benkay`: general heading of "shit this firm is not touching with a nine-meter pole"
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: You mean you don't run that bot on your nick?
benkay`: ninjashogun weren't you just derping about not having time to derp in irc?
mircea_popescu: benkay` as per the earlier linked tlp article, narcissus got hooked by entity not returning his love.
benkay`: ya it's a pretty strong lure
benkay`: anyways ninjashogun if you want privacy on IRC this is what you do
ninjashogun: benkay` I am making the time, because it is important. I'm also surprised by some of what I have learned about bitcoin-assets.
ninjashogun: For example I thought mirceau completely bootstrapped his thing, had no investors of any kind, since he doesn't deal with them the way startups I've seen do.
benkay`: ask your counterparty to sign a declaration they'll not publish records of your conversation
kakobrekla: what did you learn about bitcoin-assets ?
ninjashogun: Instead he got 30K btc as an investment, valuing his thing at one point around $1B. This is just totally different from what I was expecting.
benkay`: of course, asking for a thing from someone in the WoT without having your own identity is a bit el oh el, but whatever and airplanes etc.
mircea_popescu: i can take an investor on any terms i want in 2013, seeing how i'm already valued at a billion, with him or without him.
ninjashogun: mircea_popescu, sorry, I don't know the details. I just see that you're active on IRC and was just going by how you talk and participate. You also have a lot of time here.
ninjashogun: yes, I agree with you. I was just surprised to learn this!
ninjashogun: It's totally different from the ecosystem I knew before. Also, the fact that you post logs and do a lot via IRC. That surprised me a great deal.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5250 @ 0.00082413 = 4.3267 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: anyway. the arduous task of reading -assets logs / lurking is at least offset by it being... interesting.
ninjashogun: I guess basically I wasn't taking these projects as "seriously" as other parts of the startup ecosystem. But perhaps it's true that "silicon valley has a lot to learn from bitcoin"
ozbot: Romanian Bitcoin Entrepreneur Steps In To Pay OpenBSD Shortfall - Slashdot
ninjashogun: yes, my valuation was informed by lurking in or being in other similar channels on IRC
ninjashogun: well, not "valuation" just what I thought of this channel. By the way this is called 'saliency bias'.
mircea_popescu: the great advantage of the irc is its splendid flexibility.
mircea_popescu: like any good tool, it can be used by people as smart or as dumb they may happen to be.
ninjashogun: so, thanks for saving openbsd, mircea_popescu.
ninjashogun: I didn't realize you're Romanian either. I thought you were Brazilian :) (I don't speak either portuguese or Romanian)
ninjashogun: just saw romance-language like words that I didn't understand on your blog. (I do speak some French, Italian, Spanish so knew it wasn't those)
Duffer1: MP's library is mostly rosetta stone modules :P
ninjashogun: mirceau, as a Romanian do you hate Hungarians?
ninjashogun: I'm an American but have some background from Eastern Europe. I always wondered about the animosity between some of those countries - and the friendship between the others.
ninjashogun: mircea_popescu, are you one of the richest Romanians by valuation (net worth) or were you around peak BTC price?
ninjashogun: benkay`, the guy in the biker shorts for you, eh? :)
ninjashogun: I guess I'm one of the 1 in 10 Americans now.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6000 @ 0.00082403 = 4.9442 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: benkay` fucking people. they run into naked girl, their interaction with her is subsumed to futzing with the phone.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 20 @ 0.0055 = 0.11 BTC
benkay`: mircea_popescu i mean i'd be unsurprised but that's because american men are a bunch of silly effettes
benkay`: also you're probably standing right there taking that photo and shit timisoara's gotta be small enough that everyone knows not to fuck with MP's wimminz
BingoBoingo: moiety: You know about IRC nao... ANd you made yet another chat site?
benkay`: still, here you are walking around with this woman in public, taking her photo and photos of everyone's reactions
benkay`: just out of manners i think i keep walking
benkay`: whatever trip you two are on i am obviously not invited
mircea_popescu: well either keep walking or else, you know, smile at her, do with the eye, tweak her nipple, something.
benkay`: most guys not really having the stones to go for a nip...
mircea_popescu: the oft retold story of me talking the bitches out to frolic in the snow, people with dogs going all stiff, carefully looking away. the dogs, kinda curious hmm... what is with these humans here ? the masters, completely nuts.
ozbot: karpeles finger - Imgur
benkay`: they know not to get involved
benkay`: look at me, i got involved with bitcoin
benkay`: ragel requires some oop boilerplate
benkay`: so delegates, implementing interfaces, the whole java shitshow
benkay`: advice of guy looking over my shoulder was to just bite the bullet and do the parser in java
benkay`: would go faster if i could afford to go heads down on it for a month
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26400 @ 0.00082549 = 21.7929 BTC [+] {3}
benkay`: asciilifeform: it came up in the context of "things this firm is not getting involved in"
benkay`: i don't hate it - it's just another dumblang
benkay`: i'm just frustrated by cognitive overhead and limited personal bandwidth/.
moiety: BingoBoingo: there's a difference. you don't always get dinner at the restaurant you work in
moiety: it works, so who gives a fuck? i honestly think the features we have on that site are much more suited to the doge community.
moiety: like the webcam snaps etc.. what bitcoiners are gonna use that
mircea_popescu: so moiety is basically discordian and unconformant in absolutely every which way.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19300 @ 0.00082725 = 15.9659 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I see it as moiety As seen the Doge and simply found an opportunity for an honest chumpatron.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I imagine an honest chumpatron is kind of like an idiot reserve.
moiety: mircea_popescu: in the sense that i can make anything work regardless of personal stance :) bingo's right and you guys allow me to derp around here for some sanity... amazingly
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo asciilifeform actually, a university (in the classical, functional and ideal sense, no relation to us/uk "college") is the prototype of the honest chumpatron
mircea_popescu: moiety yes, write down what you do. you're the only one doing most of it.
moiety: yeah, you're right, i really should.
mircea_popescu: you really should, it's quite excellent literature. unlike french cheese, this is passable, and why we tolerate them in europe.
mircea_popescu: but that aside, you familiar with the *medieval* notion that a healthy young boy should learn a trade, and only phtisic good for nothing losers go to university ?
mircea_popescu: as immortalised say in the romanian saying, "logofete brinza-n cuiu, lapte acru-n calimari, chiu si vai prin buzunari"
mircea_popescu: for the pleasure and enjoyment of... the company. OF OTHER LOSERS LIKE THEM
mircea_popescu: i mean there's no requirement that the chump don't enjoy it
mircea_popescu: or that he regrets the ride after havin been taken for it
mircea_popescu: perhaps unobvious in the fuel analogy, because the inadvertent reader will think in terms of power
mircea_popescu: rather than in proper thermodynamics notions of reversibility
ninjashogun: mircea_popescu, caught your Romanian sentence. Google Translate offers, "scribes cheese-n cuiu, sour milk-n inkwell, chiu and valleys pockets ""
mircea_popescu: logofat = youthful scribe used to take down dictation of his lord and sometimes a little cock.
mircea_popescu: it used to be, sure. but now it's more like a welfare programme
mircea_popescu: there used to be. herodotus or who observed that it seems ignoble and unworthy of a man to plow the field
mircea_popescu: meanwhile the us has spent more on syria than syria'd cost to buy, whole.
moiety: i don't see the site as a chumpatron, after listening. i just like to make things work is all
moiety: oh, i hope so. i know he is allergic
mircea_popescu: "magine a large corporate machine mobilized to get you to buy something you don't need at a tremendously inflated cost, complete with advertising, marketing, and branding that says you're not hip if you don't have one, but when you get one you discover it's of poor quality and obsolete in ten months. That's a BA.
mircea_popescu: When we see a welfare mom we assume she can't find work, but when we see a hipster we become infuriated because we assume he doesn't want to work but could easily do so-- on account of the fact that he can speak well-- that he went to college. But now suddenly we're all shocked: to the economy, the English grad is just as superfluous as the disenfranchised welfare mom in the hood-- the college education is just as irr
mircea_popescu: elevant as the skin color. Not irrelevant for now, not irrelevant "until the economy improves"-- irrelevant forever. The economy doesn't care about intelligence, at all, it doesn't care what you know, merely what you can produce for it. The only thing the English grad is "qualified" for in this economy is the very things s/he is already doing: coffeehouse agitator, Trader Joe's associate, Apple customer... and spouse
ozbot: The Last Psychiatrist: Hipsters On Food Stamps, Part 1
mircea_popescu: the guy has some very specific sexual hangups. it's all centered on rape, can't see violence, can't see submission, he's impacted.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10152 @ 0.00082729 = 8.3986 BTC [+] {2}
KRS-One: mircea_popescu I hated Java too, but then once I fully understood it, I was shocked by what it can do and how it works.
mircea_popescu: KRS-One i know people who have to maintain it that are shocked on a weekly basis by both what it can do and how it works.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5169 @ 0.00082392 = 4.2588 BTC [-]
ninjashogun: mircea_popescu, did you develop the first version of your site yourself? (by hand)
KRS-One: I always thought it was slow, but that isn't really the case. If it runs slow its because someone didn't know what they are doing.
mircea_popescu: KRS-One i always thought it's insecure, and insecurable
mircea_popescu: many things are not. basic, for instance, is eminently secure.
