2700+ entries in 0.293s
asciilifeform: incidentally you can make this out of CURRENT trb simply by putting it on a box without a nic
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: how do you propose to 'check against multiple trb nodes' on an airgapped signing box ?
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: unless tx you craft is gargantuan, I don't see how you couldn't do a partial audit of the non-signed tx that is spit out. in this context it would be best to check against multiple known TRB nodes the tx hashes are valid
thestringpuller: as of current you have to dump block on TRB in order to manually grep for a tx-hash to use as an Input to construct a raw transaction
mircea_popescu: anyway. to not get entirely sidetracked : the exact sense in which wallet should be separated from rest of trb needs a lot more thinking.
asciilifeform: and pretty much everyone who has attempted to fire a tx using trb prior to mod6's 'S' patch, now has a supply of such 'evil' coin with which to test this hypothesis, if he wants.
asciilifeform: trb wallet is every bit as broken as prb wallet in this respect
phf: but i think asciilifeform also had an imperative of keeping trb canonical sourth of all btc knowledge, so that wallet stays in (so that you can read and know what wallet even is), but you solve the separation by starting the daemon with different flags indicating intended usecase
tb0t: Project: trb, ID: 33, Type: F, Subject: Possible DB Replacement with UNIX Filesystem, Antecedents: , Notes: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-01#1561093
mod6: !%p trb 33
tb0t: Project: trb, ID: 8, Type: C, Subject: Remove BDB and integrate BitcoinFS, Antecedents: 6,7,33, Notes: Change ticket to integrate the BitcoinFS, once implemented.
mod6: !%p trb 8
mod6: !%e trb 8 C "Remove BDB and integrate BitcoinFS" "Change ticket to integrate the BitcoinFS, once implemented." 6,7,33
mod6: !%a trb F "Possible DB Replacement with UNIX Filesystem" "http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-01#1561093" ☝︎
BingoBoingo: In other news TRB leads the way! "Alert" system in PRB being retired via... ALERTS!!! https://archive.is/5OoKT
asciilifeform: and the glomming of otherwise separate concerns is one of the things that makes reading trb a reliable headache.
mircea_popescu: sadly. the main thing that holds back sanevelopment on trb is the fact that whatever you want to discuss everyone starts muttering curses and mashing kbd about the 10bn other things connected.
mircea_popescu: definitely trb fork will have a sane tx-to-block coding scheme
mod6: i think putting effort into: http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/trb_tickets.html#6 is the right idea.
mod6: Anyway, overall, I'm super excited for the future of TRB.
mod6: Another long term goal is to possibly get some more unit tests written for trb. Might not even need to be something in the perm source base, but something as an overlay to give us confidence when we make critical changes down the road.
trinque: the same was contemplated for trb; it doesn't rule out use of V
asciilifeform: might be lulzy to cross-check with phuctor, ben_vulpes's trb nodes' banhammer lists, etc.
asciilifeform: https://stashnode.com << in other lulz, 'why build a trb node, buy a prb box from stranger today!'
a111: Logged on 2016-10-23 17:58 ben_vulpes: my trb node just breached 4950 megs in virt and 3470 megs in res
ben_vulpes: my trb node just breached 4950 megs in virt and 3470 megs in res ☟︎
asciilifeform: and, eh, 'v', or trb, or various other items contemplated here, fall much closer to the jet than to the tv set.
mircea_popescu: besides, at some point we'll get rid of sha2 in trb, and then we'll know.
deedbot: shinohai updated rating of ben_vulpes from 1 to 2 << http://cascadianhacker.com/ #trilema trb
shinohai: !!rate ben_vulpes 2 http://cascadianhacker.com/ #trilema trb
thestringpuller: oh no, i think my trb hit its first blackhole :(
asciilifeform: mats: you oughta port trb to it!111
a111: Logged on 2016-10-09 00:41 thestringpuller: asciilifeform: how would i use shiva to hook into the trb wallet functions?
