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BingoBoingo wonders if Yarvin will revise the
Urbit metaphor again when Bitcoin becomes a Naval power...
assbot: The Failure of
Urbit and Bitcoin's Future of Computing | Bingo Blog
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Yeah, I've been rereading early loper and looking back at the
urbit groups.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: "I have a suspicion that the entire scheme is vulnerable to Gödelization." << I like how you raised this in 2010 and the problem of this in
Urbit has only grown...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, no, as in, without having made a specific appointment to discuss bitcoin and
urbit mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, funny, because speaking of jets, random person i ran into today had actually heard of bitcoin, AND of
urbit mircea_popescu: talking of
urbit, i don't suppose it stopped leaking yet, but i expect development all but ceased ?
mircea_popescu: fluffypony: afaik, no. but, interestingly, i first heard of him when he came to buy my
urbit 'dukedom' << so invite the guy over and rate him ?
bounce: did
urbit make it to the bbc, boing boing, something I can't decipher, wired, el grauniad, AND tech radar?
mircea_popescu: navhul-lacsup wait, so is this actually an
urbit powered irc bouncer ?!
herbijudlestoids: iv got "So this
urbit thing" and "People have made blogs" saved in my list, as well as "The stuff all good conspiracy theories start with" because i wanna see the photo of MPOE-PR :P
herbijudlestoids: has anyone come up with any useful use cases for
urbit? all i could think of was a mutt clone lol
☟︎ mircea_popescu: actually, did moldbug&co ever manage to stop
urbit from crashing ?
herbijudlestoids: except the difference is both
urbit and tornet actually have some code committed somewhere
herbijudlestoids: approx the same idea as
urbit or tornet, rehyped and the tech media are cum guzzling it hard
☟︎ mircea_popescu: makes the recently failed
urbit thing kinda tame by comparison
benkay: ah so you object to
urbit's low-level immutability
BingoBoingo: ng to
Urbit and the thing that highlights its futility is Clojure.
BingoBoingo: benkay: Well You can spec a Turing complete language on a napkin in the bar. What takes time is building an implementation that runs on something. For most applications now, the various *nix's are going to be the best things available. If you want to write a new future of computing though instead of inventing
Urbit someone could have just as well made a *nix that only offered as a Userland GNU Guile. It seems to me the Closest thi
benkay: BingoBoingo: i don't know that i buy asciilifeform's ball-o-mud argument on
urbit yet. given enough traction wouldn't it make sense to rewrite the important bits for fpgas or what have we?
jurov: oh, and will it run
jurov: Lol so mike gogulski is onto
urbit? Will prod him for you,sure.
BingoBoingo: Lol, and he'd rather have the
Urbit than the BTC?
BingoBoingo: Sure,
urbit was from scratch, but it can't find anyone capable of actually building anything from scratch. Minix is that ancient thing, couldn't sell textbooks anymore and then they just ripped NetBSD and people still don't care about it.
mircea_popescu: not really related tho, from what i gather
urbit was actually a from-scratch thing
mike_c: you know, i tried
urbit and asked for destroyers. never got an answer.
benkay: and
urbit will be your reputation
mod6: are you still into
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Isn't neoreactionary an #
Urbit thing?
mircea_popescu: mod6 how's
urbit these days btw ? you been keeping any track ?
mod6: omg now they want to integrate xrp with
urbit lol
mod6: i think i started a flame war in #
urbit btw
mod6: talking to #
urbit guys now..
urbit is the greatest time sink ever
mod6: HEH. been here all night talkin about
urbit :]
mod6: i suppose that something like
urbit could actually live inside of other software eventually as some sort of embedded system. or if it ever took the leap to native hardware, it could run on some sort of FPGA or pre-set asic chip.
mod6: for instance, in current form,
urbit does key-gen right off the start. i'd hesitate to launch an instance with that software thats native (unless rooted and running something like cyanogen -- even then do we trust that either?)
mircea_popescu: that funny moment when you realise
urbit is discussed in 500 lines on #bitcoin-assets and in 5 lines on #
urbit mod6: the guy says, "
urbit will always run on top of unix." but d00d also wants this to surpass *nix at some point...
mod6: this
urbit thing is wacky
mod6: i figure, maybe they can help my
urbit n00bness until i get my sealegs.
mod6: CY said he didn't want to do an irc channel because
urbit can be sort of like IRC in and of itself. but in the mean time he'll set one up until it gets further along.
mircea_popescu: "<mircea_popescu> hi all." < i said something on #
jurov: but afaik
urbit has everything versioned
mircea_popescu: (TLDR: to keep using
Urbit, delete all your pre-10/6 data, git pull the source again, make clean, make, and start over. Your destroyers and tickets will keep working. No, this will not keep happening, though it may happen once or twice again.) << preserved for futurosity.
mod6: has anyone had trouble with the
urbit terminal being like really slow?
mod6: benkay_: Ahh, I've read more now on the
urbit. I see what you mean by the 9-times thing as temporary. And after reading Datskovskiy's comments it's interesting that it was put in to begin with.
mod6: i kinda think the idea of the
urbit ship being virtual real estate. Can only be transfered 9 times before it has no value.
mod6: this
urbit thing is neato
Urbit - Tea at the Palaz of Hoon
mircea_popescu: it was from the
urbit thing benkay keeps spamming for some obscure reason