250 entries in 0.541s
decimation: you can see how this feeds the above-outlined chumpatron
decimation: the greater chumpatron sucks chumps attempting to evade lesser chumpatrons
asciilifeform: (chumpatron exhaust stinks)
asciilifeform: one could argue that 'we' ought to still take an interest in these lost souls, if only to prevent them from ending as fuel, stoking chumpatron
asciilifeform: taking pre-orders for improbably nice electronics is a good preliminary filter for a chumpatron.
bounce: heh. you should like a saudi arabia of suckers. high quality chumpatron at state level.
bounce: the us "justice" system appears to be a, waht was it, chumpatron with press gangs
benkay: ;;later tell mike_c i guess the appropriate local metaphor would be "for those who prayed, dove through, and magically weren't sliced to bits by the chumpatron"
mircea_popescu: i can accumulate. the average middle class guy in the chumpatron, can not.
asciilifeform: high talent individuals go to silicon valley << world-renowned chumpatron. leaving aside the question of whether the folks there 'work' (in the sense of producing anything valuable) - they get sheared very properly, for much of what they make - at least the ones who wouldn't care to commute 4 hrs/day ☟︎
decimation: well, the us today is pretty much an enormous chumpatron
asciilifeform: there is, for instance, a kind of gristly and sinewy chump that grinds apart in the chumpatron very reluctantly
decimation: apparently there is sufficient fuel remaining to re-open the gox chumpatron
mike_c: asciilifeform: facebook has over 1 billion users. chumpatron will never run out of fuel.
asciilifeform: does this sort of thing even have a name << chumpatron.
asciilifeform: one can still decide on the degree to which to play the chumpatron. no one is forced to buy 401k, yet.
mircea_popescu: so no, participation in the us chumpatron is voluntary in the sense participation in the communist party was voluntary.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the 401k-dollar and the cocaine-stained-dollar << nobody forces people to jump in chumpatron
asciilifeform: anyone who voluntarily does business with them is chumpatron fuel
benderp: users' is the nickel-and-dime chumpatron where these folks pay
asciilifeform: afaik the only software today 'specifically targeted at mac users' is the nickel-and-dime chumpatron where these folks pay $20/each for a hundred little gui utilities that'd be a 1-line bash script on an ordinary computer
asciilifeform: mice do so love cheese. but, afaik, this particular trap remains empty. paper chumpatron.
asciilifeform: as far as i could tell, the thing is/was some combo of a usg honeypot and straight 'jam tomorrow, not today' chumpatron.
benkay: i think this is something the forum needs to be chumpatron'd with
BingoBoingo: moiety: THe chatsite thing really it seems can't work as other than a chumpatron
BingoBoingo: Inner workings of a chumpatron http://www.sbnation.com/2014/3/4/5468468/wwe-pro-wrestling-stories-creative
decimation: an actual police force would allocate actual discretion to its officers; chumpatron police have no authority and therefore treat others as the spoiled children they are
decimation: officer is in the bureaucrat chumpatron
decimation: once everyone assumes that everything is a scam or chumpatron, it's going to be hard to get anything done
moiety: i don't see the site as a chumpatron, after listening. i just like to make things work is all
asciilifeform: uni is certainly a chumpatron.
asciilifeform: i did specify that in a chumpatron, vs. an ordinary bioreactor, the fuel /wants/ to burn
asciilifeform: casino is an incontrovertible chumpatron
mircea_popescu: what, pray tell, is a chumpatron ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo asciilifeform actually, a university (in the classical, functional and ideal sense, no relation to us/uk "college") is the prototype of the honest chumpatron
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I imagine an honest chumpatron is kind of like an idiot reserve.
asciilifeform: 'honest chumpatron' - like 'pleasurable woodchipper' ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I see it as moiety As seen the Doge and simply found an opportunity for an honest chumpatron.
asciilifeform: benkay`: and what about chumpatron
benkay`: asciilifeform your chumpatron essay came up at lunch today
asciilifeform: because PKI == chumpatron
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: one of these days, you ought to write 'n00b guide' to sports bets. for instance, i grew up thinking of the whole concept as a chumpatron (lusers bet, the sports meisters throw matches & pocket the chumpatronium)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform for he record, Лохотрон is way better than "Chumpatron"
asciilifeform: i still suspect that there is a large - but finite - supply of chumpatron fuel. at least of any particular variety.
asciilifeform: basic 'chumpatron.'
asciilifeform: over here we have weapons-grade chumpatron fuel.
asciilifeform: (using a Chumpatron reactor.)
asciilifeform: Duffer1: i suppose the usual idiots bought in? not much of a chumpatron w/out the chumps
asciilifeform: the chumpatron will keep going without skipping a beat
asciilifeform: is there something there other than the chumpatron (gullibility to dollars converter) obvious to a 1st year chemistry student?