39 entries in 0.494s
asciilifeform: i meant freeman
mircea_popescu: aaand in other lulz, it was my very good pleasure to see that shithead morgan freeman besieged by the idiocy come to roost that he dedicated so much of his life to helping spawn.
mircea_popescu: morgan freeman is also worshipped now. why ? same reason. wolf-raised kids can't believe oldman is a thing.
a111: Logged on 2014-06-19 01:51 asciilifeform: 'One of various ways of organizing work that economists have identified, a tournament market "offers participants the chance of winning a big prize--an independent research career, tenure, a named chair, scientific renown, awards--through competition," writes Richard Freeman and co-authors. Tournament markets amplify "small differences in productivity into large differences in recognition and reward," Freeman an
mircea_popescu: tons of retardedness with morgan freeman, aaron schwartz, what have you.
asciilifeform: http://www.airfields-freeman.com/MD/Airfields_MD_PG_C.htm#erco << subj, for aficionados.
mircea_popescu: and if you think i'm paying for some non b-a outlet to have morgan freeman read shit out loud you're off your rocker.
phf: i like the slut version, but it has to sound really bubbly and vapid. i was thinking have actors impersonators, morgan freeman, clint eastwood, christopher walken
mircea_popescu: (that guy, J.E. Freeman)
mircea_popescu: the difference between the black slave of 1815 and the black freeman of 2015 is that the former actually thinks that, to paraphrase, ", you don't get to fuck the white mistress."
mircea_popescu: "Hey, who wouldn't vote for Morgan Freeman? Obama is unabashedly liberal, intelligent, and acts like he knows it. He's "uppity." People who think they're superior run headlong into someone who is superior, and they don't like it."
pete_dushenski: aha. see 'freeman' to me is simply free. man.
assbot: Logged on 15-07-2015 21:31:15; pete_dushenski: "being a slave is better than you'd think. being a freeman is for delusional suckers !"
nubbins`: the o.o is because being a 'freeman' implies you're a kook, simply by virtue of all the assorted kookiness 'freemen' get into
nubbins`: do you consider yourself a 'freeman'?
nubbins`: a freeman o.o
pete_dushenski: "being a slave is better than you'd think. being a freeman is for delusional suckers !" ☟︎
assbot: Logged on 19-06-2014 01:51:50; asciilifeform: 'One of various ways of organizing work that economists have identified, a tournament market "offers participants the chance of winning a big prize--an independent research career, tenure, a named chair, scientific renown, awards--through competition," writes Richard Freeman and co-authors. Tournament markets amplify "small differences in productivity into large differences in recognition and reward,"
BingoBoingo: morgan-freeman_: How is your shit better than the shit I can by by the truckload at the farm down the road for a few dollars a ton?
mircea_popescu: yeah, morgan-freeman_ is this your site ?
mircea_popescu: morgan-freeman_ let me guess, you can mail shit to people ?
kakobrekla: morgan-freeman_ now you only need to ship it.
mircea_popescu: !up morgan-freeman_
assbot: Who's Afraid of the Workers' Revolution? : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education
mircea_popescu: http://www.fee.org/the_freeman/detail/whos-afraid-of-the-workers-revolution
assbot: Member of Freeman-on-the-Land movement voices objections - Local - The Telegram
nubbins`: http://www.thetelegram.com/News/Local/2013-10-12/article-3427331/Member-of-Freeman-on-the-Land-movement-voices-objections/1
assbot: 4 results for 'freeman' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=freeman
nubbins`: !s freeman
assbot: 1 results for 'freeman on the land' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=freeman+on+the+land
nubbins`: !s freeman on the land
asciilifeform: 'One of various ways of organizing work that economists have identified, a tournament market "offers participants the chance of winning a big prize--an independent research career, tenure, a named chair, scientific renown, awards--through competition," writes Richard Freeman and co-authors. Tournament markets amplify "small differences in productivity into large differences in recognition and reward," Freeman an ☟︎☟︎
ozbot: Check Your History : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education
bitcoinpete: http://www.fee.org/the_freeman/detail/check-your-history
greenspan_fan: jesus, are you writing an article for your local freeman-on-the-land tabloid?
pigeons: morgan freeman wouldnt be so cool if he wasn' ttrying to get away from shitty mississippi
thestringpuller: with mississipi we wouldn't have no morgan freeman
thestringpuller: morgan freeman is from mississipi
Diablo-D3: you sold me at morgan freeman