24 entries in 0.737s
mircea_popescu: then they wonder why
sokal had ~0 measurable impact. duh.
BingoBoingo: And before anyone brings up the latest
Sokal 2.0, yes. A qntra is baking.
mircea_popescu: since there is no ~possibility~ of rational merit in the deluge of proposals coming his way and no method allowing him to distinguish between
sokal items and science, would it take much for his decision process to become political ?
mircea_popescu: i dunno what your experience with "peer review" is, but as far as anyone involved is aware, exactly no review goes on in those circumstances. see
sokal & all.
moriarty: plus i've been unduely influenced by the work of
Sokal, Bricmont, i.e. Fashionable Nonsense
mircea_popescu: if you manage to insert it into the next round of ycombinator a la
sokal, you get a bonus.
greenspan_fan: I think it would be worthwhile to apply w/ that idea, like a startup version of the
sokal affair
pankkake: it's not really comparable.
sokal wanted to prove a point, they just were bad and wanted a phd
mircea_popescu: anyway, how often does an onslaught against humanities constructed around the
sokal hoaks end up blindised by a "o yeah ?! what about the bogdanov twins then
gribble: jurov was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 hour, 10 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: <jurov> preferably resistant to
sokal attack
jurov: preferably resistant to
sokal attack