KRS-One: tbh i dont know much about securing java..that could be.
ninjashogun: so how did you produce the first version of your site? (the very first version, demosntration)
KRS-One: afaik it could have the same security as a c program running in memory.
mircea_popescu: ninjashogun i just did what i always do, told people what to do.
ninjashogun: I thought you did understand code quite well though
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 20 @ 0.00574998 = 0.115 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: well, that i don't. however, i do understand quite well when i don't understand something.
ninjashogun: What busienss were you in before this site?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.00082759 = 7.7793 BTC [+]
ozbot: Bitcoin Baron Keeps a Secretive Open Source OS Alive | Wired Enterprise |
ninjashogun: mircea_popescu, mind if I call you Baron from now on
mircea_popescu: when i do hidden in plain sight, it's hidden. when the usg tries it, it's snowdened.
benkay`: your name came up over beers last night, mircea_popescu
ninjashogun: your name also came up in private chat with BingoBoingo oh about half an hour ago
benkay`: can't imagine that means what the top suggestion from my suggestion machine suggests it means
moiety: that made me dizzy kakobrekla
benkay`: well klint wanted to know what the deal with this crazy romanian was
benkay`: i said get on irc and say hi
benkay`: ('crazy romanian' are my words)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 34 @ 0.58046764 = 19.7359 BTC [-] {7}
ninjashogun: mircea_popescu, my opinion of you changed a lot when I saw what you built by the way.
ninjashogun: you did strike me a kind of crazy but now fuck it.
ninjashogun: more due to the fact that you have any investors at all lol
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16950 @ 0.00082409 = 13.9683 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.575475 = 2.3019 BTC [-] {4}
mircea_popescu: Jere_Jones cause it keeps the nsa busy while we fuck it raw.
benkay`: mircea_popescu "not in the head!"
moiety: careful kakobrekla , soon i'll be needing bigger and more dizzying imgurs for a bigger hit
kakobrekla: but you need the tv for it to project the drugs
moiety: omg what am i thinking
moiety: sorry im too wasted fromthe last imgur
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5200 @ 0.00082759 = 4.3035 BTC [+]
decimation: asciilifeform I quite enjoy your translations of Herr Tepes
decimation: the one with the two monks well delinates orthodox Christianity from rapid puritanism
decimation: I thought that there was a parallel there
decimation: one who acknowledges authority but does not acknowledge its wisdom
ninjashogun: so I didn't realize how much money is sloshing around the bitcoin ecosystem. Question: do you think with WoT this ecosystem (e.g. this channel, etc) could substitute for the actual VC market completely?
ninjashogun: e.g. rather than raise $250K via an angel investor, or $4M in a Series A, that both of these could be done 100% via the bitcoin ecosystem?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7233 @ 0.0008279 = 5.9882 BTC [+] {2}
copumpkin: anyone want to start a petition to mircea_popescu to get the word popescuity added back to mpex official messages?
mircea_popescu: just, the vc circus hasn't yet found out, because we don't finance the circus.
ozbot: #bitcoin-assets log
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13400 @ 0.00082549 = 11.0616 BTC [-] {2}
decimation: I find that after reading an -assets log my mind returns to the original ideas contained therein
ozbot: Mind your step. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 6 @ 0.11069871 = 0.6642 BTC [+] {2}
ThickAsThieves: The Washington DC City Council voted today to significantly ease marijuana laws in the district. By a near unanimous vote, the council ruled that possession and private consumption of the drug in small amounts would be decriminalized.
mircea_popescu: decimation eventually someone will write the grand book of everything, just distil all the 500k lines here into a castle of words.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 4 @ 0.11069871 = 0.4428 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the problem is this : they have 6-7-8 mn people packed like sardines in there, like 5k/km2
mircea_popescu: as per tocqueville's observation, it's not opressed peasants like the german serfs that rebel
mircea_popescu: it's relatively easy living french peasants that get an easement, which suddenly makes all restraints unbearable
mircea_popescu: so... another couple of these, they're going to end up with hostage senate.
decimation: now that colorado has 'decriminalized' the other states are going to race to the bottom
mircea_popescu: if there's going to be a soyuz of the soviets organised within our lifetimes over there i'll possibly not be able to carry on for laughter
ThickAsThieves: seems harmless to them, whatre a buncha potheads gonna do
decimation: actually the current state of affairs is perfect for the bureaucracy: no one knows what is actually legal, and everyone is probably an outlaw
mircea_popescu: decimation this only seems perfect. it's in fact disastrous.
mircea_popescu: like you know, the state of being locked into the cake freezer seems ideal to the 9yo
ThickAsThieves: <decimation> actually the current state of affairs is perfect for the bureaucracy: no one knows what is actually legal, and everyone is probably an outlaw /// too true
ThickAsThieves: how the fuck *is* someone supposed to be responsible to know what is legal when the line is nothing but blur
decimation: "trustfullness" is what civilization is built upon
decimation: once everyone assumes that everything is a scam or chumpatron, it's going to be hard to get anything done
ThickAsThieves: except right now everyone thinks all the scams are truths and truths are scams
ThickAsThieves: i think about how even the concept of getting pulled over while driving is usually absurd
mircea_popescu: "and then i saw a great vision of everyone's head being screwed in backwards
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3700 @ 0.00083001 = 3.071 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: 5 miles of a speed limit is okay, 10, no way, but it's all just offending a street sign, not necessarily even endangering anyone
ozbot: Academic-Capital: Trust of Each Other is Declining According to a General Social Survey
decimation: "A poll by the General Social Survey indicates that about 1/3 of Americans trust each other. This is a big step downward from a 1972 survey that indicated that about ½ of Americans trust each other. Around 2/3rds say that ?you can?t be too careful? dealing with others. "
ThickAsThieves: there's a stretch of highway about 2 miles long in FL, where the limit changes 16 times
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves well, that reasoning doesn't work in a town (because if you go fast enough whether you run into someone or not becomes a matter of luck), but it does make sense of highways
mircea_popescu: which is why sane people (ie, germans) don't have upper limits,
decimation: the speed people actually travel on a road has to do with its design, not the arbitrary (often retarded) regulatory limits
ThickAsThieves: agreed, and i think an officer should be human enough to interpret whether someone is actually endangering a situation, over filling a quota for tickets
decimation: officer is in the bureaucrat chumpatron
ThickAsThieves: my wife thinks a drive too slow, except when i don't see nonsensical speed signs
mircea_popescu: i remember a time when officer was a superlative menschkeit thing
ThickAsThieves: i think he rides every car''s ass, but generally is a better driver
mircea_popescu: finding an asshole officer was like finding a virgin in paris
ThickAsThieves: "You are free to choose to participate in the poll or not. Nobody is begging you for your money and I wish we could avoid asking for anyone's money at all to avoid dealing with investors such as yourself. Hopefully if we succeed in listing IPO we will not have you on our investor's list."
decimation: an actual police force would allocate actual discretion to its officers; chumpatron police have no authority and therefore treat others as the spoiled children they are
mircea_popescu: decimation explai nhow this actual police force works.
mircea_popescu: suppose you're advising me as emperor of jormania in the making of my imperial police force.
decimation: the master hires a policeman, the policeman acts on the authority of the master
decimation: if the policeman acts responisbly, he is rewarded, otherwise, punished
BingoBoingo: I imagine for a proper police force for Jormania, you would at least need two castes working for you. Police Officers and then the lowly police man.
BingoBoingo: For the police officer you search for people who can maintain their own harem.
decimation: I guess the traditional method is from the children of the local nobles
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21350 @ 0.00082379 = 17.5879 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: so then suppose one day a police officer's daughter falls in love with a lowly police grunt.
BingoBoingo: For the policeman you take the local schlubs and have the officers discipline them
mircea_popescu: because - horrible dictu - he reminds her a lot of her father.
BingoBoingo: I imagine in that case the officer get dismissed
mircea_popescu: you may not readily appreciate the immensity of this problem.
ThickAsThieves: how about you have simple laws that simple men can enforce
mircea_popescu: if the slut is allowed free rein, you have just destroyed the separation.
mircea_popescu: if the slut is not allowed free reign, civil war is unavoidable.
BingoBoingo: The slut's free reign comes at cost to the father.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves so what do you do when you're invaded by a society which is more complicated ? pray ?
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves i mean this : that your approach imposes a limit on the complexity of relationships in your society
mircea_popescu: a more complex system could be conceived, and even if it'd work "worse
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 31 @ 0.00483292 = 0.1498 BTC [+] {3}
ThickAsThieves: i'm thinking out loud here, neve rput much thought into this topic
mircea_popescu: the tension is still there, you merely force people into hypocrisy
mircea_popescu: the guy can't evaluate if you were in fact harming no-one
decimation: mircea, you would give the Devil the benefit of law?
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves not for your definition of "Win" i'm affraid.
ThickAsThieves: i guess the core of this, is i just want everyone to be more intelligent and logical
ThickAsThieves: to play devil's advocate though, i often contemplate the flipside. As in, usually I feel like my environment is too dumb, but pardon my candor, but would living in a world of #b-a people actually be enjoyable?
mircea_popescu: "So start with an interesting hypothetical: does everybody need to work anymore? I understand work from an ethical/character perspective, this is not here my point. Since we no longer need e.g. manufacturing jobs-- cheaper elsewhere or with robots-- since those labor costs have evaporated, could that surplus go towards paying people simply to stay out of trouble? Is there a natural economic equilibrium price where,
mircea_popescu: say, a U Chicago grad can do no economically productive work at all but still be paid to use Instagram? Let me be explicit: my question is not should we do this, my question is that since this is precisely what's happening already, is it sustainable? What is the cost? I don't have to run the numbers, someone already has: it's $150/mo for a college grads, i.e. the price of food stamps. Other correct responses would
mircea_popescu: be $700/mo for "some high school" (SSI) or $1500/mo for "previous work experience" (unemployment). I would have accepted $2000/mo for "minorities" (jail) for partial credit."
