaps BlueMeanie4 around a bit with a large putin
BlueMeanie4: ive been making Bitcoin comics https://twitter.com/BlueMeanie4/status/563787262559678464
BingoBoingo: !up BlueMeanie4
gribble: BlueMeanie4 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 weeks, 2 days, 2 hours, 35 minutes, and 48 seconds ago: <BlueMeanie4> most of them are in Berlin
TheNewDeal: ;;seen BlueMeanie4
kakobrekla: !up BlueMeanie4
thestringpuller: !up BlueMeanie4
BingoBoingo: !up BlueMeanie4
BingoBoingo: !up BlueMeanie4
cazalla: BlueMeanie4: yep pretty sad, you can read about what is underneath on 4chan/pol/ <<< in hindsight, /pol/ was a short stop otw to #b-a, once i began to put in more time here, i pretty much stopped putting in any time at /pol/
undata: !up BlueMeanie4
undata: BlueMeanie4: that it lacks that form of cancer does not mean it lacks cancer
undata: BlueMeanie4: gun control, but they also ship people around so they don't have a group that's entirely from one state
undata: BlueMeanie4: I'm actually from there
undata: BlueMeanie4: and being coerced back in, I'd think
undata: !up BlueMeanie4
undata: BlueMeanie4: less and less of that with the economy as it is
undata: BlueMeanie4: I recall some "livestreamer" of the PDX "protest" calling them pigs, then chatting up a girl
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 let me tell you something. they got bums everwhere here. one night, one prolly drunk dude got rambunctious and started yelling.
undata: BlueMeanie4: I could just as easily see this Yuri character as anticommunist psyops
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 the "whole country" is only "a mess" in the sense that random idiots are inept, and the model where you run a continent as a centrally planned economy requires a lot more than a conclave of idiots in charge.
undata: BlueMeanie4: http://nwnewsnetwork.org/post/study-offshore-fault-where-big-one-originates-eerily-quiet
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 dec 1989
BingoBoingo: !up BlueMeanie4
BingoBoingo: BlueMeanie4: You phone has a camera?
BingoBoingo: BlueMeanie4: That's kinder imagery than the Candida.
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 there are numerous long, middle and short plans to break down anything standing all the time.
danielpbarron: BlueMeanie4, and you want them in the wot???
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 that's fairly uncontroversial.
BingoBoingo: BlueMeanie4: To be fair when the Despots on the UNHCR criticize your human rights record, there may be a problem http://qntra.net/2014/12/un-report-criticises-united-states-on-human-rights/
undata: BlueMeanie4: russia has a hand in what
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 i doubt anyone's much interested in "getting new users". what's wrong with new users getting us ?
BingoBoingo: BlueMeanie4: Well, yes.
danielpbarron: BlueMeanie4, yes -- where "user" means average dummy
gribble: You rated user BlueMeanie4 on Sat Oct 18 13:17:40 2014, with a rating of -2, and supplied these additional notes: thinks the WoT should be more like an iPhone; http://twitter.com/BlueMeanie4.
danielpbarron: ;;rated BlueMeanie4
danielpbarron: !up BlueMeanie4
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user BlueMeanie4 has changed from 1 to -1.
mircea_popescu: ;;rate BlueMeanie4 -1 Meanwhile abandoned id used by meanwhile-abandoned USG-sponsored project to keep tabs on #b-a. Hey, was fun while it lasted.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user BlueMeanie4 has changed from 1 to 1.
mircea_popescu: ;;rate BlueMeanie4 1 Meanwhile abandoned id used by meanwhile-abandoned USG-sponsored project to keep tabs on #b-a. Hey, was fun while it lasted.
mircea_popescu: ;;rated BlueMeanie4 1 Meanwhile abandoned id used by meanwhile-abandoned USG-sponsored project to keep tabs on #b-a. Hey, was fun while it lasted.
gribble: You rated user BlueMeanie4 on Tue Aug 26 18:09:56 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: Marx sez : never trust a capitalist..
mircea_popescu: ;;rated BlueMeanie4
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for BlueMeanie4, Daniel_Krawisz, davidldubuc, DTdirk, indolering, JuliaTourianski, Michael1, mist, normalra, nubbins, perdent, princessnell, ragmondo, RPrpRP, sgarnick, sgornick, tbz1, tweeeaks, usagi, wywialm, xinxi, and Zerock.
