32 entries in 0.721s
ben_vulpes: silly-con valley darling
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-22#1756403 << that's silly ; people have bookmarks, and otherwise little bits of paper. and phones. and so on. the problem of "memorability" is nil, stop advertising the enemy's tools. use nude ips, explain it's because domain names are made by jews to keep white people down, which isn't even all that false, and there you go. << Aha, seriously. How do you keep chanels open con las chicas ☝︎
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: I live in silly-con valley. If I - just - wanted to make money I'd be out doing it.
ben_vulpes: http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/07/the-secret-startup-saved-healthcare-gov-the-worst-website-in-america/397784/?single_page=true << http://www.govtech.com/civic/IT-Showdown-Tech-Giants-Face-Off-Against-18F.html << today on silly-con valley fanboi newzfeed: "obab saved software!" vs "corporations that actually own procurement in usg begin to unravel 'disruptions' to government software
kdomanski: mircea_popescu: you know there's software outside of what the silly con valley does
decimation: asciilifeform: amusingly here's a breakdown of silly-con valley real-estate: http://allenc.com/2015/04/salary-requirements-for-a-house-in-silicon-valley/
decimation: http://www.cnet.com/news/silicon-valley-talent-wars-engineers-come-get-your-250k-salary/ < lol silly-con valley 'bizness'
gabriel_laddel: Incidentally this is what Sean Parker's father did, and Sean is one of the coolest Silly con valley people
decimation learns a fact about silly-con valley, only to find it is even *more* true than he thought
mike_c: decimation:http://stampd.io/ << someone made a silly-con valley-ized deedbot << yeah, and you have to pay for it with.. paypal!
decimation: http://stampd.io/ << someone made a silly-con valley-ized deedbot
decimation: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9052727 < lol, listen to chumps stuck inside the silly-con valley startup chumpatron grind and squeal about the sudden realization that they are working for nothing
decimation: asciilifeform: well, there are loads of silly-con valley satellite 'startups' that are launching plain arm chips into leo
decimation: yes, that era forms the mud-layer upon which modern silly-con valley is built
kakobrekla: the thing is he sees silly-con valley and think the ways of VS are go.
ben_vulpes: <decimation> [] http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/01/17/vc_investment_hits_dotcom_boom_levels/ << annual silly-con valley vc funding is less than a single whatsapp
ben_vulpes: silly-con valley chumpatron con ojos
decimation: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/01/17/vc_investment_hits_dotcom_boom_levels/ << annual silly-con valley vc funding is less than a single whatsapp
gabriel_laddel: I've shown several people in Silly Con valley the rabits article. Fear flashes through their eyes and they hand the laptop back without reading it all the way through.
decimation: thought experiment: what if tomorrow infinite immigration between the US and say Europe was allowed? What percentage of "exceptional programmers" would leave their current lives to go work for some hobo in Silly-con valley?
decimation: he's apparently gotten himself roped into the silly-con valley circus (again)
decimation: you know, if apple (and the rest of the silly-con valley band) really want to save money, why not relocate to des moines?
mircea_popescu: as i wallk through the valley of the silly con
mircea_popescu: gernika: I am a consultant in silly-con valley << win.
decimation: we've been derping about some technical stuff, gernika, ben_vulpes and I were talking about the silly-con valley employment scam
gernika: I am a consultant in silly-con valley
decimation: ben_vulpes: I suspect this is how most money is 'made' in silly-con valley
decimation: it's amusing to watch the half-life of a silly-con valley company - only takes ten years to go from young turks to us dept. of search engine
bitcoinpete: decimation: failures in silly-con valley, failures in DC government, failures in DC infrastructure << failureville, usa. it's like the new springfield
decimation: failures in silly-con valley, failures in DC government, failures in DC infrastructure
benkay: "traction". silly-con valley horseshit, i say.
benkay: specifically, silly-con valley bank.