ThickAsThieves: "I just called Mt Gox asking for my the recording"
mircea_popescu: i mean, this is oft repeated as a representation of fact,
mircea_popescu: but irl i know of no system more corrupt than reagan's us
ThickAsThieves: i think some people don;t realize corruption has a broader definition than "paid off"
mircea_popescu: basically the guy spent five years on his cot trying to avoid the realisation that he was a fucking idiot
Duffer1: just searched the church in stick of truth
decimation: as you wrote ascii, the chumps grind and chirp as they go through the machine
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the same woman that got punished for failing to admit her sluttery
mircea_popescu: is also legally protected should she wish to go topless parading by the barracks
mircea_popescu: alternatively, "in briar patch, foot hurt ; in forest, head hurt" said the mongoloid.
mircea_popescu: perhaps it doesn't have as much to do with the environment as one'd think
moiety: i've been up for two days, im going to bed now, night all :)
mircea_popescu: i have no idea how fucktarded they have to be to advertise ipos on twitter.
mircea_popescu: i mean a) it clearly labels you as a scammer, as only they do it ; b) it can't possibly give roi, even as a scammer ; c) srsly.
ozbot: Teen Sues Parents, Claiming They Owe Her Money For College : The Two-Way : NPR
ThickAsThieves: Bogaard also "noted that Rachel Canning's behavior over the past year has been in question," reports CBS 2 TV: "one or two school suspensions, drinking, losing her captaincy on the cheerleading squad and being kicked out of the campus ministry."
kakobrekla: it never ends with this log, it ell you.
ThickAsThieves: "You a female; I'm a dude. I'm not learning nothing from you. I just want to see you. So whatever you're talking about, I probably don't really care. I wanna just look at you."
benkay`: curse of the web, kakobrekla
ozbot: Anatomy of a Fusion press release | Locklin on science
ozbot: Peter R's theory on the collapse of MtGox and its effect on the price of bitcoin
mircea_popescu: " I didnt know him, but I know people who knew him. He definitely wasnt into any shady business" << dat fiat wot.
ThickAsThieves: You should answer "yes" to the whistleblower program question if you wish to avail yourself of these additional confidentiality protections, even if you are not interested in being eligible for a whistleblower award.
mircea_popescu: he doesn't want to. cause admitting how fucking stupid he is would burn.
ThickAsThieves: Please be aware that these additional confidentiality protections may in some cases limit or delay the SEC's ability to disclose your identity to certain other agencies, regulators or other third parties. For that reason, we suggest you check "no" if you are submitting your information in order to seek our assistance to resolve an issue
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 200 @ 0.00484373 = 0.9687 BTC [+] {5}
ThickAsThieves: In addition, if you do not wish to be considered for an award and you intend for us to coordinate with another government agency or regulator, checking "no" may help facilitate this process.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but look at it. i used to think i can make such representations of people, until i was about 17 or so.
mircea_popescu: do you know anyone through others who you can vouch for as he does ?
mircea_popescu: "o, we have a webpage". great. so does any 14 yo singer-songwriter.
mircea_popescu: why didn't they make the straight shooter guy into a twink then
mircea_popescu: jesus look at that, complete with coelho-esque quotes and the new yorker "narrative" devices.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7250 @ 0.00082977 = 6.0158 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1970 @ 0.000183 = 0.3605 BTC [-]
benkay`: how should I know who peter r is - nobody's paying me for my research
mircea_popescu: do you know the traditional first date romanian joke titled "taci si suge" (ie, shut it and suck it!) ?
benkay`: sounds translation-worthy...
mircea_popescu: bad wolf busts into snow white's cavern, offers her a simple deal :
☟︎ mircea_popescu: and after a while... the wolf... eats another three midgets
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 6 @ 0.13311598 = 0.7987 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: and after yet another while, the wolf eats another three midgets
mircea_popescu: at which point the chick points out that there's only seven midgets and you point out that she shouldn't be making that kind of noise.
kakobrekla: ah i see it now its fine, the long just shortened your dick.
mircea_popescu: and remember : always be nice with all newcomers. they could be as retarded as historically was the case.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 55 @ 0.00479101 = 0.2635 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 13 @ 0.57390463 = 7.4608 BTC [-] {10}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2987 @ 0.00082977 = 2.4785 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 55 @ 0.00464999 = 0.2557 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8600 @ 0.00083001 = 7.1381 BTC [+]
ozbot: Leancy - Allegedly hacked by their host - Avoid deposits
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7150 @ 0.00082771 = 5.9181 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 55 @ 0.0048 = 0.264 BTC [-]
ozbot: Eternal Bitcoin Bonds by Usagi
BigBlx: did you guys resolve the aurora/litecoin bet?
Duffer1: brb i feel i may need some popcorn
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 55 @ 0.00464999 = 0.2557 BTC [-]
Duffer1: how are you creating the dot?
Duffer1: on my old keyboard alt0153 at a leisurely pace created ™ just fine, but on my new keyboard I have to type it ultra fast for some reason..
kakobrekla: anyway cyrillic should work nao asciilifeform
Duffer1: bigblx do you have a link for the bet you're talking about?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 55 @ 0.0048 = 0.264 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 455 @ 0.00088995 = 0.4049 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 122 @ 0.00089 = 0.1086 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14945 @ 0.00083001 = 12.4045 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 55 @ 0.00464999 = 0.2557 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 81 @ 0.00479629 = 0.3885 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.0896011 = 0.1792 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 2 @ 0.13311598 = 0.2662 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 40 @ 0.00457008 = 0.1828 BTC [-] {2}
kakobrekla: he is talking about THE current bet Duffer1
kakobrekla: which is simultaneously most fucked up bet evah.
Duffer1: the alt coin market cap bet?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21283 @ 0.00083021 = 17.6694 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11900 @ 0.00082693 = 9.8405 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00083033 = 5.6462 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 100 @ 0.00576359 = 0.5764 BTC [-] {7}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.07699998 = 0.616 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4406 @ 0.00082589 = 3.6389 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9000 @ 0.00083033 = 7.473 BTC [+]
ozbot: Don't panic, but that public Wi-Fi is coming from ... inside your house -
mod6: ``im fine with it'' << lol derp
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.00082764 = 5.0486 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.59990997 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.59990989 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10400 @ 0.0008256 = 8.5862 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 6 @ 0.03239999 = 0.1944 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 6 @ 0.03239999 = 0.1944 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11550 @ 0.000825 = 9.5288 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 4 @ 0.03239999 = 0.1296 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 4 @ 0.03239999 = 0.1296 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 5 @ 0.03299999 = 0.165 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.589 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 998 @ 0.00082764 = 0.826 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.57003008 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 996 @ 0.00018 = 0.1793 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 198 @ 0.00479999 = 0.9504 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6318 @ 0.00083033 = 5.246 BTC [+]
MisterE: I'm still in the black but...
BingoBoingo: MisterE: Has NMC had any momentum after 2011?
MisterE: Blockchain's news was disappointing
MisterE: annouced and pre-hyped on bloomberg
MisterE: so market shat after that dud
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13500 @ 0.00082758 = 11.1723 BTC [-] {2}
MisterE: dunno wtf people were expecting... Magic The Gathering cards for everyone who had BTC in Gox...
BingoBoingo: ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:6708d41118170ae49785e8fc104616a172d609f0329a1f092a0271aa
gribble: You are now authenticated for user BingoBoingo with key 309BB8D7F3251143
BingoBoingo: MisterE: Do you want to try something riskier?
BingoBoingo: MisterE: Actual returns might be possible.
MisterE: ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:1bd83fecf4cf9084af386187aa25a12b17cd81f5462d260bd259082e
gribble: You are now authenticated for user MisterE with key C97817F2EE7504A3
BingoBoingo: MisterE: Like staking sports betting, Similar to how poker is staked. The challenge is doing it in a way that the staked party can't fake the results into an honest looking loss.
MisterE: what BTC really needs is a derivatives market
MisterE: sounds like a major security hassle tbh
MisterE: but I'll read the log give me a few
BingoBoingo: The challenge in BTC right now is that the only instrument which has really sustained honest loses is the MPOE bond
BingoBoingo: That example I linked in the logs is poorly structured, and in sports betting the actual likely best case is a 30%loss.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 239 @ 0.0048 = 1.1472 BTC [+]
gribble: Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user artifexd has been recorded.
BingoBoingo: ;;rate mircea_popescu 6 Rating upgraded for continued excellence in Bitcoin ventures
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user mircea_popescu has changed from 3 to 6.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user benkay has changed from 1 to 2.
BingoBoingo: ;;rate ThickAsThieves 1 The Real Altcoin's Mother
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user ThickAsThieves has been recorded.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user kakobrekla has changed from 2 to 5.
gribble: Error: Rating must be in the interval [-10, 10] and cannot be zero.
gribble: Successfully removed your rating for paraipan.
gribble: Successfully removed your rating for thebutterzone.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user thebutterzone has been recorded.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 61 @ 0.00463034 = 0.2825 BTC [-] {2}
dub: ;;rate BingoBoingo -1 suspected spammer
gribble: Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user dub has been recorded.
BingoBoingo: I drank vodka and ate a half wheel of Maytag Blue cheese.
