600+ entries in 0.631s
assbot: Voicing mjr_ for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: !up mjr_
benkay: mjr_: you're not in the wot!?
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user benkay to user mjr_: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=benkay&dest=mjr_ | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=mjr_ | Rated since: never
benkay: ;;gettrust mjr_
assbot: Voicing mjr_ for 30 minutes.
TomServo: !up mjr_
assbot: Voicing mjr_ for 30 minutes.
artifexd: !up mjr_
assbot: Voicing mjr_ for 30 minutes.
nubbins`: !up mjr_
mircea_popescu: mjr_ exactly. argentina prices everything in "dollars", there's 3 of them
benkay: bitcoin advocacy, mjr_ ?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ ^
mircea_popescu: mjr_ dude wtf was with all those parts.
benkay: 48.) mjr___ 1023
mircea_popescu: the mjr_ way : allign the fucking incentives.
cerelenius: mjr_: did you meet them under the buttonwood tree?
dignork: mjr_, gox verified accounts are usefull, but not for gox itself
Apocalyptic: mjr_, apparently there is an acquisition going on now...
dignork: mjr_ well, in reality market maker might be not delate neutral
Apocalyptic: mjr_, not anymore
KRS-One: sup mjr_
MisterE: mjr_: you don't think the current syetm is sustainable do you?
davout: mjr_: it all makes sense in his system because the juice run the fed or w/e
davout: mjr_: leave britney alone man
cerelenius: mjr_: money can be anything that extinguishes debt. and since only producers can pay off debt, they are the only ones who can issue money
cerelenius: mjr_: all deflationary systems work like that
davout: hey mjr_
mircea_popescu: mjr_ sorry ?
benkay: mjr_: pm
mircea_popescu: mjr_ the conference you mea n?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ they're not that great.
benkay: litecoin management lol mjr_
mircea_popescu: ello mjr_
benkay: yo mjr_ what's up
kakobrekla: bye mjr_
kakobrekla: sup mjr_
mircea_popescu: mjr_ not anymore afaik
mircea_popescu: mjr_ same as always, bitcoincahrts
gribble: mjr_ was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 12 hours, 53 minutes, and 8 seconds ago: <mjr_> the dirty dollars
davout: ;;seen mjr_
jurov: mjr_ if you traded btcs to drug dealers on satosi sq
jurov: hi mjr_
KRS1: o/ mjr_
KRS1: mjr_ any progress on that exchange thing
truffles: <mjr_> long time no chat >>> u should update that blog
jurov: hi mjr_
KRS1: woa hey mjr_
deego: hi mjr_
mircea_popescu: mjr_ 's thing is going the same way.
KRS1: o/ mjr_
jurov: mjr_ yes?
nubbins`: mjr_: get it in your pussy?
kakobrekla: mjr_ exactly
mircea_popescu: mjr_ dunno about that happy part man, i've seen what they call rental apts down there.
nubbins`: mjr_: so if i get a kg off some guy and say "sorry dude, i got busted", he's gonna swallow the cost?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ depends. are you some white ass dorky kid that "has got to do it" ?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ this is not germane, in that it was THEIR stash to lose.
nubbins`: mjr_: i said any sensible dealer
nubbins`: mjr_: in the real world, yes
mircea_popescu: mjr_ the cost for the joe schmoes to understand and use multi tx > the probable loss to them as is.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ in fairness, i expect the lost btc mostly belonged to the operator, and some to dealers.
nubbins`: mjr_: so a 3-party tx where the site acts as escrow?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ you prolly have a poin there.
dexX7: lol mjr_
mircea_popescu: mjr_ how's panama
kakobrekla: mjr_ as much as free dentist
mircea_popescu: mjr_ not much, going to watch cocksucker blues with innocent girlies.
kakobrekla: hey mjr_ hows NY
kakobrekla: hey mjr_, you can get 15% discount on a murder too http://i.imgur.com/YisihHx.jpg
mircea_popescu: maybe mjr_
jurov: mjr_: already seen http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323997004578644491403250124.html ?
jurov: mjr_: ^
jurov: hi mjr_
mircea_popescu: mjr_ hey you around ?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ ^
mircea_popescu: mjr_ you only think so because you're in a leet corp and have max btc
kakobrekla: cool mjr_
mircea_popescu: mjr_ yeah.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ cool going
mircea_popescu: <mjr_> not a dude << priceless lol
mircea_popescu: <mjr_> i've met her
mircea_popescu: lol mjr_ what did she do ?
benkay: yoyo mjr_
mircea_popescu: mjr_ have you read that balance sheet ?
tiberiusxvi: mjr_: climb the buttonwood tree to find ignore
mircea_popescu: mjr_ incidentally, in case this isn't obvious to you : some larger organisation took an interest in buttcointalk sometime in may. as a result there's about 100 accounts they control.
ThickAsThieves: mjr_ pm
mircea_popescu: mjr_ nice answer.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ i have no idea
Scrat: grats mjr_
ThickAsThieves: mjr_ pm
mircea_popescu: mjr_ which one ?
Chaang-Noi: mjr_ i ahve encryption in my encryption :)
Chaang-Noi: mjr_ yeah that is what im worried about
Chaang-Noi: mjr_ how does drive level not really help?
kakobreklaa: mjr_ you dont like helium? :)
kakobreklaa: heya mjr_, ah not much, everything is fucked as it was, you?
dance4x: mjr_, it could happen with the seasteading institute