446 entries in 0.686s

mircea_popescu: williamdunne you might have to change scoopbot_revived to a new key then associate the old one to the nerw nic
davout: williamdunne: why u no cloak
scoopbot? it's possible it's getting DDoS'd
davout: and then the prequel, scoopbot_origins
davout: not that it matters that much but i feel we'll eventually end up with scoopbot_revived_II_ultimate
williamdunne: I haven't got access to the
scoopbot name, and the GPG key is registered to _revived
davout: also would it be possible to rename it to
mircea_popescu: May 01 00:26:05 *scoopbot_revived has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
jurov: williamdunne: scoopbot_revived is not cloaked
davout: scoopbot_revived: totally news yo
mircea_popescu: what happens if assbot dies ? we must lose
scoopbot titling too ?
davout: because then what happens when scoopbot_revived is replaced by scoopbot_x or whatever
davout: sounds better to remove code from
scoopbot rather than add some conditional logic to assbot
davout: mircea_popescu kakobrekla mebbe make scoopbot_revived not mention the title and let assbot handle it?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: kakobrekla might be an idea if assbot ignores scoopbot_revived
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 19:50:08; williamdunne: So with
ScoopBot you're proposing that someone on the Lordship list could add their blog to his reading material
williamdunne: So with
ScoopBot you're proposing that someone on the Lordship list could add their blog to his reading material
☟︎ assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for williamdunne with note: revived
scoopbot assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 23:32:46; pete_dushenski: williamdunne mebbe you could have scoopbot_revived post to a page on your site ?
pete_dushenski: williamdunne mebbe you could have scoopbot_revived post to a page on your site ?
☟︎ williamdunne: ben_vulpes: Okay,
ScoopBot now supports Cascadian
pete_dushenski: let's see if this testpost works on scoopbot_revived...
Scoopbot has resurfaced,
https error came up which didn't have any error handling.
BingoBoingo: ^Oh more
scoopbot drama, quitting already?
mircea_popescu: <williamdunne> Awesome, yeah, I've been hoping for more articles. Anyone got any objections to adding the nakamotoinstitute to
scoopbot? << it all depends on whether they continue pushing insanities a la gavincoin.
williamdunne: Okay, so
scoopbot's concurrency now definitely works. Yay.
williamdunne: Awesome, yeah, I've been hoping for more articles. Anyone got any objections to adding the nakamotoinstitute to
lobbes: create a blogspot or something? I have no idea if blogspot outputs data in the same way that
scoopbot reads the others, but it is free and fairly quick to create one
williamdunne: OK, I think
ScoopBot should behave himself now
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for williamdunne from 1 to 2 with note:
scoopbot the 3rd
lobbes: williamdunne: wd on
scoopbot revival. Now we gotta get pete_dushenski to post something; that'll be the real test ;)
williamdunne: Ok,
ScoopBot should now be working, won't know until someone makes a new post though
scoopbot is not registered in WoT.
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for scoopbot_revived with note: Valliant Sir Scoop Bot the Third.
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.scoopbot_revived.1:50e37ded45b3e1b6a16c1f7892b4cbeefeaa8dcbc329df3facc92c1ea744a106
mircea_popescu: !rate scoopbot_revived 1 Valliant Sir Scoop Bot the Third.
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell pete_dushenski Maybe you can do a
scoopbot for your coding learning and to discover what makes contravex RSS so weird
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell peterl dude i get it, you gotta job, but you can't just leave. gotta make arrangements, who's gonna run
scoopbot now ? where's the repository ? etc.
mircea_popescu: hm, i guess what peterl's new job means is that
scoopbot will have to be reimplemnted yet again ?
scoopbot down as well?
PeterL: thestringpuller: are you picking on
scoopbot? ;)
scoopbot -dropdead