BingoBoingo: Imma be lucky if my farts don't kill me before I wake up tomorrow afternoon
jurov: don't fart near open fire
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5700 @ 0.00083029 = 4.7327 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6600 @ 0.00083052 = 5.4814 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 119 @ 0.00463034 = 0.551 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9950 @ 0.0008302 = 8.2605 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2060 @ 0.00083007 = 1.7099 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4840 @ 0.00082811 = 4.0081 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4150 @ 0.00082808 = 3.4365 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10300 @ 0.00082747 = 8.5229 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3293 @ 0.0008266 = 2.722 BTC [-]
adrrrr: #bitcoin Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 6 @ 0.0429998 = 0.258 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2360 @ 0.00082648 = 1.9505 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 77 @ 0.00479975 = 0.3696 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 65 @ 0.0055 = 0.3575 BTC
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 106 @ 0.0047 = 0.4982 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 300 @ 0.0008948 = 0.2684 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5700 @ 0.0008306 = 4.7344 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.59449498 = 1.189 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.59498997 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 61 @ 0.00479985 = 0.2928 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07550007 = 0.3775 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 6 @ 0.07500017 = 0.45 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [MS] 54 @ 0.00298018 = 0.1609 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 8 @ 0.07237016 = 0.579 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07211225 = 0.1442 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.0720415 = 0.2161 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5799 @ 0.00082811 = 4.8022 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.13361787 = 0.2672 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: it will resolve as yes presently. is henceforth banned as a source on bitbet.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 56 @ 0.00479989 = 0.2688 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: by now you can just edit the page, write random numbers. just as reflective of reality.
mircea_popescu: they should probably relaunch as a wiki, "the fake mkt cap numbers anyone can edit"
punkman1: there's like 3 dozen altcoin "exchanges" ready to add any random scamcoin
mircea_popescu: i mean, intellectually ridiculous. back in 2011 bruce wagner's antics made bitcoin easy to dismiss as "that cp ring"
mircea_popescu: now this bullshit makes bitcoin easy to dismiss as "indian highschool tomfoolery"
punkman1: "mine MinerTokens, rent more mining power to mine more MinerTokens to rent more mining power to mine more MinerTokens..... You can see where I'm going with this."
punkman1: surprised there's not a dozen of these already
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [SFI] 200 @ 0.00089498 = 0.179 BTC [+]
punkman1: "Our minerrigs will be avaible for rent from launch. A total of 1.6 Gh scrypt will be rentet out for 50,000 MTK/Mh/day. When your total rent pass 1000 Mh you will be the legal owner of a 5Mh rig. You can then chose to continue let us host it and get 80% of the rentalprofit or you can get it shipped to your door"
punkman1: you pay in minertokens to rent minertoken mining rigs
ozbot: [ANN][COM] COMRADE - New Innovative MinerStakeholder Concept - Profit for People
punkman1: these guys want 0.1btc to let you mine or something
punkman1: "-StakeHolder-Miners pay a fee of 0.1BTC to register. Miner-Stake holders who pay the fee for early mining access will be known as THE GENERALS"
punkman1: "COMRADE crypto movement designed to replicate the economic tactics used by the Comrade leaders of the USSR to rise the Soviet Union from the Ashes to what become the most powerful nation in the world (at the time)."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13500 @ 0.00082983 = 11.2027 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07697949 = 0.154 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16327 @ 0.00082936 = 13.541 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07697537 = 0.154 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8450 @ 0.0008291 = 7.0059 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2000 @ 0.0046 = 9.2 BTC [-] {15}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2750 @ 0.00452665 = 12.4483 BTC [-] {8}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 1000 @ 0.00450334 = 4.5033 BTC [-] {11}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9250 @ 0.00082687 = 7.6485 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07697229 = 0.1539 BTC [-]
cazalla: at what point do these alts collapse under their own weight?
dub: when the one true altcoin rises to engulf them
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07697227 = 0.1539 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 19 @ 0.0057499 = 0.1092 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3329 @ 0.00082582 = 2.7492 BTC [-]
ozbot: MuCoWa - A MultiCoinWallet to your service - Update now: 1.3.0 Quark added
punkman1: "Since the code is obfuscated, would it be possible to monitor the web traffic going out from the wallet to make sure it never sends private keys anywhere?"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5800 @ 0.00083063 = 4.8177 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 40 @ 0.00451 = 0.1804 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14850 @ 0.000831 = 12.3404 BTC [+] {2}
ozbot: Niagara Falls comes to frozen halt AGAIN as subfreezing temperatures freeze water | Mail Online
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 219 @ 0.0045 = 0.9855 BTC [-] {4}
chetty: 23% thought an "MP3" was a "Star Wars" robot
chetty: 42% said they believed a "motherboard" was "the deck of a cruise ship"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6442 @ 0.00082552 = 5.318 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1022 @ 0.00018777 = 0.1919 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [COG] 3 @ 0.0445 = 0.1335 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10100 @ 0.00082817 = 8.3645 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16202 @ 0.00082505 = 13.3675 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.09199995 = 0.368 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.0425 = 0.1275 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 75 @ 0.00464998 = 0.3487 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1502 @ 0.00018799 = 0.2824 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 3 @ 0.13311598 = 0.3993 BTC [-]
chetty: The snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev were allegedly hired by Maidan leaders, according to a leaked phone conversation between the EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign affairs minister, which has emerged online.
chetty: well the tape is news :P
mircea_popescu: euros because they're too lazy to do it, and prefer to suckle on the us drip,
mircea_popescu: there are 2 sorts of people in this world, and they're made apparent by the reaction to the statement "few understand this"
mircea_popescu: type 1 is no longer interested. type 2 is now very interested.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8687 @ 0.00082483 = 7.1653 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.0008246 = 10.225 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4463 @ 0.00082483 = 3.6812 BTC [+]
Apocalyptic: <asciilifeform> [15:03:49] this is just too good // it is
ThickAsThieves: "Anyone can buy or sell the currency, but the Lakota are keeping half of it in reserve in order to prevent the wild speculation that has caused Bitcoin such price volatility. ... After an hour of questions, Harris thanked the small crowd and was promptly accosted by a tall man and a woman in red who wanted to buy some MazaCoin, which Harris was selling for 10 cents apiece. The two
ThickAsThieves: trailed him around the room as he hunted for a printer so he could issue the digital currency on paper. "
ThickAsThieves: "We’ve gone through 100 years of imposed poverty. That’s the fight we’re having"
ThickAsThieves: "CIA officers allegedly hacked into the US Senate Intelligence Committee's computers to find out what the oversight committee had found out about its controversial detention and treatment of terror suspects."
mike_c: "being a CA involves tedious, mind-numbingly repetitive yet security critical work that unpaid volunteers are ill equipped to do well. " has he ever gone through the process of getting a SSL cert?? they don't do shit.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2930 @ 0.00082724 = 2.4238 BTC [+]
mike_c: the bullshit per line in that article is astounding.
chetty: A Florida woman has gone head to head with a local judge who has declared her efforts to live off the grid illegal and in violation of local and international code ordinances.
ThickAsThieves: i dont even know what a SSL really does, nor am I a programmer, but I have successfully purchased and installed one on a system I advised the client was not really secure
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10070 @ 0.0008262 = 8.3198 BTC [-]
ozbot: Behold Arscoin, our own custom cryptocurrency | Ars Technica
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 497 @ 0.0045 = 2.2365 BTC [-] {7}
chetty: asciilifeform: nope it was inevitable really
ThickAsThieves: "I asked my wife what she would trade for 5,000 Arscoins. Her answer: “A kiss?” Boom! A market had been created." lol
Apocalyptic: "The user experience must be incredibly simple", "The main justification for this design choice is usability. In the same way that security cannot be bolted on at the last minute, the reverse also holds — you can’t bolt usability on to a secure system that was designed without human beings in mind"
mircea_popescu: mike_c he's just trying to misrepresent himself into relevancy
Apocalyptic: yeah don't focus on how shit has to be done, focus on the people fss !
mircea_popescu: pretty much the foundation halmark. it's due to the failure modes of the ycombinated mind.
Apocalyptic: mircea_popescu, no the quotes are from Hearn
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6750 @ 0.00082858 = 5.5929 BTC [+] {2}
gribble: Request successful for user r3wt, hostmask r3wt!add82c3d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Your challenge string is: freenode:#bitcoin-otc:7abdae0508ae0bf19ba9ddebfc0b68c090c3f35af9f2e9230dd4db47
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4550 @ 0.00082967 = 3.775 BTC [+]
r3wt: hello super hackers
r3wt: i seek knowledge of prepared queries in php
r3wt: because i am not worthy
chetty: Former IRS official Lois Lerner pleading the Fifth right now. <<< again
Apocalyptic: <r3wt> i seek knowledge of prepared queries in php // what happened to the LUA version ?
ozbot: New Side Channel Attack That Can Recover Private Keys : Bitcoin
r3wt: lua version is here
r3wt: still working on the php version though as it could be along time until the lua version is actually ready for production.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4550 @ 0.0008314 = 3.7829 BTC [+]
r3wt: anyone wanna buy some fee shares? we're broke and need some more "development money". and by development money, i mean money to pay ourselves and buy more shit.
r3wt: same thing we've been building.
punkman1: you share the fees of running the exchange
r3wt: started as php, now moving to lua
Mats_cd03: did you use bootstrap for the frontend
r3wt: lol no, thats all from scratch
r3wt: ive never used bootstrap
r3wt: bootstrap is for the design challenged
Apocalyptic: <Apocalyptic> r3wt, you should IPO on MPex
Apocalyptic: <r3wt> isn't that a scam? // kako you need to bash this
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 20 @ 0.0055 = 0.11 BTC
r3wt: how does one "IPO on MPEX" and what are the benefits of doing so?
punkman1: r3wt: so are you currently smashing strings together to make SQL?