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-09#1554091 << you would have to begin by putting shiva back in... it isn't in the mainline trb (on account of questionable usefulness) ☝︎
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: how would i use shiva to hook into the trb wallet functions? ☟︎
mod6: mircea_popescu: in the context of an ideological history, I have nothing further to add. I'll denote that the recent progress of freezing trb's 3rd party deps, starting in the end of July, is signifigant, however covered by item #10 imho.
tb0t: Projects: UCI | t | trb | v
a111: Logged on 2016-10-05 01:48 mircea_popescu: currently some miners process, eg, 3-leading bitcoin addresses. while that lasts, trb can send money to you. once it goes away - can send no longer, resulting in some lost bitcoin (practically, sent to unspendable address)
asciilifeform: possibly answer is, trb thinks i sent it to neverneverland ?
mircea_popescu: currently some miners process, eg, 3-leading bitcoin addresses. while that lasts, trb can send money to you. once it goes away - can send no longer, resulting in some lost bitcoin (practically, sent to unspendable address) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform your trb node is not capable to send money from derpy addresses ; which is ok because it's also not able to send to them. other people are more than free to do whatever the fuck they like.
asciilifeform: does it thereby follow that prb and trb have differing notions of how much coin is contained in A ?
trinque: other times, vintage gpg, complete deps for trb, all sorts of things
adlai: dude i'm http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html - ing
adlai: but i still can't build the silly offline trb doodad!
mod6: here's the list, that corresponds to the trb-howto.html corresponds to: http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/patches/
adlai wonders why the _v_ in http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html when invoking v.pl
asciilifeform: you could use trb-rotor almost as-is, if you went to this.
a111: Logged on 2016-10-03 18:26 mircea_popescu: if anyone is inclined to maintain forks of any linux distro (much in the manner of trb - to clean, not to "support"/utf/systemd/etc) we can prolly work something out.
trinque: henceforth working on trb was known throughout the land as "doughfucking"
adlai: even if you want to atomic-swap trb against etc, you're stuck shelling out, so you're at best "sbcl/ccl programmer"
mircea_popescu: if anyone is inclined to maintain forks of any linux distro (much in the manner of trb - to clean, not to "support"/utf/systemd/etc) we can prolly work something out. ☟︎
asciilifeform: otherwise one day you discover 'surprise', gcc6 or whatever won't build trb, or worse, builds-with-boojum
asciilifeform: for so long as you are still using traditional trb, you are stuck with some variant of this.
asciilifeform: and, incidentally, recall that we reground the trb genesis once.
asciilifeform: it made marginally more sense re the trb patch, but even there mircea_popescu insisted on the regrind.
asciilifeform: ( i could even see an argument that, e.g., rawtx eater doesn't belong in trb , and that tx ought to be injected via the ordinary tcp method. but i dun recall having this argument )
mircea_popescu: there's no specific problem known at that height ; trb does tend to want to use about 4gb or so if it can get to it.
whaack: asciilifeform: I built following the steps of http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html the online build section on a ubuntu 12.04 and by "where" do you mean my general lat/lng?
whaack: Greetings I'm trying to get a trb node running and I've gotten stuck during sync at block height 212033 any help would be appreciated here is the last 1k lines of my debug.log dpaste.com/03P772C
asciilifeform: there is fragging. which is why current trb runs indefinitely in a footprint of ~4GB.
shinohai: Probably not practical idea until mem leak is plugged in trb
asciilifeform: shinohai: trb memory pighoggery prevents the practical trbification of any of these. but it is ~impossible to fix without rewriting good chunk of it.
asciilifeform: shinohai: don't expect to do much trb on the g1 board that comes with the sage - it has soldered-down 1GB of ram
shinohai: Well it isn't really weight I guess, I do rsync trb blockchain to it. So it has uses.
mod6: The following have been updated: The Foundation's repository of vpatches & seals, the trb-howto.html, and the vpatch graph. You now are able to build the entire orchastra via integrated makefiles; offline (default) or online, operators choice. All through the use of vtroncis, of course.
a111: Logged on 2016-09-23 14:20 mircea_popescu: actually since you brought it up it reminded me of vague discussion, so let's make it explicit. mod6 asciilifeform i dunno how practical it is yet, but eventually trb block mechanics will have to be expanded to memory datastore, so that it holds the current blk000n it's working on in ram and dumps it to disk only when full. MUCH easier to cache a disk with no writes on it.
