2500+ entries in 0.271s
ben_vulpes: "i mean fuck buddy, it's /you
r/ body politic but fuck, buddy. it's your /body politic/."
trinque: piles of docs could've been his closet full of women's shoes/underwea
r/pinky-toes too
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform phucto
r/stats just times out. i suspect this happens A LOT. nething we can do about it ?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: newtons 1st, see quadcopte
r/shotgun thread
kmalkki: apu1 also really needs DBREQn asserted to give access to USEHDT I
R/DR pair
ben_vulpes: "young carte
r/go farthe
r/go furthe
r/go harde
r/is that not/why we came?/and if not/then why bother?"
mircea_popescu: nobody read (and i don't mean act upon, or take seriously, i mean skim through the titles) of any newspape
r/magazine/etc in the past decade who wasn't hoping to one day write them.
trinque: insert into `/etc/hosts` (ip, hostname) select ip, hostname from `/va
r/db/dhcp.leases`; << the only reason this (represented in *any* syntax, has nothing to do with SQL itself) isn't possible is that "freedom" plus autism equals makework
trinque: yep, not a terrible thing to mount whole root
trinque: on openbsd for example, /usr contains things shipped with the release. anything installed from ports is in /us
r/local .
trinque: PeterL: /usr tends to contain items considered part of your distribution, /us
r/local contains 3rd part or "contrib" items
PeterL: what's the difference between /us
r/bin and /us
r/local/bin ?
shinohai: now you can copy the one you built to /us
r/local/bin and good to go
adlai: /us
r/bin/ranlib ../../libcrypto.a || echo Never mind. << these people
adlai finds himself pining for that one server where s/foo/ba
r/ actually works