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for BlueMeanie4, Daniel_Krawisz, davidldubuc, DTdirk, indolering, JuliaTourianski, Michael1, mist, normalra, nubbins, perdent, princessnell, ragmondo, RPrpRP, sgarnick, sgornick, tbz1, tweeeaks, usagi, wywialm, xinxi, and Zerock.
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for BlueMeanie4, Daniel_Krawisz, davidldubuc, DTdirk, indolering, JuliaTourianski, Michael1, mist, normalra, nubbins, perdent, princessnell, ragmondo, RPrpRP, sgarnick, sgornick, tbz1, tweeeaks, usagi, wywialm, and Zerock.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell BlueMeanie4 so what about that nxt/devwork story ?
gribble: BlueMeanie4 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 3 days, 7 hours, 59 minutes, and 28 seconds ago: <BlueMeanie4> hello from Murica
mircea_popescu: ;;seen BlueMeanie4
assbot: 817 results for 'BlueMeanie4' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=BlueMeanie4
asciilifeform: !s BlueMeanie4
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 they let you in ?!
mircea_popescu: !up BlueMeanie4
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 and you link this to doyon somehow ?
mircea_popescu: !up BlueMeanie4
BingoBoingo: !up BlueMeanie4 Good Boy!
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 wasn't a coin.
danielpbarron: !up BlueMeanie4
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 this is basically like smbc's technicality club. you can easily end up hammered into the dirt for having used the wrong adjective.
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 he died in his bed you know.
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 well, only the annoying ones :D
rithm: so BlueMeanie4 is cool
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 it would put a lot of pressure on coallescing lordships
los_pantalones: BlueMeanie4 the probability of you being successful in this endeavor is not 'real danger'
mircea_popescu: !up BlueMeanie4
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 word.
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 well i wouldn't imagine it'd be the entire opinions
assbot: 541 results for 'from:BlueMeanie4' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=from%3ABlueMeanie4
mircea_popescu: !s from:BlueMeanie4
mircea_popescu: BlueMeanie4 http://bitbet.us/bet/786/bitcoin-to-surpass-berkshire-as-an-investment/
mircea_popescu: !up BlueMeanie4
mircea_popescu: !up BlueMeanie4
gribble: bluemeanie4 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 23 hours, 9 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: <BlueMeanie4> later
mircea_popescu: ;;seen bluemeanie4
cazalla: asciilifeform: funny how BlueMeanie4 reads so much like ninjaspamgun <<< ninjashogun parted earlier today so perhaps you are right
assbot: Blue Meanie (BlueMeanie4) auf Twitter
hanbot: wait bluemeanie4's twitter profile reads "cryptocurrency prophet"?! https://twitter.com/BlueMeanie4
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: funny how BlueMeanie4 reads so much like ninjaspamgun << i dun see it.
asciilifeform: funny how BlueMeanie4 reads so much like ninjaspamgun
ben_vulpes: <BlueMeanie4> thats how a money supply expands << i'm quite excited about this monetary system without insane expansion all the time.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: what's the deal with your rating of bluemeanie4?
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user ben_vulpes to user bluemeanie4: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 2 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=ben_vulpes&dest=bluemeanie4 | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=bluemeanie4 | Rated since: Tue Aug 26 15:52:35 2014
ben_vulpes: ;;gettrust bluemeanie4
ben_vulpes: <BlueMeanie4> make your system usable for christ sakes << paha cs-folken can't in2 gpg and gribble?
ben_vulpes: <BlueMeanie4> i have a degree in CS
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user BlueMeanie4 has been recorded.
TheNewDeal: ;;rate BlueMeanie4 1 usg scientist. may negrate soon
TheNewDeal: ;;rate BlueMeanie4 1 usg scientist
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user BlueMeanie4 has been recorded.
asciilifeform: ;;rate BlueMeanie4 -1 usg muppet.
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user BlueMeanie4: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=BlueMeanie4 | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=BlueMeanie4 | Rated since: Tue Aug 26 15:52:35 2014
BingoBoingo: ;;gettrust assbot BlueMeanie4