500+ entries in 0.089s

^^ mp_en_viaje jfw bvt spyked diana_coman and any other parties interested in tmsr os
^^ mp_en_viaje: the curse and also the blessing
^Hcurse of the modern man.
mp_en_viaje: say BingoBoingo, did your discussion of the "young
^H socialist hegelians" an' the broad programme of teh mid 1800s geared towards the
systematic falsification of history to better support the socialist mindset ever arrive at any structured anything ?
^ seems vps saw my ping email; lobbesbot back online
^ yep, complete non-starter to debug "I'm having trouble with block 00000000...1<snipped>"
http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-15#1956896 << here's some lulz : in 11985, the "austral argentino" replaced the peso argentino at a rate of 1 austral = 1000 pesos argentinos. in 1992, the "peso convertible" replaced the austral argentino, at a rate of 1 peso convertible = 10,000 australes. therefore, between the pre 1985 peso and the post 1992 peso there's a relationship of 1:10
diana_coman: mircea_popescu:
^ is my current answer for that a) vs b) choice.
whaack: mircea_popescu: approved
^ diana_coman: BingoBoingo: btw my "infuriating" was precisely caused by
^ lobbes:
^ lobbesbot back up; sorry folx (and wb mike_c)
trinque: my lately talking only of money isn't greed, so much as trying to humble myself into hustling for that dirty dollar
^Wbuttcorn instead of
^ trinque:
^ it's this I mean by "let money flow over it, and let money shape it"
trinque: going back to "what is trinque signaling to dorion_road?" do not take
^ as some kind of invincibility.
dorion_road: mp_en_viaje does that
^ make sense to spell out in an article ?
diana_coman: dorion_road:
^ so you can !!up yourself at least while the old voice model is still around.
dorion_road: spyked et. al, is
^ that a sensible approach to you ?
^ Last month's Foundation report, just placing in deedbot.
^ Now that logflood is over can finally hit publish.
trinque: mircea_popescu: it was a little over one week ago I discussed with you wtf you even want re:
^ BingoBoingo:
^Time period this particular pest operated is a bit interesting. August 2015 - November 2017...
trinque: right now I've already got a musltronic gcc, so what'd make me care very much about yours is
^ spyked:
^ inb4 "here's how spyked got into playing eulora"
mircea_popescu: when i say "the great success of lamp", i mean things quite like
^ spyked:
^ imho would be worth doing this either way, if only because my familiarity with cuntoo so far is limited to reading the bootstrapper scripts.
^ not being frivolous here.
^ This should cover the debts and customer equity. This leaves the auction completion and shareholder equity following from that on the to do list.
^ Updated. Evo Morales resigned +/- a couple minutes from hitting the publish button
^ Pizarro Pre-closing statement has been published. Please submit questions, comments, suggestions, objections, etc soon, but after reading
mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo_, mod6 asciilifeform
^ by above item i'm to take receipt of 0.9 btc from someone there ; what's the status of pizarro liquidation ?
^ rather late, sorry
^ indeed, looking through them I realize how small my photo post pics are in comparison. Will need to remedy this on next one
^ photograph of weird uruguayan birthday telegram included
^ asciilifeform mod6 et al. Note screw has been now been turned using lawyer interviewed Monday.
^ With the late hour something has to suffer and what will suffer is proofreading. This is the Nth consecutive day I am ending exhausted and I like it.
lobbes: achtung panzers:
^ above vpatch for debugger toggle only. (No pressing need to update your bot.py right now unless you plan to debug it in the near future.)
mp_en_viaje: i did say 3-5kg as those are all i ever tried ; but a ladies' 5lb version prolly just as good, w=mv
^2 after all
diana_coman: asciilifeform: dunno if that footnote sentence can be any clearer really; and re
^ uhmm, what??
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-15 19:19:48 asciilifeform:
^ article will disappoint folx who wanted to see the coffee, board rooms, other 'imponade', these can show later if anyone gives a shit. so far just the goods.
mp_en_viaje: but people in uy who buy things, have to buy from someone who did
^ trinque:
^ was not able to connect to uy1 until just now
trinque: mod6: have you sent him anything re
^ lobbes: ugh now I need to update by ericbot to asciilifeform's new patch. Above echo from #pizarro
^^^ BingoBoingo:
^ Obligatory unbounded symbol warning for asciilifeform