mod6: !%edit trb 26 C "Mempool changes implemented" "http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-23#1547601" 25 ☝︎
tb0t: Project: trb, ID: 26, Type: C, Subject: Mempool changes implemented, Antecedents: 25, Notes:
mod6: !%p trb 26
a111: Logged on 2016-09-23 14:20 mircea_popescu: actually since you brought it up it reminded me of vague discussion, so let's make it explicit. mod6 asciilifeform i dunno how practical it is yet, but eventually trb block mechanics will have to be expanded to memory datastore, so that it holds the current blk000n it's working on in ram and dumps it to disk only when full. MUCH easier to cache a disk with no writes on it.
mod6: !%e trb 26 C "Mempool changes implemented" "http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-23#1547601" 25 ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-09-23 14:20 mircea_popescu: actually since you brought it up it reminded me of vague discussion, so let's make it explicit. mod6 asciilifeform i dunno how practical it is yet, but eventually trb block mechanics will have to be expanded to memory datastore, so that it holds the current blk000n it's working on in ram and dumps it to disk only when full. MUCH easier to cache a disk with no writes on it.
asciilifeform: the unparallelized-yet-wholly-parallelizable block verification is the biggest embarrassment in trb
asciilifeform: of trb?
mircea_popescu: actually since you brought it up it reminded me of vague discussion, so let's make it explicit. mod6 asciilifeform i dunno how practical it is yet, but eventually trb block mechanics will have to be expanded to memory datastore, so that it holds the current blk000n it's working on in ram and dumps it to disk only when full. MUCH easier to cache a disk with no writes on it. ☟︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: well massive overkill. trb wants what, 4g ? i was thinking more in terms of tb.
shinohai: mircea_popescu is suitable for trb ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it does link ? http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html
asciilifeform: !~later tell mircea_popescu your new page's section IV oughta link to trb
ben_vulpes: i don't even think you can have max compact size anything in trb.
asciilifeform: (and trb does in fact store orphaned blocks eternally)
asciilifeform: esp. if coupled with actual working wireshark + trb node.
phf: i think one could take either of those and turn them into real systems, the way we did with trb, but it's the same class of work
mircea_popescu: same thing as trb, but with lisplisp instead of cc
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: if you read the code, you will notice that trb is, at most times of 'very very busy bee', quite unready to react to rpc command because one of the global locks is engaged.
asciilifeform: the trb method.
ben_vulpes: in other strange, my trb node is currently sitting on 9756 VIRT, and has an entire core completely pegged.
asciilifeform: which is why any item that is of interest here, ought to be picked up and nailed to the floor, as i nailed trb's deps.
mod6: so here's my using 'init' to sync trb, and trinque's ircbot, then using both. trb with the default 'patches' and '.seals' and ircbot with the non-default: http://dpaste.com/2EFW6G4.txt
mod6: is this not what you're trying to do? one parent dir, two child 'patches' dirs ('trb' and 'ircbot'), each with respective seal dirs ('.trb-seals' and '.ircbot-seals') both being able to be used ~fine~ with v.pl (v99995)
mod6: and im stuck between trying to making getting trb up and going for people, in a "one-trigger-pull", and an organic vtron garden.
phf: i think mod6's v is trying to solve bootstrapping problem, by pretending like it's not one. you have to have v tools, and you also have to have your ~/wot. those are created organically, at which point picking up a tar.gz of vpatches or picking them manually is a nobrainer. but if you're a trb newb, you want all three at the same time, which seems like a subversion of v design. why not just have a v starter kit? you unpack it, you have
tb0t: Projects: UCI | t | trb | v
tb0t: Project: trb, ID: 12, Type: F, Subject: Makefiles for building full orchastra, Antecedents: , Notes: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502667
mod6: !%p trb 12
mod6: %!p trb 12
a111: Logged on 2016-09-07 16:29 asciilifeform: in other noose, (yes, 1 box) has been ddosing trb nodes, in particular zoolag.
a111: Logged on 2016-09-13 03:11 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: does your trb node's memory usage grow unboundedly?
asciilifeform: a specification can exist as a real object (which is very painful, consider the standard kilogram block, or trb) or an ideal object.