31 entries in 0.623s

mircea_popescu: no, deedbot is an actual bot ;
oglafbot is an actual dude.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-12 20:47 phf: (in random luls, since btcbase doesn't track renames for the longest time i thought that we had an actual "
oglafbot" running. i saw BingoBoingo post an update a few times and wondered "what happened to
shinohai smiles seeing
oglafbot in the logs again .....
phf: (in random luls, since btcbase doesn't track renames for the longest time i thought that we had an actual "
oglafbot" running. i saw BingoBoingo post an update a few times and wondered "what happened to
☟︎ shinohai: BingoBoingo while I'm in here this evening, you want a
oglafbot added ?
phf: man
oglafbot has gone lazy
Bingoboingo: ben_vulpes: I switched to
oglafbot and forgot to capitalize it
mircea_popescu: phf_mobile it's so popular here people do
oglafbot by hand.
BingoBoingo: * williamdunne is actually just sitting at home refreshing people's RSS feeds pretending to be a bot << Oh, that's how
oglafbot works
BingoBoingo: williamdunne: Mircea has wanted oglaf on the feed though, would be nice to have it in a way that isn't me doing "/nick
ben_vulpes: there's also
oglafbot, that one's even more single-purpose.