59 entries in 0.363s
assbot: Logged on 22-10-2015 22:00:43; mircea_popescu: "And yes, it'll be a damn shame if this backfires on
BitShares. Their technology is extremely scalable, blazingly fast and impressively flexible on the backend."
adlai: works for
bitshares, banxwanx, diethyl ethereum, etc
mircea_popescu: "And yes, it'll be a damn shame if this backfires on
BitShares. Their technology is extremely scalable, blazingly fast and impressively flexible on the backend."
☟︎ punkman: sure, they overcharge. how does
bitshares help?
BingoBoingo: HeySteve:
Bitshares is more looked down on for its nature than its applications, not quite, but close to Ether uffing hate
BitShares specifically, which I realise is an unpopular topic around here, but perhaps something interesting may come of that
assbot: Charles Hoskinson Critiques
BitShares Technology, Adoption, Management and Respect - Beyondbitcoin.org ... (
http://bit.ly/1GIbuLP )
HeySteve: hmm. well it's looking like you called another one. what do you think about
BitShares? it looks like it can do what I want but seems a little too good to be true
assbot: Logged on 19-09-2015 15:58:44; pete_dushenski: i remember way back when
bitshares was a new thing, all the local kidz (some of whom were twice my age) jumping aboard and mining and trying to swindle me into it
pete_dushenski: i remember way back when
bitshares was a new thing, all the local kidz (some of whom were twice my age) jumping aboard and mining and trying to swindle me into it
☟︎ mircea_popescu: anyway, "
bitshares" turns out to be yet another bitbet-killer
mircea_popescu: anyway, to sum up : mkt cap / mkt volume factors. bitcoin 0.004171805 ; ripple 0.002536088 ; ltc 0.006680363 ; 0.006944208 ; "
bitshares" 0.031265642 ; general motors, 0.01136538
mircea_popescu: 5
BitShares $ 14,993,647 $ 0.005969 2,511,953,117 BTS $ 468,786 12.20 %
midnightmagic: Correct. I am saying your complaint about it being unreasonable is illogical by any measure of the mining work done: there *is* no other meaningful window, or measurement, of the bitcoin network without shifting to PoS or DPoS. But if you want to do that, fork
bitshares seems to be doing an interesting job with pegged assets
cazalla: cosmo, whether
bitshares, ppc, ethereum's ether etc etc, they all have one thing in common
cosmo: is
bitshares legit
assbot: kaykurokawa: Front running Decentralized Exchanges: The problem with Augur,
Bitshares, Nxt, and Counterparty ... (
http://bit.ly/1QvEwaQ )
adlai: "
BitShares Music will be the first blockchain to be used by the masses" just shut up and take my money!
Aquent_: yeh
bitshares sucks I mean more an openbazzar type software for ipos
BingoBoingo: Threatened by
Bitshares? Why should anyone feel threatened by that?
Aquent_: cus with
bitshares and all these dacs id feel bit threatened
Beyond_Bitcoin: actually
bitshares itself is far better than most people think
Beyond_Bitcoin: actually not bad. i personally focus on
bitshares but the server is open to others who like different tech
BlueMeanie4: I even recall the early
bitshares stuff on btt, it was pure idiocy
BitMarmot: Thanks BlueMeanie4 - I do this for a living so looked at
BitShares for 20 minutes and was like, "does not compute"
BlueMeanie4: its pretty clear that Ethereum and
Bitshares were fundraisers
BlueMeanie4: I think the SEC is aware of what Vitalik and
Bitshares are doing, but theyre biding their time
BitShares: Don’t walk away. Run | Preston Byrne
BitShares: Don’t walk away. Run | Preston Byrne
decimation: re:
bitshares : I find it amusing that in order to be pretend to be "credible" one must have all sorts of bezzle-corporate logos pasted on their website
assbot: Hangout with Anthony Di Iorio of Ethereum, and Daniel Larimer of
BitShares, with Special presente... - YouTube
danielpbarron: but he got tired of Namecoin and is shilling for
bitshares now
assbot: MaidSafe IPO on Mastercoin - page 11 - General Discussion -
BitShares Forum
fluffypony: crumbs, so someone suggested returning the mtgox coins sent to MaidSafe to the sender - so Dan Larimer from
BitShares says: "Sending them back to the thief? That makes no sense. They should either be sent to the bankruptcy court, destroyed as dividends to bitcoin holders, or used for development of maidsafe... the only thing that must not happen is the issuance of Safecoin to the thief."
fluffypony: I look forward to running it, as long as I can invest in the "company" behind it with
BitShares or ProtoShares or whatever-the-fuck-shares
fract4l: Ethereum just changed the game.... Mastercoin ,
bitshares, colored coins,,, all dead now
pankkake: they have "
BitShares" or "BitDomains" coming
Luke-Jr: the
BitShares guys came up with an actual memory-hard PoW algorithm, though I'm not convinced if it's solid or not yet