250 entries in 0.541s

decimation: you can see how this feeds the above-outlined
chumpatron decimation: the greater
chumpatron sucks chumps attempting to evade lesser chumpatrons
bounce: heh. you should like a saudi arabia of suckers. high quality
chumpatron at state level.
bounce: the us "justice" system appears to be a, waht was it,
chumpatron with press gangs
benkay: ;;later tell mike_c i guess the appropriate local metaphor would be "for those who prayed, dove through, and magically weren't sliced to bits by the
mircea_popescu: i can accumulate. the average middle class guy in the
chumpatron, can not.
decimation: well, the us today is pretty much an enormous
chumpatron decimation: apparently there is sufficient fuel remaining to re-open the gox
chumpatron mike_c: asciilifeform: facebook has over 1 billion users.
chumpatron will never run out of fuel.
mircea_popescu: so no, participation in the us
chumpatron is voluntary in the sense participation in the communist party was voluntary.
benderp: users' is the nickel-and-dime
chumpatron where these folks pay
benkay: i think this is something the forum needs to be
chumpatron'd with
BingoBoingo: moiety: THe chatsite thing really it seems can't work as other than a
chumpatron decimation: an actual police force would allocate actual discretion to its officers;
chumpatron police have no authority and therefore treat others as the spoiled children they are
decimation: officer is in the bureaucrat
chumpatron decimation: once everyone assumes that everything is a scam or
chumpatron, it's going to be hard to get anything done
moiety: i don't see the site as a
chumpatron, after listening. i just like to make things work is all
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo asciilifeform actually, a university (in the classical, functional and ideal sense, no relation to us/uk "college") is the prototype of the honest
chumpatron BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I imagine an honest
chumpatron is kind of like an idiot reserve.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I see it as moiety As seen the Doge and simply found an opportunity for an honest
benkay`: asciilifeform your
chumpatron essay came up at lunch today
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform for he record, Лохотрон is way better than "