29 entries in 0.668s

dorion_road: python is then not available to meaningful examination because it has been
exam taking and pretending to be ready (e.g. usg.mit now uses it instead of scheme), rather than actually making itself ready for human use.
mp_en_viaje: they'd like to be ready, see. they just... aren't. and because people are perverse, this tends to manifest rather as
exam taking than actual improvement. they don't become any ready-er, they just become adept at pretending they are.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-27 14:50:04 dorion_road: jfw in your Gales Linux articles, please address bvt's question in his tmsr os
article about the mb weight and contents of the bootstrapping/package management/developments tools.
dorion_road: jfw in your Gales Linux articles, please address bvt's question in his tmsr os
article about the mb weight and contents of the bootstrapping/package management/developments tools.
mircea_popescu: to put the matter into proper formalization : the old world, of mechanical contraptions that could be physically debugged, was relatively simple and moreover in certain senses and on some dimensions very strictly constrained. consequently it was possible to build
taking rulebooks that allowed a large population of morons to build up, and "work", passibly well, as church wardens, ship righters, what have you.
a111: Logged on 2018-06-13 00:30 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-13#1824464 << in perhaps better formulation, the very point of having arbiter is so as to avoid
exam taking ; the whole point of having "written contract" (import here pizarro's coc, import here the "opposable instrument" thread with trinque, etc) is to permit
exam taking. these are contrary design constraints.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-13#1824464 << in perhaps better formulation, the very point of having arbiter is so as to avoid
exam taking ; the whole point of having "written contract" (import here pizarro's coc, import here the "opposable instrument" thread with trinque, etc) is to permit
exam taking. these are contrary design constraints.
☝︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, think : paying for tits resulted, before your very eyes, in ever increasing levels of
exam taking. yes ? you noticed this, yourself, i said nothing, you complained about it.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-20 02:39 mircea_popescu: understand how the empire of idiots' euphemism threadmill works : they noticed that you go by the heuristic of "published holes", and they've adapted to that (because that's what the idiots are all about, "
Exam taking", ie optimizing for the measurement not for the variable measured). so, they keep publishing strainers and calanders, except the sort where YOU don't know the holes. it gives you the warm fuzzy feeling that "The
mircea_popescu: understand how the empire of idiots' euphemism threadmill works : they noticed that you go by the heuristic of "published holes", and they've adapted to that (because that's what the idiots are all about, "
Exam taking", ie optimizing for the measurement not for the variable measured). so, they keep publishing strainers and calanders, except the sort where YOU don't know the holes. it gives you the warm fuzzy feeling that "The
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform they just like it for the usual
taking reasons, it's possibly the least different from english thing out there.
http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2018-3-22#317465 << i'd add a third, which is "the insistence on the trivial case". there's a fundamental tension at work here, because we call it "
exam taking", but bear it in mind that the presence of
exam takers is not a flaw in the population, but a failure of the system!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform romanian has it. it's mostly used to denote
taking the bus w/o a ticket / going to
exam with a cheating mind.
assbot: Logged on 30-09-2015 09:29:18; mircea_popescu: i don't want anything specific. but i will be keeping track of a large ammount of tiny indicators, because anything else results in
mircea_popescu: (and the disruption eulora brings to the table doesn't end here, incidentally. the above requirements as to change are why while i'm in generall all for open source, i will never share the fucking server code. it's not just that easy copying of the "
exam rule book" so to speak makes the
exam unworthy of
taking, and therefore the game more boring. it's more importantly that i have to conserve for myself the space of mov
mircea_popescu: i don't want anything specific. but i will be keeping track of a large ammount of tiny indicators, because anything else results in
☟︎ mircea_popescu: trying to install gentoo is like
taking an
exam for public servancy
decimation: in my undergrad it was assumed knowledge that the indians got together to "strategize" on