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mircea_popescu: for instance :
bitcoinfs may be found useful by someone storing flac muzak. they'd then copy it from its original tmsr-os / trb tree, and put it in their gp-os / torrent tree.
mircea_popescu: but should eg, bitcoin-fs be written, then yes trb will exist in the same tree as bitcoin-fs. and should we go as low as tmsr-os, then yes, tmsr-os as genesis will have bitcoin-fs patchzone and then trb patchzone after that. and people wanting to use
bitcoinfs for something else can just press up to there and no further. and projects wanting to import
bitcoinfs but not trb will just build off that height of tree, and continue
a111: Logged on 2014-10-31 00:21 asciilifeform: as in, '
davout: but then we're going down the
bitcoinfs rabbit hole
trinque: recall I conceded in the
bitcoinfs thread that what I consider to be "database" is actually many orthogonal tools related to data manipulation, atomicity of operations, adherence to type constraints ~if desired~
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> and so we are back to the original
bitcoinfs. << aha
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform
bitcoinfs ends up with bitcoin-hdd-firmware.
mircea_popescu: kinda why the
bitcoinfs discussion has been steaming on a low fire for like a year now.
tb0t: Project: trb, ID: 8, Type: C, Subject: Remove BDB and integrate
BitcoinFS, Antecedents: 6,7,33, Notes: Change ticket to integrate the
BitcoinFS, once implemented.
mod6: !%e trb 8 C "Remove BDB and integrate
BitcoinFS" "Change ticket to integrate the
BitcoinFS, once implemented." 6,7,33
mircea_popescu: the path to
bitcoinfs intersects a tmsr-os/loper-os/whatever-we-end-up-calling-it-os, just...
mod6: ok, so that's a possible whole replacement piece, sure. was just thinking is it worth possibly making a temporary tool for this until
bitcoinfs? or just wait and do
assbot: Logged on 20-08-2015 23:11:28; mircea_popescu:
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-08-2015#1245604 << actually a dr-dos version would be pretty cool. in fact i would guess an attempt to write private
bitcoinfs and make dr-dos check blocks and an attempt to ada-bitcoin would necessarily end with a very similar if not outright identical product.
mircea_popescu: ascii_field i suppose it doesn't JUST pose problems for
mircea_popescu: of course this would also trash the fixed size blocks-powered