61 entries in 1.085s

a111: Logged on 2019-02-05 01:40 verisimilitude: Let's seque to a related topic: What do you think of the
Suckless crowd, asciilifeform? I read their mailing list and it's interesting to see how everything UNIX already provides is good and natural and how anything that violates the sacred tenants whatsoever is evil and bloat.
verisimilitude: I'll give credit to st, which is a decent terminal emulator, but I'm not impressed with
Suckless in general. They're recently combating a bug with some X font nonsense caused by stupid Unicode glyphs; their solution is to stop using the X font nonsense entirely, which will apparently cause its own issues.
verisimilitude: Let's seque to a related topic: What do you think of the
Suckless crowd, asciilifeform? I read their mailing list and it's interesting to see how everything UNIX already provides is good and natural and how anything that violates the sacred tenants whatsoever is evil and bloat.
☟︎ ckang: I have used the
suckless irc bot though
mircea_popescu: ckang are you the guy with the gopher stuff /
suckless morphing ?
a111: Logged on 2018-04-06 17:35 phf: they are more of a
suckless spinoff
phf: they are more of a
suckless spinoff
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-11-28 02:37 BingoBoingo: In other overlookeds the
suckless people released an iso of their distro, 34 MB iso image
http://sta.li/ punkman: don't the
suckless folks have a replacement for busybox tools?
BingoBoingo: Fat People hate is basically a
suckless movement for wetware
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> has anyone tried the '
suckless' linux ? << stali the "more official" distribution seems to still be in the planning phase
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> we fucking need that holy distro already, stop frustrating innocent people's legitimate attempts. <<
Suckless hasn't finished sta.li yet
BingoBoingo contemplates migrating to a completely
suckless/cat-v desktop. Pros? Any cons?
phf: using linux kernel as the base allows for rapid repurposing of cheap chinese computers, without having to write drive controllers or general kernel hackery. in case of
suckless it was probably more to do with audiocards and inertia. at the time when the
suckless project started, it wasn't yet obvious how compromised kernel will eventually become, the reaction was mostly to userspace retardation
trinque: dude, there's a lot of talent in the
suckless wot
trinque: ah
suckless... I ran dwm for quite a long time
jurov: re:
suckless actually 'dvtm' terminal emulator may be what i asked for
assbot: Logged on 29-07-2015 15:55:28; phf: i remember, musl is pretty cool, it's part of the whole
suckless movement
phf: i remember, musl is pretty cool, it's part of the whole
suckless movement