500+ entries in 0.704s
a111: Logged on 2013-05-06 02:54 tiberiusiv: miami is not like NYC lol
a111: Logged on 2013-04-30 18:42 tiberiusiv: ;;tell mircea_popescu you are a fraud and a scammer
assbot: 631 results for 'tiberiusiv' - #bitcoin-assets search
ben_vulpes: http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=tiberiusiv&start=627
jurov: but it reserve the right to decide. even tiberiusiv had some coinbr volume
gribble: tiberiusiv was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 46 weeks, 0 days, 11 hours, 30 minutes, and 5 seconds ago: <tiberiusiv> you cant read english paragraphs
cazalla: ;;seen tiberiusiv
jurov: <tiberiusiv>you can tell when he does it
jurov: <tiberiusiv>what he does is ensure there is a wide bid/ask spread
jurov: <tiberiusiv>no because he had infinite supply
jurov: <tiberiusiv> to guarantee it was only his shares getting sold at all times
jurov: <tiberiusiv> of 10,000 or 20,000 in size
jurov: <tiberiusiv> on bbet which wasnt very active he would constantly produce new asks
jurov: <tiberiusiv> i knew today after i sold the bid/asks would change and they did because he brought them back in line
jurov: <tiberiusiv> the service was good and the site was good too but mp is running a boiler room scam he manipulates the price with his own bid /ask
usagi: Bingo; LIke I said I don't really know what you're talking about, are you sure you're not tiberiusiv?
gribble: tiberiusiv was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 9 weeks, 0 days, 19 hours, 59 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: <tiberiusiv> you cant read english paragraphs
Scrat: ;;seen tiberiusiv
ThickAsThieves: was tiberiusiv
Scrat: hey tiberiusiv
truffles: <jcpham> <tiberiusiv> you jokers are solving problems like how many tomatoes you can grow on farmville >>> geez internet so sensitive
jcpham: <tiberiusiv> you jokers are solving problems like how many tomatoes you can grow on farmville
KRS: <tiberiusiv> runs a classic boiler room scheme
KRS: <tiberiusiv> hes an expert fraudster
KRS: <tiberiusiv> longest running con artist in bitcoin
thestringpuller: dude wtf is this? I come back to tiberiusiv rantings again?
gribble: tiberiusiv was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 weeks, 3 days, 23 hours, 47 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: <tiberiusiv> you cant read english paragraphs
thestringpuller: ;;seen tiberiusiv
thestringpuller: kakobrekla: why'd you ban tiberiusiv
KRS-: lol i was wondering about tiberiusiv too i see he's banned..i ran into him on another channel smearing his shit around
gribble: tiberiusiv was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 18 hours, 51 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <tiberiusiv> you cant read english paragraphs
jurov: ;;seen tiberiusiv
jurov: i doubt assbot wants to admint tiberiusiv for third time
benkay: tiberiusiv - banned?
iz: ThickAsThieves: do you have tiberiusiv on ignore or something?
jcpham: not tiberiusiv
benkay: limited targets today tiberiusiv
dub: good old tiberiusiv
cads: kakobrekla: is tiberiusiv still talking :D
kakobrekla: tiberiusiv, get the sand out of your vagina pls
mircea_popescu: did tiberiusiv win the substance abusing competition too ?
cads: tiberiusiv: and you are not someone that needs to hear what I have to say
cads: tiberiusiv: you may of course ignore all I have to say
cads: tiberiusiv: it's not something I could address till I admitted, basically
cads: tiberiusiv: absolutely :)
tiberiusiv: once again tiberiusiv proven correct
dub: tiberiusiv: get gamers (who are retarded) to download a mining client that gave them free game tokens and wow gold
dub: tiberiusiv: that was the model afaict
Bugpowder: There it is tiberiusiv
inhies: tiberiusiv: mod6 just bought in so she's trying to drum the price back up to at least break even
Bugpowder: tiberiusiv: thats how it looks when people are market selling in the crahs
Bugpowder: tiberiusiv: I moved mine down
Bugpowder: tiberiusiv: I think you might be colorblind
Bugpowder: tiberiusiv: the ask side coins are at an all time high, what are you smoking?
