273 entries in 0.559s
BingoBoingo: Still God only knows if that is the same Vancleef who noised up here back in the day
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: No, he linked to articles mentioning a Vancleef who was the same Vancleef in the CFTC hearings
assbot: 2054 results for 'VanCleef' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=VanCleef
BingoBoingo: !s VanCleef
kakobrekla: ;;rate vancleef -1 noise hole. polluting my life through ignore.
assbot: 2051 results for 'vancleef' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=vancleef
thickasthieves: !s vancleef
Vexual: llseen vancleef
thick_as_thieves: must be vancleef or sumth
benkay: what are you listing, VanCleef ?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef btctalk is kinda looked down upon as a shitty venue
bitcoinpete: heya VanCleef
cazalla: !up vancleef
danielpbarron: !up VanCleef
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: Were you the NYDFS van cleef
BingoBoingo: !up VanCleef
benkay: hey VanCleef how've you been
BingoBoingo: !up VanCleef Ur welcome Dudebro
BingoBoingo: !up VanCleef
BingoBoingo: !up VanCleef
mircea_popescu: !down VanCleef
mircea_popescu: VanCleef you need to read the logs. this was discussed to death.
mircea_popescu: VanCleef or people whoi like alma-tadema, or people who like to see men get fucked, or w/e
mircea_popescu: VanCleef indicated i nthe text by "This scene makes or breaks the whole film"
mircea_popescu: VanCleef set piece ?
CheckDavid: mircea_popescu: could I voice VanCleef in case he were not already voiced?
assbot: Voicing VanCleef for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !up VanCleef
assbot: Voicing VanCleef for 30 minutes.
jurov: !up VanCleef
cazalla: VanCleef: yeah, we have a reputation for that :\
fluffypony: VanCleef: well I won't be plugging any funds into SeedCoin, but I do think that the TagPesa guy at least has some idea of what he's doing
mircea_popescu: VanCleef well so ask a q ?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef http://trilema.com/2014/bitcoin-assets-m/
assbot: Voicing VanCleef for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !up VanCleef
asciilifeform: VanCleef: segway goes well with... cliffs.
antephialtic: VanCleef: BitPay is doing some good stuff. They are the only company that actually invests in the protocol itself
mircea_popescu: VanCleef none so far.
pankkake: VanCleef: I don't think many have the funds for it
benkay: VanCleef: do it.
benkay: VanCleef: don't even need a call center. just a few effective humans somewhere cheap.
pankkake: VanCleef: never happened and isn't open to business now
Apocalyptic: VanCleef, gimme money
nubbins`: VanCleef i have a friend who did a 3-year ROV course at a local college
nubbins`: VanCleef: well, y'know, get a list of trades that are in demand and pick one
nubbins`: VanCleef: invest in your future, don't wait for someone else to do it :D
thestringpuller: VanCleef: how would you scam niggas if you are only investing in your own product?
pankkake: VanCleef: too simple to be funny
Namworld: I'm not sure why you're so pissed VanCleef... Bitcoin acts like cash but digital. hard to get back, no reversal mechanism.
mircea_popescu: VanCleef who was going to ask you ?
ThickAsThieves: vancleef what i'm saying is, how much more scamming can there really be
chetty: VanCleef, i trust banks and wallstreet more and more everyday // at least you know you will be cheated, in btc space its still an open question
mircea_popescu: VanCleef: someone should make a list of all the fails this year << not such a bad idea. http://trilema.com/2012/the-bitcoin-drama-timeline/ only goes june 2011-dec 2012. there's all of 2013 to cover, plus a chunk of 2014
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: Is that the thing neo bailed out for no damned reason?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef was yesterday's lulz
cazalla: VanCleef: I googled that - chinese bitcoiners executed, first result is a laugh
ThickAsThieves: one for each whim of each shareholder VanCleef
mircea_popescu: VanCleef she's not better informed than i am you know. she'd just say, "what mp said" all the time.
asciilifeform: VanCleef: frozen bullet never worked - because 'pv = nrt'
mircea_popescu: VanCleef and you shoot it with a freezefull explosion ?
ThickAsThieves: odds are there were more perfect times VanCleef
moiety: why is it so slow VanCleef?
moiety: i don't recommend it VanCleef lol using a plug in monitor is such a pain
ThickAsThieves: VanCleef, in that example, isnt better to dump them before they lose value?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef i thought the freudian/jungian approach was poo = moneys.
psterryl: oh wow vancleef
mircea_popescu: <VanCleef> yeah its official <psterryl> until someone points to some legit evidence or a statement from LMB/neo/danny
psterryl: how is it official vancleef?
nicknode_: VanCleef: would you let me in on the true inside story on neobee? i'll pay
iamnot_: VanCleef, really?
nicknode_: VanCleef: link?
Apocalyptic: VanCleef, interested by some island land ?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef yes you do get it back.
mike_c: cazalla: it was VanCleef. http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-03-2014#586886 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: VanCleef sure, why not
benkay: link, VanCleef ?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef i have no idea, were they due a report or something ?
the20year3: how so VanCleef?
the20year3: VanCleef: i should, but i have no BTC in HL
Mats_cd03: depends what jurisdiction youre in VanCleef
xdotcomm_: VanCleef: http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/2014/03/26/cryptorush-support-worker-leaks-inside-info/
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: Run by walmart's finest, ended like an abortus
BingoBoingo: Never really had a need to use it ever VanCleef
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: Not that far yet. My Jew is just Jewing around.
asciilifeform: VanCleef: same poll as 'bedbugs have higher approval rating than senate,' etc.
asciilifeform: VanCleef: afaik this has been the case for years.
ThickAsThieves: VanCleef, while that would be "nice" i see no reason they should
HeySteve: you talking Oculus Rift, VanCleef?
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: Were you the NYDFS VanCleef
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: The thing about Craig is LayerCake sold it.
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: Honestly it would be better from the Salamancas point of view
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: You realize such a thing is basically Breaking Bad, but centered on Tuco
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: License to kill was prolly the best bond move in the three decades it is in the center of
BingoBoingo: VanCleef: Craig is the third best Bond
moiety: VanCleef: question is, did anyone listen to irs?
mircea_popescu: VanCleef i dun see why it'd be useful.
mircea_popescu: VanCleef jus' grep the log, it's there
mircea_popescu: VanCleef you know we lolled at that shit like five times already, getting stale.
Diablo-D3: VanCleef: putincoin.