37 entries in 2.851s

BingoBoingo: As long as everything has invoices you can present, customs doesn't *have* to be multi-day
ordeal BingoBoingo: With the lessons learned on the way to my UY cedula, we can probably condense the next fellow's
ordeal down to 3-ish weeks.
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-03-23 16:22 douchebag: I don't see why every single thing that happens in this channel has to turn into some big
ordeal ben_vulpes: douchebag: it's only an
ordeal because you dig your heels in when told what to do.
douchebag: I don't see why every single thing that happens in this channel has to turn into some big
ordeal BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I've been ferrying a miss trainwreck around as favor to her sponsor. Very entertaining
ordeal is what your mom doesn't want to happen to you.
a111: Logged on 2016-09-17 06:15 trinque:
ordeal is therapeutic; psychdelics maybe if they cause a beneficial
ordeal trinque:
ordeal is therapeutic; psychdelics maybe if they cause a beneficial
ordeal ☟︎ mircea_popescu: utside of the bedeviling god's tight scaly ring, and the dreadful ogres dissolve. It is in this
ordeal that the hero may derive hope and assurance from the helpful female figure, by whose magic (pollen charms or power of intercession) he is protected through all the frightening experiences of the father's ego-shattering initiation. For if it is impossible to trust the terrifying father-face, then one's faith must be ce
wilbns: mircea_popescu: it just seemed like something was/is a bit strange about the whole
ordeal williamdunne: Well yes, most of the time they take it overboard and it ends up being a suicidal
ordeal The20YearIRCloud: becuase that's what happened. A ATF agent got a guy to cut a inch off a shotgun in exchange for $200, then started a whole
ordeal over it
BingoBoingo: The shitty thing about the
ordeal on them asking about the goddamned Silk Road I didn't use was their knocking woke me up from my day-slumber
kakobrekla: BingoBoingo i dont partake in that
ordeal locksmith: I'm thinking it's best to live with someone, and if you end up not liking each other just split up. what's the point of bringing the state into the whole
ordeal BingoBoingo: At the start of the
ordeal I had a lawyer.
the20year: Even now , if I wanted to be mr legal eagle, I Could use said investment funds to pay for a PPM and get those same fiat investors, and my personal contribution to the whole
ordeal is $500
Namworld: It occured. Your identity is known. There's tracks of the whole
ordeal. You're arbitrarily voiding DMC 1.0 shares and taking the assets to start and sell shares in DMC 2.0
Namworld: Probably is just puzzled about that whole
mircea_popescu: BTC-Mining is this turning into a pirate, 23/690 accts paid sorta
ordeal ?
BTC-Mining: Good, you never answered to that before. Arf, what an
ordeal. Could have ended much earlier.