44 entries in 0.606s

a111: Logged on 2017-09-15 23:51 asciilifeform:
boneh is imho an interesting example of a man who thought that intellectual and political integrity were severable
mircea_popescu: in this sense i suppose djb is a
boneh, though i don't like how he runs his harem ; wheras yuk dude is a boeck.
mircea_popescu: i suppose as far as the orcs are concerned, it's mostly a
boneh-or-boeck distinction.
Mocky: re:
boneh, he seem legit as he's teaching you to trivially break reused otp, and flawed padding schemes, but that's all i know about him, just surprised to see in the logs
Mocky: on a different note, i see this
Boneh fellow, is all over the logs. I think this is the same guy i took a video class coarsera "crypto 101' 18 months ago
a111: Logged on 2015-04-02 14:58 asciilifeform: '
Boneh, in joint work with Matt Franklin, constructed a novel pairing-based method for identity-based encryption (IBE), whereby a user's public identity, such as an email address, can function as the user's public key. Since then,
Boneh's contributions, together with those of others, have shown the power and versatility of pairings, which are now used as a mainstream tool in cryptography. The transfer of pairings from theory t
valica_: Marios Choudary. Mostly Dan
Boneh coursera material, with some side channel bonus courses
a111: Logged on 2015-04-02 14:58 asciilifeform: '
Boneh, in joint work with Matt Franklin, constructed a novel pairing-based method for identity-based encryption (IBE), whereby a user's public identity, such as an email address, can function as the user's public key. Since then,
Boneh's contributions, together with those of others, have shown the power and versatility of pairings, which are now used as a mainstream tool in cryptography. The transfer of pairings from theory t
a111: Logged on 2015-04-02 14:58 asciilifeform: '
Boneh, in joint work with Matt Franklin, constructed a novel pairing-based method for identity-based encryption (IBE), whereby a user's public identity, such as an email address, can function as the user's public key. Since then,
Boneh's contributions, together with those of others, have shown the power and versatility of pairings, which are now used as a mainstream tool in cryptography. The transfer of pairings from theory t
assbot: Identity-Based Encryption (IBE),
Boneh-Franklin Algorithm, Private Key Generation, Key Certificates, Cryptography Methods | Voltage Security ... (
http://bit.ly/1DCxycx )