Mats_cd03: same as a usual IPO. raise virtual buttcoins
r3wt: unfortunately yes. that's why i'm here. i know mircea_popescu probably knows how to teach me to do it the right way
jcpham: mircea_popescu absolutely loves to teach people
jcpham: arguable one of his finest talests and favorite past-times
Apocalyptic: though after you called his thing a scam not sure he will be most pleased and willing
jcpham: if i send monies will you thern reinvest my monies in riskier ventures
r3wt: Apocalyptic, i was talking about his securities exchange. i'm talking about the negative stigma associated with bitcoin ipo's
Apocalyptic: r3wt, how is it worse than actual shares ?
jcpham: unless D3 mining on nvidia
jcpham throws money at million dollar datacenter
Apocalyptic: in the way you get a contract, shares are traded on an 3rd party platform hopefully better built and you got access to liquidity you don't have at your exchange ?
Diablo-D3: jcpham: Im just doing it myself now
jcpham: i'm teasing but at least you got the reference
ThickAsThieves: no one will accept an OpenEx IPO right now, other than CryptoStocks
ThickAsThieves: but then you'll be rubbing elbows with every scam of the week
r3wt: would it be wise to sell a portion of my business for capital?
r3wt: we have a few offers, none of them very good but i'm examining my options.
r3wt: i don't want to go back to hanging chickens at tyson
r3wt: this is an IRC channel? no fuckign way!
jcpham: tyson got bought by koch
Apocalyptic: r3wt, somehow since mcxnow came with the idea now it's seems to be a trend
r3wt: please never compare us to mcxnow
r3wt: we aren't here to scam, we just needed start up money because we are poor fucks\
jcpham: mcxnow is legit compared to whatever this is
r3wt: and look, we actually delivered some
r3wt: its not great yet i know, but we are working hard everyday
jcpham: you need traction not publicity
punkman1: r3wt: that doesn't look very responsible
Diablo-D3: r3wt: what the fuck is your company
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2450 @ 0.00083062 = 2.035 BTC [-]
Mats_cd03: ill fund you if you have 7% profit month over month for a year
r3wt: any advice punkman1?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 50 @ 0.0045 = 0.225 BTC [-]
punkman1: r3wt: mysql_real_escape_string is deprecated, maybe suspend trading for a while
r3wt: i meant advice on how to make prepared statements, because i'm actually just a noob with a dream. no college education, just read a book about php
ThickAsThieves: <r3wt> its not great yet i know, but we are working hard everyday // who is "we"?
gribble: Nick 'artifexd', with hostmask 'artifexd!~artifexd@unaffiliated/artifexd', is not identified.
r3wt: but yeah, i can shut the exchange down at anytime
jcpham: that's the gox and others example
jcpham: whoopsie. halt trading
ThickAsThieves: r3wtm the problem is you are a noob voluntering to be responsible with people's money, which noobness, particularly of the programmer variety, is least qualified to do
r3wt: trading is closed for now, this is my goal for the day. learn to use prepared statements and replace them throughout the site.
r3wt: or maybe a link to a guide?
r3wt: fuck it, i guess like everything else in life i have to learn this on my own.
r3wt: i have one question. is mysqli safe enough or should i go for the pdo extension?
jcpham: normally i get paid to pick stuff apart
artifexd: r3wt You're asking programming questions in a channel about investing. Stackoverflow would be a good place to find answers to the type of questions you're asking.
punkman1: has all the examples you need
r3wt: i'm banned from asking questions on stackoverflow
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5450 @ 0.0008314 = 4.5311 BTC [+]
jcpham backs away from the keyboard
ozbot: User r3wt - Stack Overflow
r3wt: i'm not banned, just banned from askign questions. look at the first two questions i asked and it should be all you need to know
r3wt shuns himself in the corner for 10 minutes
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9096 @ 0.00083159 = 7.5641 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4654 @ 0.00083195 = 3.8719 BTC [+]
ozbot: What can I do when getting "We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account"? - Meta
jcpham: ;;gettrust mircea_popescu
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8981 @ 0.00083 = 7.4542 BTC [-] {2}
jcpham: sometimes i look at these trust graphs and ratings and i see emotion
ozbot: Worst music video ever - YouTube
jcpham: is it better than walls fall out
nubbins`: it's just WAITING to be covered
jcpham: without the video, if i only heard it I would think it sucked less than i now think
jcpham: because i saw the video
ozbot: Worst music video ever - YouTube
jcpham: not that one clipboard
ozbot: Walls Fall Out - OFFICIAL - YouTube
nubbins`: i was about halfway through my first viewing before i stopped laughing at the video and realized the song was awesome ;(
jcpham: that one clipboard, that one.
nubbins`: ooo, sign in to confirm my age!
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 24 @ 0.00449999 = 0.108 BTC [-]
jcpham: i thought we were talking about the worst music videos ever
jcpham: i had a suggestion for that topic
nubbins`: i was just sharing a cool song D:
mircea_popescu: Someone stupid will ask me this: "then why doesn't Medicaid just offer a billing code for "need three evaluations, but likely no diagnosis?" Because if Fox News got wind that Obama was paying for black people to get "no diagnosis" they'd blow up an abortion clinic. Paying for "temper tantrums" is just the right amount of enraging, TV and internet enraging, no violence will occur. "Isn't this why we need universal he
mircea_popescu: althcare?" Well, lieutenant, pronounced like I'm a British naval commander, if we had a system of healthcare in which doctors were paid the exact same regardless of diagnosis or severity, then there'd be little attention paid to "correct" diagnosis, all of our epidemiological data would be totally invalid, and the number one drug in America would be Xanax. "Wait, isn't that the situation now?" Huh, nailed it.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1950 @ 0.00082967 = 1.6179 BTC [-]
ozbot: The Doomsday Cult of Bitcoin -- Daily Intelligencer
Apocalyptic: my derp counter has overflown with Hearn today, i'll pass
mircea_popescu: "Partly this is because lawmakers and regulators, spooked by early hype and the Mt. Gox disaster, are never going to afford Bitcoin services the kind of autonomy they'd need in order to flourish. Partly it's because there are conceptual problems with the Bitcoin architecture itself. And partly it's because Bitcoin's anarchic roots are too fringe to draw in the masses. In the mind of the average American, the currency i
mircea_popescu: s now synonymous with theft, drugs, and techno-wizardry. These impressions do not a global currency make."
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7000 @ 0.00082792 = 5.7954 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: for the record, dear regulators : it comes out of your skin, either way.
mircea_popescu: make it pleasant on yourself or not, lube up or not, whatever suits
mircea_popescu: i mean this is total libertard school of denial. it just so happens that theft, drugs and techno-wizardry is the EXACT recipe of mainstream worship
nubbins`: that's about what i had in mind
mircea_popescu: this guy is basically saying that bitcoin is a distilate of all rappers, all wall street and all silicon valley
Mats_cd03: r3wt, i would recommend reading several books about secure coding and learn how to use an auditing tool like burp
r3wt: i decided i'd just hire a professional and try to learn from whatever example he sets
nubbins`: lel i can hear pascale humming that jan terri song from downstairs
Mats_cd03: going from php to lua is an odd choice and doesnt inspire anyone with confidence in your ability to secure their funds
Mats_cd03: security requires design and architecture, so maybe you should read books instead of writing code at this stage
r3wt: i am taking myself out of the equation for good of the project
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.00449999 = 0.45 BTC [-] {3}
Mats_cd03: that journey is unforgiving and uneducational if youre not clever or connected to people better than you at it
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00574943 = 0.5749 BTC [+] {2}
Mats_cd03: reading CVE reports, studying 0days and proofs of concept, crackmes, compiler books, r/reverseengineering
Apocalyptic: I used to do a lot of crackmes back in the days
Apocalyptic: do as in solving and creating the challenges
Mats_cd03: thats what the foundational books are for
Mats_cd03: i advise building a serious knowledge base in one subset of sec before getting into anything else
r3wt: thanks for the advice Mats_cd03
deadweasel: what's everyone's take on the folks at ##security?
Mats_cd03: i lurk there and i rarely see any good conversation
deadweasel: i agree on all counts, but it's not to say you can't comb the logs for some direction.
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 662.37, vol: 17860.37014311 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 639.899, vol: 16064.3695 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 661.4999, vol: 14587.05392498 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 674.0, vol: 46.86848963 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 671.0, vol: 10.01218267 | Volume-weighted last average: 654.689264159
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.00082989 = 6.8051 BTC [+] {2}
nubbins`: savvy and sapient share a root
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 170 @ 0.004401 = 0.7482 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14481 @ 0.00082817 = 11.9927 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 52 @ 0.00440011 = 0.2288 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 9 @ 0.13311598 = 1.198 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 74 @ 0.00439891 = 0.3255 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: Mircea Popescu So has the #ImpotentAlliance invaded the Ukraine Soviet Republic yet or we still talkin' ?
mircea_popescu: Bit Power @Mircea_Popescu Still talkin' -- Russia threatens to confiscate U.S. assets....
mircea_popescu: Mircea Popescu Pity the US wasn't keeping it all in #Bitcoin.
mircea_popescu: also, i'm with Mats_cd03. asciilifeform's ideas are tailored for the 1%. nttawwt, but kind-of dangerous if you're not in.
