700+ entries in 0.718s
Scrat: mjr_: lets hope that one of the superwhales here does this (if bitcoin becomes mainstream)
FabianB: mjr_: S.MG got passthroughs, mining got more bubbly pumpling, s.dice got bought
PirateKitteh: hi mjr_
enclosurefrednom: mjr_: ~180
ChaangNoi: mjr_ they redirected a plane from ireland to panama to get a guy...
mjr_: (11:35:37 AM) mjr_: if someone wanted to acquire s.dice is that possible given mpex contract?
mjr_: (11:35:22 AM) mjr_: specifically s.dice
mjr_: (11:34:07 AM) mjr_: I had questions about the companies listed on mpex...
Vbs: mjr_: agreed
Vbs: mjr_: design flow: http://m.eet.com/media/1061405/easic-ocp-fig4.gif
Diablo-D3: mjr_: I know
Vbs: mjr_: indeed, even at the end the asset behaved like a >99.9 roll xD
ChaangNoi: mjr_ i think most of us suspect there is something extra fishy about them....
Vbs: mjr_: AMC and VMC merged into one entity
nicofrobeen: thanks mjr_.. i give it a try in the next minutes
ThickAsThieves: mjr_ pm fyi
mircea_popescu: mjr_ https://twitter.com/Mircea_Popescu/status/357222131991445504
FabianB: mjr_: https://www.bitcoinforum.com/coinbr-com/call-option-calculation/msg2445/
Vbs: thank god you were here today mjr_ xD
mircea_popescu: mjr_ well, as an underwriter you get collateral-exercise value
mircea_popescu: mjr_ how's that coming along ?
Apocalyptic: <mjr_> he had $5k in each pocket lol // where exactly ? :)
ThickAsThieves: [15:39] <mjr_> so...satoshi square today <<< How was it?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ : meet brett rossi. http://girls.twistys.com/preview/dum/062013/06-29-2013/brettrossi/
mircea_popescu: mjr_ nah, it's eve currency, isk. who cares about iceland :D
mircea_popescu: mjr_ did you do her ?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ nope which ?
ogunden: mjr_: what's going on? you're bearish on AM?
San1ty_: Cya later mjr_ !
San1ty_: mjr_: booze fixes everything.
San1ty_: mjr_ would a donation of 21 BTC directed to me cut it?
San1ty_: mjr_: great idea!
San1ty_: mjr_: Yeah...
mircea_popescu: mjr_ of course it'
jurov: mjr_, ThickAsThieves: iirc mircea *did* change the options pricing algo in april or may. the prices used to be better before. it's even mentioned in monthly report.
thestringpuller: mjr_: so corporations of course formed to rape the planets of their resources.
thestringpuller: mjr_: ALl of the items in the game had to be crafted.
thestringpuller: mjr_: you would have liked the original incarnation of Star Wars Galaxies
thestringpuller: mjr_: I was told it was Snow Crash but in a different time period...
thestringpuller: mjr_: isn't that by neal stephenson?
CheckDavid: thanks mjr_
jurov: hi mjr_
kakobrekla: hehe nice show mjr_
mircea_popescu: you mean mjr_ ?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ yes.
mircea_popescu: mjr_ which one you mean ?
jurov: hi mjr_ it's okay
mircea_popescu: mjr_ http://polimedia.us/trilema/2013/the-rarge-part-of-this-lally/ recall ? :D
davout: mjr_: hello
KRS: sup mjr_ you there?
gribble: mjr_ was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 10 hours, 46 minutes, and 1 second ago: <mjr_> i'm here
KRS: ;;seen mjr_
gribble: mjr___ was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours, 28 minutes, and 48 seconds ago: <mjr___> but tons of features still to be done
KRS: ;;seen mjr___
gribble: mod6 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 11 hours, 38 minutes, and 27 seconds ago: <mod6> mjr_: cool!
kakobrekla: mjr_ is there on the pic
mircea_popescu: mjr_ you there ?
mircea_popescu: mjr_ lmao
mircea_popescu: mjr_ srsly, reuse.
mod6: mjr_: cool!
davout: mjr_: why not reuse ?
qxzn: mjr_: another rainy satoshi square?
mircea_popescu: hey mjr_
kakobrekla: hey mjr_ , not much, continuing to be disappointed in the btc retarded community
jurov: hi mjr_
truff1es: <mjr_> sounds dystopian>>> only because some people dont have electricity
TradeFortress: hi mjr_~
deadweasel: hey MJR_
ericmuyser: mjr_: or they like teh hashish
usagi: mjr_ I don't know. The truth is, if you look at the people who end up starving on the streets a great majority of them cannot be helped by any system
Diablo-D3: mjr_: get one that uses D3, theres several
fiat500: mjr_: there are dozens of js charting frameworks
kakobrekla: hey whats new mjr__
mircea_popescu: mjr_ imagine if somebody coded a bitcoin client which random,ly replaced your btc balance with ltc
KRS-1: mjr_ you just said it best. "people make things way too complicated"
mircea_popescu: mjr_ in that debt is not fungible, in that liquidity is not free, in that information is never symmetrical and in that closed models don't work fopr that application
mircea_popescu: <mjr_> which is the only rational thing to do << nonsense. who rational is involved ?
Scrat: what are you making mjr___
kakobrekla: mjr___ prolly better to use some other protocol
mircea_popescu: <mjr___> like in page << well webirc does it.
fiat500: mjr___: count me in with the SF peeps
jurov: mjr___ very interesting... can i see some hub on which places it's planned?
fiat500: mjr___: doesnt work for me here in the mideast tho :(
fiat500: mjr___: yeah that'd work for asks
fiat500: mjr___: coinbase couldnt get it
bitbuyer_m: mjr___: Are u doing local exchanges because electronic ones will be shut down / regulated?
mjr___: mjr_: so how did they get an exception (the fact that there is an exception almost guarantees there can be more than one)
fiat500: mjr___: glyph is the only exception :P
fiat500: mjr___: good luck getting an ios app for this on the app store, no transactions involving btc allowed for now
fiat500: mjr___: i love writing iphone software and frameworks for instance, but every once in a while i find myself losing motivation
fiat500: mjr___: theres no financial incentive for you to maintain this, so what happens next year when work piles up in your day job?
fiat500: mjr___: lemme know when API is up, im building an aggregator and this would be cool to list
kakobrekla: mjr___ it asked me to access my geolocation but that has no implication at this point?
fiat500: mjr___: some people seem to think it is appropriate *cough* mpex
fiat500: mjr___: i was kidding :P
kakobrekla: i like it mjr___
kakobrekla: mjr___ very nice
ericmuyser: mjr___: what's this written in?
davout: mjr_: do you?