147 entries in 0.634s
cazalla: mp suggested we fire at most 2 bullets.. i think garza is bullet ridden by this point so unlikely to ever be more
cazalla: garza's missus https://anonimg.com/img/dabfb2d6f14a1f18f1b5278fb95c7ce9.jpg https://anonimg.com/img/dca78566589571fd74043b299a38ede7.jpg
mircea_popescu: anyway, the right way to go about it is, challenge garza or w/e is pushing the thing to put some btc down
BingoBoingo: DanTheBitcoinMan: I'm not a BitBet mod, but a short on XPY with small stakes looks like Garza looking to rob again
mircea_popescu: "Garza deliberately mislead" << misled.
cazalla: there's more too, not as big a deal but still lulzy.. an employee says he needs some software for his work so garza sends him a cracked ms office https://drive.google.com/a/geniusesatwork.com/file/d/0By3omGwrRu9lcWpYSjZ3Q0IyOVU/view?pli=1
cazalla: not sure tbh, likely someone that worked there seeing garza burned bridges with his previous cohorts
assbot: Leaked Emails Detail Inner Workings Of Josh Garza's Scams | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1BH153L )
cazalla: oh, garza never ceases to provide the lulz.. his $20 honour program was to go live today.. posts this a few days back https://i.imgur.com/1RjXbe4.png and now the day of launch.. http://blog.paybase.com/status-of-honor-program/ " As previously reported, we are reviewing with counsel the features of the Honors Program and what if any aspects of the program may require regulatory approval. We intend to proceed based upon advise of counsel and
mircea_popescu: “We were stunned by the allegations which served to negatively impact our business in this exciting and evolving financial category,” said Josh Garza, CEO of GAW. “However, we appreciate the outpouring of support by a community that is behind what we are doing as pioneers in the cryptocurrency market; in short, they simply didn’t believe it.”
mircea_popescu: cazalla: he's just the first iteration of garza <<< this angle i can definitely see.
cazalla: he is malicious because he contains to appear at conferences to tell people how a coin is all about the marketing regardless of whether what you say is factual or not. he's just the first iteration of garza
scoopbot: New post on Qntra.net by Bingo Boingo: http://qntra.net/2015/01/csm-profiles-homero-j-garza-serial-entrepreneur/
mircea_popescu: i suppose now that garza packed it, buncha noobs will be trying for the "first best largest" bitcoin scam thing.
kakobrekla: garza's talk got cancelled < scammer decided not to scam? what a scammer.
Adlai: BingoBoingo: garza's talk got cancelled, so i'm spending most of my time "networking"
Adlai: genius at work is not "jeff garza", unless he's another one of these namechanging shapeshifters
assbot: Jeff Garza : Worship Minister, 1st Baptist of Worland, Wyoming: My Swimmer Wife! ... ( http://bit.ly/1IQIFix )
mircea_popescu: Adlai wait, garza dood has a woman in tow ? pics ?
Adlai: btcmiami is a disappointment, we were robbed of our chance to hear the great garza speak
cazalla: perhaps garza's latest scheme with this honour program starting 1st feb is to push the price of paycoin back up to $20 so he can offload all his premined coins and then declare bankrupty come feb, who knows, so much bullshit makes my headspin
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: The Homero Garza cult
mircea_popescu: lmao wait, garza's scamcoin now has an army on top of all the other things it doesn't have ?
BingoBoingo: I mean fucking Jared Kenna having a renaissance and Homero Garza stepping in fresh off of ripping some New England mountain towns for WiFi?
cazalla: adlai: would qntra be interested in coverage of garza @ btcmiami? <<< i wouldn't ask of you to waste your time doing that, it is already established he is a liar and a bad one at that, no point covering a debate of which lies can be wormed out of
cazalla: gee, now i'm dreaming about garza, God help me
adlai: would qntra be interested in coverage of garza @ btcmiami?
mircea_popescu: now, look at it. admitting for the sake of thinking that the germans were entertainers, since you're admitting garza is in business
adlai: we could replace the term with "commons", to remind the participants that by shitting in the reservoir, they sully their own soup too. eg, "garza is a prominent scammer in the bitcoin commons", "bitcoin is causing a power shift in the pornography commons", etc
assbot: [2014-01-02] QNTRA: Theymos Claims Josh Garza Is Sending Him Legal Threats... ... ( http://bit.ly/1EY8Kh8 )
mircea_popescu: nothing signed "garza" at any rate
cazalla: coinfire, bitcointalk, bitcoin forum all get garza legal threats.. qntra? nothing, anything pop up in your inbox mircea_popescu ?
devthedev: Garza is unreal
scoopbot: New post on Qntra.net by cazalla: http://qntra.net/2015/01/theymos-claims-josh-garza-is-sending-him-legal-threats-to-have-content-removed/
cazalla: i was going to write up a big time line of past 2 days events with this gaw garza shit but i'm quite over it all
assbot: cazalla662 comments on Josh Garza must not be allowed to speak at the Miami Bitcoin Conference! ... ( http://bit.ly/176NEy4 )
cazalla: ;;rate rassah -1 thinks it is too difficult to vet speakers but not too difficult to collect sponsorship money from them http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2r0twz/josh_garza_must_not_be_allowed_to_speak_at_the/cnbuxyx?context=3
davout: in other news josh garza gets an 'honorable mention' in coindesk's list of 'bitcoin's most influential people of 2014'
Adlai: of course i believe in paycoin. it is the vehicle through which the prophet garza will lead the people from usury and incest to riches and glory
BingoBoingo almost kind of pities the new scammers. Sinking Harnett was worth 500 of mircea_popescu's BTC. Homero J Garza isn't worth a trilema post.
BingoBoingo: His legal name is Homero J Garza
mircea_popescu: Josh Garza, srsly ?
mircea_popescu: here's a newsflash : idiots defrauded by garza haven't "lost their money trying to take over bitcoin" anymore than the idiots defrauded by buterin & the us propaganda machine through the etherium scam have lost their money "trying to take over bitcoin"
mircea_popescu: "Josh Garza – What we can talk about is everybody, so, we quite literally use every major manufacturer in the world, so, bitmain, we're actually in discussions right now with bitfury, *inaudible*, I mean, every single company. We are in the process of beginning to build our own chip, we do have hardware that is not publicly available that created economies of scale for us, kinda all over the place, probably a less gl
mircea_popescu: "i know exactly how garza scams, having watched a number of his scams in trhe past, and i can assure you this one's legit"
cazalla: adlai: josh garza's previous scam: http://www.topix.com/forum/city/canaan-vt/THJFBNV4MIFIR075C <<< the guy tells lies faster than anyone on this planet can fact check, not worthwhile pursuing, it's easy to punch holes in his gawminer shit, i'm sure some other scammers will soon come to collect his scammed funds
adlai: josh garza's previous scam: http://www.topix.com/forum/city/canaan-vt/THJFBNV4MIFIR075C