Mats_cd03: im all for the beauty of discovery, hacking, and all that
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform in the same sense using bitcoin "written" by the sadly famous taaki doesn't bother me.
Apocalyptic: "<QuantumQrack> No, I'm saying the true leaders have massive power. But in a cryptocurrcency wold....the mass has the power."
Mats_cd03: many people need structured learning to progress further
mircea_popescu: adding to that : generally at the fruit stand, the peaches which have all the bugs swarming in are the best.
mircea_popescu: Apocalyptic so let the mass think it has power, and then get indignant whenever mpoe-pr shows up.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07260022 = 0.726 BTC [-] {8}
mircea_popescu: that's the thing. basic things are only accessible to the very very elite.
mircea_popescu: compare basic and lisp. there is NOTHING basic about any one basic instruction
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, explain something truely basic, like say lambda, to the basic crowd.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.57654522 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: because most children' maturation requires they become socially inserted
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 75 @ 0.00449953 = 0.3375 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: which requires them acquire proficiency in a number of porriges
mircea_popescu: "These flaws were discovered passively using the information which was returned by the web server following a normal request. I have not exploited any of the holes found."
ozbot: 3.816 billion | Next Diff in 1245 blocks | Estimated Change: 3.7517% in 8d 7h 16m 20s
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 26 @ 0.00449301 = 0.1168 BTC [-] {2}
ozbot: Iota and Jot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 75 @ 0.00449879 = 0.3374 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4829 @ 0.00082587 = 3.9881 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5 @ 0.07698379 = 0.3849 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 7 @ 0.08960102 = 0.6272 BTC [-] {2}
ozbot: Implosion of Bitcoin Exchange Spawns Mutant Digital Currency | Wired Enterprise |
ozbot: #bitcoin-assets log
mircea_popescu: this is an ancient greek idea. careful what you say for the gods may be short of inspiration
ThickAsThieves: "Using a technology called Mastercoin, the Goxcoin people would mint a brand new digital currency"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.13311598 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: chetty obviously. they had to be pretty fucking stupid to not realise that "independent" military has no problem doing it.
chetty: will do asciilifeform, probably a couple days, must draw out the drama
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform they ain't beheading them, just keeping them on ice for a few weeks.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 2.40070057 BTC to 3`643 shares, 65899 satoshi per share
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18476 @ 0.00082909 = 15.3183 BTC [+] {2}
deadweasel: SomeSubjectiveSomeObjective . 3 hours ago
deadweasel: I endorse this, and I've already started development on Goxcoincoin, set to go live when Goxcoin is hacked into bankruptcy. Goxcoincoin will allow people to buy interests in Goxcoin assets.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.0425 = 0.2125 BTC [-]
chetty: eeww just the name makes me queasy
chetty: Three third-grade students at a Sonora elementary school were busted for smoking pot in the schools bathroom last week.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11800 @ 0.00083204 = 9.8181 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.59 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: which is now telling me i need to update, after every update
ozbot: BitBet - Any altcoin will surpass Litecoin in market capitalization
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3072 @ 0.00082509 = 2.5347 BTC [-]
mike_c: so now it depends on definition of "ends up", cuz aurora is tanking.
benkay: mp caved on the coin v scam situation
benkay: hey kakobrekla mircea_popescu when do we see costs of mods in bitbet statements?
mike_c: it's tough being judge & jury. not a job I envy.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.0890005 = 0.356 BTC [-] {2}
benkay: mircea_popescu why is that?
mircea_popescu: benkay roughly for the same reason tyhe cost of mp as ceo doesn't show in s.mpoe's books
ThickAsThieves: Since Feb 28, 2013 until Feb 26, 2014, ASICMiner has paid out over the past year:
benkay: mircea_popescu the mods are paid in shares, then? the mods are you and kakobrekla then?
ThickAsThieves: Today is also my official first day not being tied to AM in any way anymore
mircea_popescu: benkay nenver underestimate the advantage of a harem of slaves.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 50 @ 0.00449765 = 0.2249 BTC [-]
nubbins`: tat, are congratulations appropriate?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 46 @ 0.0055 = 0.253 BTC
mircea_popescu: well it's not bad, overal it paid in dividends way more than it originally cost
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6750 @ 0.00083055 = 5.6062 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.09099999 = 0.182 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: On October 26, 2005, [drug rep] Mr. Caronia went to Dr. Charno's office. He had never met Dr. Charno before, nor had any previous contact with him but for the phone calls from Dr. Charno seeking a promotional speech. During the meeting, Dr. Charno repeatedly asked Mr. Caronia off-label questions and asked to meet Dr. Gleason [a speaker for the company.]
mircea_popescu: Dr. Gleason eventually came, and, in the presence of Caronia, had a discussion with Dr. Charno about off-label uses for Xyrem (insomnia, restless legs, etc). Is Caronia responsible? Should he have stopped Gleason? The court said yes, and convicted him.
mircea_popescu: The trick was, Dr. Charno was actually a government informant. That's odd. And I have never heard of a doctor who requested a promotional speech. He cold called a rep he had never met and asked to meet him to discuss a drug he had never prescribed?
mircea_popescu: The third witness presented by the United States Government was the confidential informant, Dr. Steven Charno. After pleading guilty to medical insurance fraud stemming from his criminal act of filing fraudulent medical insurance bills in the amount of $821,000.00, Dr. Charno cooperated with the United States Government against Alfred Caronia.
mircea_popescu: I thought I was reading the script for a bad cop movie. Did the government use a plea agreement to force Charno to help the government capture drug reps that he had never even met?
mircea_popescu: i suppose that's the future use of all the two bit scammers i nthe history of bitcoin.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10597 @ 0.00083248 = 8.8218 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2778 @ 0.00083055 = 2.3073 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 3 @ 0.091 = 0.273 BTC [+]
ozbot: Overstock CEO Expects Bitcoin Derivatives - TheStreet
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 20 @ 0.00566001 = 0.1132 BTC [-]
lalusch: Would anyone be so kind and give me a link to information on the Scharmbeck scam? lost track of this whole thing about a month ago
chetty: haha so many scams. so little time
mircea_popescu: lalusch possibly nobody here keeping track of individual cryptostocks scams
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10350 @ 0.00082494 = 8.5381 BTC [-] {2}
lalusch: yes, thats what i'm feeling too
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07699997 = 0.154 BTC [+]
lalusch: anyone got information on when CBTC will pay dividends for february
mike_c: ;;last seen kakobrekla
gribble: (last [--{from,in,on,with,without,regexp} <value>] [--nolimit]) -- Returns the last message matching the given criteria. --from requires a nick from whom the message came; --in requires a channel the message was sent to; --on requires a network the message was sent on; --with requires some string that had to be in the message; --regexp requires a regular expression the message must match; (1 more message)
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8322 @ 0.00082975 = 6.9052 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: lalusch no. they do not publish either reports or any sort of sensible anything.
gribble: kakobrekla was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 13 hours, 26 minutes, and 1 second ago: <kakobrekla> mhm
lalusch: but actually this makes them even more credible for me
deadweasel: i can't see how, pls explain, lalusch.
lalusch: giving the exact dat of dividend payment could make the stocks price crash 2 minutes after div payment as just 1 bigger player has to sell then, on such a low volume
mike_c: no reason for it to "crash" more than the dividend payment.
ThickAsThieves: Beth Jacob, who has served as Target's chief information officer and executive vice president of technology services since 2008, is vacating both positions and departing the company immediately. According to CEO Gregg Steinhafel, the retailer has already launched a search for an interim CIO to help steer Target through a major security overhaul.
lalusch: nobody is going long term in cryptobiz
deadweasel: lalusch: how do you mean their bitcointalk post makes them more credible?
mike_c: guy i know who works in it security consulting says he is drowning in work b/c of target.
mircea_popescu: all mpex companies have their div dates announced as per contract, in the past two years there has been exactly 0 of the stuff you talk about.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 101 @ 0.0044003 = 0.4444 BTC [-] {3}
lalusch: deadweasel, must have gotten me wrong. I did not mean the bitcointalk thread
ThickAsThieves: (numbers do not have to represent reality, or be good)
lalusch: i meant the fact that they dont announce the exact date for dividend payment
chetty: aren't 'regular' stocks div dates legally required to be published?
mircea_popescu: lalusch yeah but still there should be a "no later than 5th of the month" or something
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves i hear this is how people end up with eating disorders
mike_c: just lost a little personal data on 110 million customers.
mike_c: basically everyone in the US got issued new credit cards after that one.
ozbot: The Last Psychiatrist: Expendable; Or, And Now The Pharma Pendulum Swings Back The Other Way
mircea_popescu: wanna understand why the finance people keep falling out of windows ?
mircea_popescu: mike_c finding a way to paper over the fact that they STILL do not wish to use security is going to take some effort.
mike_c: just hire a new CIO! chopping a couple heads fixes everything.