Bugpowder: tiberiusiv: What is relevant is the satoshi per share
thestringpuller: MPOE as tiberiusiv says is a scam too
jcpham: oh wait tiberiusiv said it isn't a scam now
jcpham: so tiberiusiv do you know mircea_popescu
deadweasel: tiberiusiv doesn't take anything in, he merely spews outward
deadweasel: tiberiusiv: eat my cock, welcome to ignore for the 5th time this month.
xire: tiberiusiv, what country are you from?
jcpham: tiberiusiv how can i make money
thestringpuller: ;;later tell tiberiusiv You are a poop who has no rational statements to use because you'd rather be accusatory rather than contribute anything of value to society, like a greedy American addicted to the allure of wealth.
thestringpuller: ;;later tell tiberiusiv I have 75 btc now liquid. Soon I will have a few hundred as things grow.
thestringpuller: ;;later tell tiberiusiv I WON'T BE IGNORED!!!!!!!
thestringpuller: ;;tell tiberiusiv I WON'T BE IGNORED!!!!!!!
thestringpuller: ;;gribble tell tiberiusiv I WON'T BE IGNORED!!!!!!!
KRS-1: u mad tiberiusiv
thestringpuller: tiberiusiv the man who criticizes without any credentials
thestringpuller: tiberiusiv: what do you even do in bitcoinland
Scrat: this is so good, waiting for tiberiusiv to join in
thestringpuller: tiberiusiv: can we be friends?
KRS1: tiberiusiv: you are somethin else dude..im not even gonna bother
KRS1: tiberiusiv: what are they doing? trading really close to the highs and lows?
dub: tiberiusiv: quote for you > i made like 50 dollars off that dice thing on blockchain today
dub: tiberiusiv way out of his depth on that one
dub: tiberiusiv vs. usagi
usagi: So tiberiusiv, how about that 6 BTC you owe me?
MJR_: truffles usually trolls mildly enough that i haven't ignored, but for example eskimobob or tiberiusiv
thestringpuller: tiberiusiv: if your mom was a store of value there would be a huge market.
thestringpuller: and what did we say tiberiusiv
thestringpuller: tiberiusiv is wrong
error4733: ;;eightball tiberiusiv sold all his coin at 55$ two weeks ago ?
Scrat: hello tiberiusiv
thestringpuller: tiberiusiv is a secret mpex user
Bugpowda: tiberiusiv: fam already has spaceX options
Scrat: tiberiusiv is a made up character
thestringpuller: ain't nobody got time for that tiberiusiv
Namworld: [19:11] <tiberiusiv> i thought we agreed those that dont have 1000 btc arent allowed to form an opinion
thestringpuller: tiberiusiv: thats only if they are consumer buyers
thestringpuller: tiberiusiv how are you?
gribble: tiberiusiv was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 seconds ago: <tiberiusiv> ignore everything else its irrelevant
thestringpuller: ;;seen tiberiusiv
b0n1: tiberiusiv, your reasoning is quite clear and logic, but you need to assume that the volume high is due to selling
Bugpowder: tiberiusiv: http://blockchained.com/depth_mtgox_15d.png
b0n1: tiberiusiv, how do you conclude that there was a complete selling exhaustion ?
thestringpuller: tiberiusiv: i have 1000btc now
gribble: tiberiusiv was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 hours, 40 minutes, and 19 seconds ago: <tiberiusiv> namworld the rule in here was unless you had minimum 1000 BTC you werent allowed to speak when the smart people were talking
thestringpuller: ;;seen tiberiusiv
InstantBTC: tiberiusiv, what timezone are you in?