45 entries in 0.507s
asciilifeform: lemme know when it is time to ship to mircea_popescu the trinitron.
asciilifeform: Mocky: trinitron was (imho) the acme of display
Mocky: i haven't done trinitron in like 12 years.
a111: 40 results for "trinitron", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=trinitron
asciilifeform: !#s trinitron
asciilifeform: Mocky: hey, at least you dun have the pain of mircea_popescu , who left a whole trinitron behind in old world
mircea_popescu: i think you conflate economics and coolness. for one thing, an original trinitron bought the year sony came out with them was like 5k ? or some shit like that. for the other thing, 1k from 1988 is like 10-15k today. so... i don't see the $100k price tag that'd merely cover inflation.
asciilifeform: old trinitron, with fade, is worth about fiddybux.
asciilifeform: remember yer trinitron.
asciilifeform: trinitron
asciilifeform: elsewhere , for all of asciilifeform's gripe re the trinitron d00d -- he immediately grasped 'why FUCKGOATS named'
mircea_popescu: also trinitron more like 2000s. the 90s were atrocious, all that green.
asciilifeform: lulzily trinitron is still $$$
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/xTr3N << holy mother of fuck, is that... a trinitron ? in there
asciilifeform: i, funnily enough, got a (brand-new! yes it sat in a crate for 15 years) 21" trinitron, but no free desk space yet to put it...
asciilifeform: (sit just-so or it looks like soup, and certainly doesn't beat the trinitron crt on which i originally played the classics)
assbot: Brand-New Trinitron (circa 2000) - Unboxed in 2015. - Album on Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1dFoDwJ )
asciilifeform: (what do you do when clerk drops the trinitron ?)
asciilifeform: e.g. trinitron
decimation: yeah I remember playing nintendo on an ntsc trinitron, was better than random shit tv
BingoBoingo had a nice 9" trinitron rf signal display machine with integrated optical disk player. A historical, more trusting Bingo loaned it to a neighbor and gone.
BingoBoingo: First stint of grad school I was so pissed when fucking druggy never returned my 9" trinitron
decimation: I had a 21 inch trinitron back in the day
asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> asciilifeform shipment of small women from southeast asia ? << next best thing. sealed sony trinitron, of what i think is the largest 4:3 size that was made.
asciilifeform: (on that day, i have 1) fanless 486 2) with genuine 'sound blaster 64' 3) trinitron 4) free time.)
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: i was stuck on a monitor that was losing yellow for months << l0l! i just picked up a sealed, virginal sony 21" trinitron...
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i've a massive 'sun' trinitron here that 'needs mercy'
decimation: asciilifeform: replace with trinitron!
asciilifeform: e.g., 'trinitron' from 'sun'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ever found a new 'trinitron' ?
asciilifeform: that's a bit unfair. trinitron ~= theoretically infinite contrast ratio (save the odd stray electron)
decimation: 10x worse than trinitron
asciilifeform: (21+ in., trinitron, virginal)
asciilifeform: the last trinitron knockoff, afaik, rolled off the conveyor in early '09.
decimation: lcds have gotten better, just about 3 times worse than a trinitron crt (in its prime) in contrast
decimation: specs on trinitron vs. lcd & plasma & dlp http://www.displaymate.com/ShootOut_Part_1.htm
decimation: I miss the little wire shadows on my old trinitron
decimation: asciilifeform: makes me sad I ditched my 21 inch trinitron a few years ago, but it was a heavy bitch
asciilifeform misses crt, but every time he buys 'amazing!11! well-preserved111! trinitron' - it's a faded turd.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu and all other 'trinitron' aficionados: when you get the inevitable tube fade, do you boost the electron gun voltage? or bite the bullet and somehow conjure up a new (!) tube ?
asciilifeform back from buying a back-breaking 21-inch 'trinitron', missed, as usual, all the goodstuff
decimation: I miss my trinitron with its shadow-bars; the LCDs that replaced it just don't have the same dynamic range
asciilifeform: there exists lcd that is acceptable substitute for a trinitron. $2K+.
asciilifeform: afaik trinitron tube is no longer made.
ThickAsThieves: i got rid of my last crt a couple years ago, a huge trinitron