chetty: more good reasons to avoid plastic fiats
nubbins`: lel, so we outsourced some printing to this company in california. 14% of the order is missing when it arrives -- no explanation, no "we'll get the rest sent out soon", just numbers changed with a pen on the packing slip. i emailed company, they say "oh sorry -- we'll get the rest to you by march 24"
nubbins`: when i inquired about a partial refund, they offer me $20
nubbins`: not the $113.50 that the missing tanks cost
nubbins`: i'm giving them one more chance before i issue a chargeback
jcpham: woohoo chargeback!. talk with your monies
nubbins`: already talking with my voice, too -- just blasted them on one of the bigger t-shirt printing forums
nubbins`: generally fulfillment companies have a forum presence, will be interesting to see if they respond there
deadweasel: nubbins`: after you chargeback, cancel the card and link them to your posts.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6634 @ 0.00083227 = 5.5213 BTC [+] {2}
nubbins`: <asciilifeform> there is no little to no incentive in the u.s. for card issuers (and money lenders in general) to secure anything. <<< nod
nubbins`: no reason why my credit card number can't be a "master key" and i just generate one-time-use cc numbers for purchases
nubbins`: other than the fact that the current system favours the issuers
nubbins`: cost of fraud detection / prevention > cost of chargebacks
nubbins`: BingoBoingo: unfortunately, i'm the only t-shirt provider in the wot
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8373 @ 0.00082947 = 6.9452 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: nubbins` what, and s.nsa is a trillion dollar company ?
mircea_popescu: and then obama has to ask mp's permission on irc to do shit ?
nubbins` scrolls back in search of the bit he missed
BingoBoingo: Fuck, I run a billion dollar ATC hedge fund for a private client
ozbot: Zimbabwe 100 Trillion Dollar Bank Note 2008 Uncirculated: Everything Else
artifexd: ;;rate BingoBoingo 1 Did what he said he was going to do
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user BingoBoingo has been recorded.
mircea_popescu: "Welcome to the forum. MPOE is our most accomplished scumbag, a rumored child pornographer and a confirmed idiot. His business model is simple-minded: talk shit about everyone else to avoid scrutiny. Because he has no dignity or good breeding, he basically sells stock in himself, a sadistic, sexually confused Romanian Mafia reject. Anything he says can be disregarded, you won't miss anything valuable."
deadweasel: mircea_popescu: from whence came that virtiol?
ozbot: Calling out the Bitcoin Foundation Scam.
mircea_popescu: i have no idea, but it sounds like some pirate investment banker.
jcpham: if they really really knew gox was a shitshow 6 months ago...probably should've told someone
BingoBoingo: Probably have to be a pirate investment banker to remember all of the slurs
jcpham: but i didn't bother going to the forum
benkay: asciilifeform have you been reading Pynchon lately or something?
benkay: he has good musical interludes.
benkay: you're approaching his degree of surreality in the musical numbers
ozbot: Shall be Delivered | The Whet
benkay: have you read Gravity's Rainbow?
gribble: (bcauth <nick>) -- Initiate authentication for user <nick>. You must have registered with the bot with a bitcoin address for this to work. You will be given a random passphrase to sign with your address, and submit to the bot with the 'bcverify' command. Your passphrase will expire within 10 minutes.
gribble: Request successful for user r3wt, hostmask r3wt!add82c3d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Your challenge string is: freenode:#bitcoin-otc:ea53a1cdfc650f1dad400d92a3cea88d4a1ac8960d422ac09a915b8c
benkay: just the musical number.
nubbins`: a friend did his thesis on the crying of lot 49
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 123 @ 0.00445344 = 0.5478 BTC [-] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 460 @ 0.00436999 = 2.0102 BTC [-] {3}
ozbot: Today I logged onto my computer and found none of my bitcoins were stolen. : Bitcoin
BingoBoingo: "Much like Samson, asciilifeform had become the fork of the entire United States Supreme Court. Being of advanced age the Justices were no match for asciilifeform as he defeated each in success in the Singles combat described in the protocol for fork resolution."
BingoBoingo: The supreme court accepted no cases the following term after the court's decision that paper on ink is not an adequate signature.
benkay: "What anointed property is bestowed upon “dollars” which, being absent from bitcoins, precludes their usefulness? If you would not even eat your supper without the government first giving you its blessing, then I feel sad for you, for you are truly under a dismal spell and, and suffer a strange kind of man-in-the-sky worship."
BingoBoingo: Briefs and documents to be filed in plaintext or AMS TeX
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6366 @ 0.0008311 = 5.2908 BTC [+]
ozbot: Safety and Efficacy of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-Assisted P... : The Journal of Nervous and Ment
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20500 @ 0.00083004 = 17.0158 BTC [-] {3}
nubbins`: first controlled study of lsd in what, 40 years?
BingoBoingo: State courts in Texas, Montana, and California have decisions vacated after cheap imitation Cardonos were issued to justices and their keys were solved. The resolution of their forks is ongoing.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1036 @ 0.00082871 = 0.8585 BTC [-]
nubbins`: mircea_popescu: but were they controlled?!
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Imitations, I.E they went to classical NSA approved competitor for device with a pretense of similar function
BingoBoingo: And what's really wrong with arithmometers? Workings are easy to verify.
BingoBoingo: Bugs in an arithmometers are correctable with Fresh brass embouches and a bastard file
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [MS] 40 @ 0.00298018 = 0.1192 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [MS] 100 @ 0.00298018 = 0.298 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8400 @ 0.00082647 = 6.9423 BTC [-] {3}
BingoBoingo: His reponse of aligning himself with still bigger idiots suggests further lulz ahead.
benkay: i had a lot of fun saying 'scam' at the local bitcoin enthusiast part last night
benkay: "ethereum?" "scam!" "mastercoin?" "scam!" "let me guess - bitcoin foundation?" "SCAM!"
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo the lulzy part is where he presents vouchings from... none other than... our friendly radiologist-in-training, one brian goss
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 21 @ 0.0425 = 0.8925 BTC [-] {2}
BingoBoingo: It is one thing to leak the Petagon papers. It is a road further though to leak the Pentagon papers and run for President on the credentials of having leaked the Pentagon papers.
BingoBoingo: This socialwebtwatter BBQ is really letting people lie far to much to themselves about their place.
mircea_popescu: yet if you were to poll the "community", snowden'd be the most likely to succeed as chief of the USSS
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07689997 = 0.1538 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: they promote coinmarketcap the same day bitbet blacklists it
ThickAsThieves: cmon now "(This ranking excludes the digital currency Ripple, whose market cap of $1.6 billion does not make for a fair comparison. Most ripple coins are retained by the issuing entity under a centrally managed model that’s very different from the decentralized networks employed by other alt.coins.)"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07005308 = 0.2802 BTC [-]
benkay: mainstream catches up to scams just as scamwatch nukes 'em
BingoBoingo: I imagine BitBet is going to have to blacklist the WSJ as a source nao
ThickAsThieves: "Its creator, who goes under the pseudonym of Baldur Friggjar Odinsson,"
ThickAsThieves: As for the pseudonym – a tactic reminiscent of that of Bitcoin’s mysterious, unidentified creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, auroracoin’s founder says, “The agents of the state will attack anyone challenging their power, so I chose a name from Norse mythology to shield myself from such attacks.”
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10013 @ 0.00082722 = 8.283 BTC [+]
ThickAsThieves: fancy jobs for fancy people with fancy cars and fancy coins
ozbot: Congressman Calls To Ban U.S. Dollar In Response To Plea For Bitcoin Ban | TechCrunch
ThickAsThieves: “The clear use of dollar bills for transacting in illegal goods, anonymous transactions, tax fraud, and services or speculative gambling make me wary of their use. Before the United States gets too far behind the curve on this important topic, I urge the regulators to work together, act quickly, and prohibit this dangerous currency from harming hard-working Americans,” said Polis.
ozbot: Final Rehab Video for Mill street - YouTube
the20year2: There's the final rehab video for a property we just got done. Total cost to investors was $62.5k
ThickAsThieves: shouldnt total cost be communicated in bitcoins spent?
mike_c: they want to shake up the correlation between higher income and better education?
mike_c: start smacking rich kids in the head on birth?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 1 @ 0.13311598 BTC [-]
ThickAsThieves: which if they succeed might just result in the discriminating colleges using more discriminating methods
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 6 @ 0.08900166 = 0.534 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07005308 = 0.1401 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27066 @ 0.00082595 = 22.3552 BTC [-] {3}
bitcoinpete: and ty kindly for the "subscriptions" mention
mike_c: very cool. love the keyboard shortcuts.
kakobrekla: asciilifeform last blog post from benkay ?
mircea_popescu: mike_c it's unfair for richer people to afford better things. consequently, nobody wants to get rich anymore, and economy stops.
mike_c: 'correlation found between lambos and higher income. gov't plans to correct this'
ozbot: [IPVO] [Multiple Exchanges] Neo & Bee - LMB Holdings
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i spilled. trabambourghini is like the best car name ever
ozbot: Pig Eating a Car (5 pics)
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HMF] 43 @ 0.02010767 = 0.8646 BTC [-] {6}
Namworld: [15:03] <mircea_popescu> mike_c it's unfair for richer people to afford better things. consequently, nobody wants to get rich anymore, and economy stops.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07699996 = 0.77 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3976 @ 0.00082391 = 3.2759 BTC [-]
Namworld: If people are paid as much as they produce, then there's the choice of not doing anything, or wasting effort for no profit. Economy doesn't runs and we return to self-sufficience (where everyone can finally be "paid" as much as they produce, literally.
