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mircea_popescu: (in other lulz nobody likely cares about, * Topic for #
bolix is: *** IBM PCjr collectors club )
mircea_popescu: yeah, since
bolix went the fuck away computing's not expensive at all
a111: Logged on 2017-03-13 00:13 asciilifeform: !~later tell phf i dug out my crate of dead
bolix boards, turns out i'm a chump, the pcb in question was a dead xl1200 ~i/o~ board. the only cpu on it is what looks like a z80! 0 smbx silicon.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-13 00:13 asciilifeform: !~later tell phf i dug out my crate of dead
bolix boards, turns out i'm a chump, the pcb in question was a dead xl1200 ~i/o~ board. the only cpu on it is what looks like a z80! 0 smbx silicon.
phf: shit, i had a store bought compaq 486, which had ~solid frame~. not
bolix, but somewhere there
phf: right, so vax goes for a fraction of the cost. still same guy who put me in touch with dks, and spends 5k on each
bolix, will spend fraction of that on a vax, because "it ain't
bolix of course, but it's still cool"