2800+ entries in 0.171s

trinque: I get such great stuff for free running
mircea_popescu: kmalkki consider registering your rsa key with
mircea_popescu: if a marginally literate 17yo barefoot son of a farmer from goatfuckistan can manage to get kleopatra running on the 486 at the "luxor centre for businessmen" and then manage to register his key with
deedbot over dial-up, so can the peonry.
pete_dushenski: nfi why not the bitfinex lulz. mebbe
deedbot decided it was neither funny enough nor important enough
adlai: for this reason, btw, i'm quite pissed that ben_vulpes deeds his shit at
deedbot's L1
ben_vulpes does not feel like combing through
deedbot's sexpr output at this moment
jurov force feeds
deedbot clay tables
PeterL: that was essentially my task, getting
deedbot to eat paper
BingoBoingo: <PeterL>
deedbot does not eat vellum << He might if you ask trinque to feed it to him
deedbot does not eat vellum
mircea_popescu: in other news, this whole "noobs meet bitcoin, rsa and
deedbot via eulora" thing is so very instructive.
mircea_popescu: anyway, consider registering your pgp key with
deedbot, so you can self-voice.
trinque also linked in
deedbot docs
mircea_popescu: Mariono prolly want to talk to shinohai if you need help ; otherwise register your key with
deedbot mircea_popescu: asciilifeform your scheme is actually dead in the water because between t2 and t3 enemy can
deedbot in your name.
mircea_popescu: J.sign("Here's the laydown : 1. rsa got fucked, this is the process to exrtract privkey from pubkey ; 2. message so-and-so on
deedbot was creating by so-hashing this salt and this pubkey ; 3. this here key J was created by using cryptoisystem ? with rng = privkey.K, which guarantees i am the one that made it ; 4. please use this here J' in future")
trinque: logbot-wot, logbot-
deedbot, logbot-wallet, so on.
mircea_popescu: trinque any hoap for wotpaste pubkey to
deedbot directly ?
mod6: i think what you require, is just to be able /join #trilema, have your key registered with
deedbot, and have at least one rating from a Lord.
mod6: which consists of getting an encrypted otp from
deedbot, derypting it, then feeding the otp back to
deedbot with !!v <OTP>
mod6: well, not really. once you are registered, you'll be able to msg
deedbot directly and do the !!up command yourself.
mod6: and it's not instant, i.e. if you send your key to a key server, it may be some hours before it can be queried successfully by
mod6: because I think that
deedbot grabs the pubkey from there, although i may certainly be wrong
mod6: !!gettrust anond
deedbot mod6: !~ later tell trinque anond_ here needs some help getting regstered with
deedbot for eulora. he tried to register, althought I'm not sure if it worked. can you check it out for him?
ben_vulpes: freenode passwords are useless as an authentication mechanism. the republic has an authentication mechanism, it is gpg-via-
trinque: oh yeah,
deedbot server reset the connection.
mod6: Salud! You're most welcome. I really do appreciate your help, and certainly the abilities of your
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-22: [17:03:40] <shinohai> They have to come here to register keyz,
deedbot isn't in #eulora chan
shinohai: They have to come here to register keyz,
deedbot isn't in #eulora chan
trinque: shame on the next person who implements any of this without consulting me first, given I handed you lot a full implementation of the logging part, and that I can't remember the last time I had to *touch*
adlai: closing thought - is there a way to get
deedbot to barf all ratings somebody has made, other than enumerating all nicks present in the wot?
trinque: !!gettrust
deedbot covertress
adlai doesn't presume to understand the full inner workings of
deedbot, of course; but that's what seems to have happened with the first -v
mod6: adali: thanks for trying to test, but you don't have L1 trust with
deedbot mod6: oh, no wonder tb0t was freaked out earlier. i hadn't updated it for
deedbot's new control chars.
PeterL: pete_dushenski I think
deedbot !!rated is wrong
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-13: [17:01:55] <PeterL> what is the procedure for gettiing a bot voiced? I rewrote scoopbot to get titles of links, do I need to get it talking to
deedbot/gpg decrypting things too?
PeterL: what is the procedure for gettiing a bot voiced? I rewrote scoopbot to get titles of links, do I need to get it talking to
deedbot/gpg decrypting things too?
trinque: but it'll just mean later someone says to me "a111 was gone and
deedbot silent, fuck you!"
mircea_popescu: cuz
deedbot keeps its own accounts. no mining. they're not even reported.
deedbot is intended to have a wallet so i can deposit a whole btc with it and then pay it a little bit whenever rather than have to send multiple transactions. THIS particular aspect of "microtransactions" is rather opposite to the common conception thereof.
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller the whole point is that if i want to pay
deedbot 100 satoshi for whatever, i'd rather have this as an offchain txn than as a blockchain spam tx
mircea_popescu: moreover, nobody said the
deedbot wallet is to be restricted to micropayments. that's obviously the angle to solve, from an engineering pov ; but to then on that infer that it is ONLY for such is silly.