32 entries in 0.663s

mircea_popescu: (funny shit, too, wasn't "medium" gonna be IT last year ? now "
steemit" ? next month "wegiveup", the "platform for america" ?)
shinohai: tl;dr I'm afraid to get picked apart if I come to #trilema, I prefer to stay on
steemit and feed idiots full of shit.
BingoBoingo: Lol,
steemit wants a PHONE NUMBER to post a comment!
a111: Logged on 2017-08-01 23:43 mircea_popescu: i suspect
steemit is a sort of how did they call that alt-disqus/alt-github "let us steal your content" thing ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo oh, is
steemit owned by the anonymint guy ?
mircea_popescu: i suspect
steemit is a sort of how did they call that alt-disqus/alt-github "let us steal your content" thing ?
☟︎ ben_vulpes: f1maze: is this
steemit thing plagiarizing the logs or what
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-07#1639637 <<< This is what I said to
Steemit evangelist R. Hilarski a few days ago when he accused me of just hating on altcoins. "When you lose all your BTC in scams, at least your wife is kinda hot so she can come by trilema and bare her tits for bits."
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2016-08-29 18:36 covertress: mircea_popescu i've been asked to extend you a similar offer... to write for
steemit xD
covertress: chill, adlai, i've nevah posted to
steemit adlai: covertress: regarding "2016-08-29 18:36:38 +covertress mircea_popescu i've been asked to extend you a similar offer... to write for
steemit xD", i'm very curious how much you have earned (ie, withdrawn btc from an exchange after selling) from that shitpile
covertress: mircea_popescu i've been asked to extend you a similar offer... to write for
steemit xD
☟︎ thestringpuller: So basically
Steemit's fate is being turned into a straight up spam machine since it has no soultion in place for the eternal september except "premined votes from ned and dan" and btc bagholders who bought extremely early and can't yet exit. This is the doom I believe Bitcoin would have faced if Roger, Gavin, Hearia, or whatever incarnation of USG programmed hedonist-bot had hijacked the entire system and allowed spam to be cheap. Th
thestringpuller: yea. a
steemit tank top. derps love covered boobs, didn't you know?