ThickAsThieves: <mircea_popescu> ThickAsThieves any merit to all that ? /// i'm not sure i even understand what that is. The thread isn't moderated, but maybe someone reported a sock ot something? I had the poster on ignore already fwiw
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 54 @ 0.0055 = 0.297 BTC {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4750 @ 0.00082391 = 3.9136 BTC [-]
deadweasel: hey I heard you like socks, so I put some sock in your sock, on some socks. they're in your laundry basket. derp.
deadweasel: course I only go there when links are dropped here for humor.
deadweasel: You're preaching to a deaf choir' i don't even....
gribble: ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
gribble: Current Blocks: 289085 | Current Difficulty: 3.81572379881463E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 290303 | Next Difficulty In: 1218 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 17 hours, and 45 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 3974059069.89 | Estimated Percent Change: 4.14955
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14750 @ 0.00082586 = 12.1814 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 134 @ 0.00555348 = 0.7442 BTC [-] {7}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 916 @ 0.00517851 = 4.7435 BTC [-] {8}
mircea_popescu: benkay i dunno how much stock i can put in your branson=businessman theory
mircea_popescu: seeing how his main contribution is branson's guide to making a small fortune from air travel
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 303 @ 0.005 = 1.515 BTC [-] {3}
bitcoinpete: branson seems more to invite other entrepreneurs to start companies and rent the virgin name
bitcoinpete: then break off subsidiaries when they get too big
benkay: i dunno he seems to have stacked some piles of fiat
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2 @ 0.07699999 = 0.154 BTC [-]
benkay: yeah huh how did he pile all that up
benkay: ah well, back to javascript hell
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2459 @ 0.00082391 = 2.026 BTC [-]
ozbot: WWW: Women Weave the Web Campaign Prizes and Opportunities | World Pulse
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21728 @ 0.00082841 = 17.9997 BTC [+] {3}
nubbins`: on hold with ebay for 25 minutes now
nubbins`: i pity the poor fucker who ends up answering
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 1 @ 0.13051754 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11700 @ 0.00082391 = 9.6397 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 29 @ 0.00447994 = 0.1299 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.04298 = 0.1289 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 5 @ 0.04299999 = 0.215 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13600 @ 0.00082391 = 11.2052 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 55 @ 0.00447994 = 0.2464 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 30 @ 0.00566001 = 0.1698 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 927 @ 0.00082859 = 0.7681 BTC [+]
deadweasel: mod6: that article is so full of misrepresentations and misunderstandings... there isn't anything there. at all.
benkay: another one of yours, mircea_popescu?
ozbot: Congressman Calls To Ban U.S. Dollar In Response To Plea For Bitcoin Ban | TechCrunch
mod6: sorry. just was like 'heh'
deadweasel: frankly I'm saving the logs for when one of you enterprising fucks puts consolidates and puts them into a book, as a sort of People Guide to the History of Bitcoin.
deadweasel: also, apparently, I could use an engrish teacher.
deadweasel: no no, highlights, tell it as a story, connected, but with the cruft removed.
deadweasel: like a book of letters, highly edited for cruft
deadweasel: you could sell an elite version with PMs that people donate.
Mats_cd03: you could if you verified with both parties
mircea_popescu: basically this could feed 50-100 english major chicks.
mircea_popescu: i guess you gotta do something with the ones not pretty enough to dance nude in the street.
Mats_cd03: a book about bitcoin would suck anyway
mircea_popescu: Mats_cd03 sorta like books about the 60s. they sucked balls, but as the people who were actually involved went senile,
deadweasel: everyone deserves a shot, no? plus, she may write the story so well you want to fuck her.
mircea_popescu: the 2nd generation had no idea so it all seemed great to them
Mats_cd03: dudes in chat rooms talking about cryptography and gettin monitor tans
Mats_cd03: i promise you once the average person sees the word cryptography theyre going to put the book down
deadweasel: considering what the forum consumes, i think it'd be a hit.
mircea_popescu: average person ? what the fuck is this, the libertard dystopia ?
mircea_popescu: i never heard anyone rejecting a book idea on the grounds that goats wouldn't read it.
deadweasel: yhou could have a techno savvy version
deadweasel: all edited. laymans version gets different edits
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.08901005 = 0.178 BTC [+] {2}
CheckDavid: Mats_cd03: I won't put the book down but I won't understand much of what's next either
Mats_cd03: lets face it, most people would have to read a book before reading _that_ book
deadweasel: depends on the editing, but you have a point
deadweasel: introductary version would sell the most copies then.
Mats_cd03: someone in this channel could write the book
Mats_cd03: whichever of you has been here the longest and is unemployed
deadweasel: ummm, there might be a few more requirements
deadweasel: mpoe-pr should do it along with all her other womanly duties.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.04299999 = 0.129 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 145 @ 0.00433449 = 0.6285 BTC [-] {8}
Mats_cd03: who wants to read forum comments by teenagers for hours as research
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2055 @ 0.00421645 = 8.6648 BTC [-] {14}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3358 @ 0.00082903 = 2.7839 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 320 @ 0.0042 = 1.344 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 3832 @ 0.00410031 = 15.7124 BTC [-] {12}
Mats_cd03: a topic-specific book would definitely be good though
Mats_cd03: something cohesive like "bitcoin personal security for dummies"
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2048 @ 0.00401424 = 8.2212 BTC [-] {8}
deadweasel: oh man, this thing is dead to me already. i have the log. fuck it.
Mats_cd03: id write it if making books was a profitable activity
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 772 @ 0.00400015 = 3.0881 BTC [-] {7}
mircea_popescu: what's next, dating for the narcisistic and hygiene for the lazy ?
mike_c: BingoBoingo already wrote that.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 15000 @ 0.004 = 60 BTC [-]
ozbot: PGP/GPG Guide | Bingo Blog
mike_c: print it, bind it, become rich.
GNULinuxGuy: has there been some news about neobee recently or something?
BingoBoingo: It kept an adequate number of equations for a book with chapter titles like "Manifolds of n dimensions"
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Probably. Is an interesting read.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.59865 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.59885666 = 1.7966 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.60899666 = 1.827 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 19 @ 0.00574989 = 0.1092 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 61 @ 0.00399979 = 0.244 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 3 @ 0.07699999 = 0.231 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 4 @ 0.08999999 = 0.36 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 101 @ 0.00574996 = 0.5807 BTC [+] {4}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.04299999 = 0.129 BTC [+]
ozbot: The 'Snowden Phone' Will Encrypt All Your Calls and Texts
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 41 @ 0.00574999 = 0.2357 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 3 @ 0.04299999 = 0.129 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.00574999 = 0.1437 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2642 @ 0.0008275 = 2.1863 BTC [-]
ozbot: Early Classical Revival Websites Do Not A Bitcoin Bank Make | When Bitcoin Met Pete
bitcoinpete: On the recent Flexcoin oopsie. He's a local kid, met him a few months back.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 106 @ 0.00441611 = 0.4681 BTC [-] {5}
jborkl: Went to the bitcoin conference today, figured might as well since it is here at home
jborkl: Don't worry, no one missed anything
kakobrekla: asciilifeform the whole piece aint bad
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 27 @ 0.00391018 = 0.1056 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07023011 = 0.2809 BTC [-] {2}
cazalla: asciilifeform: what's a ghost telegraph? i cannot find anything on google
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 4 @ 0.07010561 = 0.2804 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 191 @ 0.00082804 = 0.1582 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 80 @ 0.0039101 = 0.3128 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00082548 = 10.236 BTC [-]
cazalla: i wonder if people are testing his hypothesis
cazalla: in the binders full of crackpot writings as you mentioned
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11200 @ 0.00082433 = 9.2325 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7400 @ 0.00082973 = 6.14 BTC [+] {3}
ozbot: Bitstamp was hacked 2 weeks ago, and only now users are finding out - tian's posthaven
kakobrekla: i dont think i have to repeat myself re bitstamp.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.00082391 = 7.9095 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 45 @ 0.00419947 = 0.189 BTC [-] {2}
cads: I know how to sell basic drafting services, but I need to sell some product/industrial design services and I'm not sure how to price it to the client
cads: nor am I sure how to structure the IP rights of the result
ozbot: #bitcoin-assets bash
cads: the device is a wearable rapsberry pi PC case with an eyeglass display
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: There are worse things to step in than shit.
BingoBoingo: An aqueous solution of hydrogen flouride would be an example
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 25 @ 0.00419947 = 0.105 BTC [-] {3}
bitcoinpete: On the exchange side, that leaves a couple Canadians, CaVirtex mostly, with a sprinkling of Quadriga and Vault of Satoshi.
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 668.74, vol: 12773.06091168 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 654.111, vol: 11418.23508 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 668.1, vol: 8398.25382776 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 680.23, vol: 44.07164922 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 652.631904, vol: 8042.55200000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 680.99, vol: 5.23012654 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 663.99055, vol: 70.66675492 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: BTC will probably keep selling between $600 to $1000 for a while until suckers selling under $1000 have no coins to part with so cheaply
BingoBoingo: From that point BTC price becomes truly etherial
BingoBoingo: People start talking in hushed tones about that time when they once controlled a WHOLE Bitcoin
jcpham: omg you have a whole bitcoin!>!!?!?
BingoBoingo: bitcoinpete: Maybe May? Maybe December 2016
ThickAsThieves: we'll consolidate, everyone will be like oh now that bitcoin is stable it's so great, then July/Aug, liftoff to like $3000+
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 2 @ 0.08999 = 0.18 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: bitcoinpete: The problem with betting on the etherial is where to source the information
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7282 @ 0.00083095 = 6.051 BTC [+] {2}
BingoBoingo: Well, the WSJ is blacklisted as is Coinmarket.BBQ
BingoBoingo: Isn't Kraken a scam, BitStamp two cans, and Coinbase not an exchange?
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] [PAID] 11.96371260 BTC to 19`796 shares, 60435 satoshi per share
BingoBoingo: Only reasonable source might be BitcoinCentral