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mircea_popescu: who said "the iron! my god, the iron!"
mircea_popescu: oh god, the wot!
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-01-2016#1390907 << a) variety of implementation is considered good for security ; b) community of usage should be user driven not developer driven (or GOD FORBID) design mandated. ☝︎
ben_vulpes: this was god i don't know how many months ago
punkman: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-01-2016#1390090 several weeks of testing just for V? good god my dear fellow ☝︎
mircea_popescu: jesus god how did people manage codebases pre v.
ascii_butugychag: if you use variants - specify the variant each time, like the laws of man and god demand.
mircea_popescu: it's god-awful. and they "pretend" to not know in the sense they're too fucking stupid to figure it out.
assbot: Logged on 27-01-2016 23:16:24; pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-01-2016#1387128 << i swear to god this is the primary reason that 99% of "connected" folks use "password" as a password. "omg i got hacked, now i have something to do and something to talk about!"
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-01-2016#1387128 << i swear to god this is the primary reason that 99% of "connected" folks use "password" as a password. "omg i got hacked, now i have something to do and something to talk about!" ☝︎☟︎
adlai: and on the 8th day, God released pdf2djvu
mircea_popescu: PeterL ah, but in the god forsaken country of romania, there's a bunch of kings called that.
ben_vulpes: GOD
assbot: Logged on 24-01-2016 00:05:24; danielpbarron: >> me: the universe does not guarantee a solution to things that humans perceive as problems. << personification of 'universe' to replace God
PeterL: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-01-2016#1383435 << maybe "god" is just anthropomorphic personification of "universe" ☝︎
ben_vulpes: http://www.contravex.com/2016/01/24/drones-sono-finiti/#footnote_1_6779 << i swear to god i read this elsewhere recently
danielpbarron: >> me: the universe does not guarantee a solution to things that humans perceive as problems. << personification of 'universe' to replace God ☟︎
mircea_popescu: thanks god.
mircea_popescu: o god.
mircea_popescu: he's equally convinced that "if it exists, is cuz god willed it, and should it go away, it will be through god's will"
mircea_popescu: good god.
mircea_popescu: o god, the parade of magic substr addresses
mircea_popescu: motherfucking god almighty.
assbot: Mr. Mean-Spirited: BE MORE LIKE GOD ... ( http://bit.ly/1nb58Rr )
punkman: http://mister-mean-spirited.blogspot.com/2016/01/be-more-like-god.html
mircea_popescu: dude that shit you linked... jesus god. yes, you can get a zamac thing for "1500".
mircea_popescu: trinque no but he's asking me what he's doing when he's the one doing it. and in all honesty he expects me to answer. i suppose in the same honesty he expects a snippet of code somwhere exists which says "how to subdue women". god knows the PUA subculture's been working tediously at it.
trinque: oh god, that google result's summary.. teh lulz overfloweth
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378315 << ow god, you actually listened to the "satanist" crap ? it's god-awful. heavy metal is one thing, but more iron maiden less weirdo guttural dudes. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-01-2016#1378287 << technically the view is as to HIGHEST power, not as to higher power. the idea that there may be no intermediation between god and man is a relatively novel innovation, broadly specific to anglo neoprotestants. (in this context "anglo" means mostly means dutch) ☝︎
danielpbarron: I assume nothing. They say themselves what "higher power" means >> Because of the A.A. policy of a "God, as we understand Him," A.A. is a den of demonic activity. In the booklet, Conscious Contact, they write, . . . there are probably as many different ideas about a Higher Power, or God, as there are people in Twelve Step programs. (p. 8)
ben_vulpes: "higher power must mean what i mean by god, and so therefore HEWETICS"
danielpbarron: either you are a liar claiming to believe in a false god that you know doesn't really exist, or you actually believe in the false god. In either case, your "spiritual progress" is not towards the truth but rather a damning lie.
danielpbarron: nobody can be helped if God hasn't created them for the purpose of being helped.
mircea_popescu: when the weigher for the worth in pounds of flesh comes around, it god damned weighs.
jurov: "true cuz God said so"
danielpbarron: what good is a pgp from God? He can phuctor all keys
danielpbarron: PeterL, God said He'd preserve His word and I believe Him
mircea_popescu: god fucking help us with a symbolics entrenched in success.
phf: ascii_shmoocon: oh god damn, i missed it again.
assbot: Logged on 16-01-2016 14:16:09; mircea_popescu: it's complicated. for the true believer (not everyone who reads the books gives a shit, you realise, though many do) faith is a major factor, as measured in two things : uniques (on the theory that hey, god wouldn't allow the flock to scatter) and miracles (on the theory that nature is a whore, and whoever she picks is king).
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-01-2016#1372530 << the Bible is all about God causing His people to scatter; Christ wondered aloud if any would still believe when He returns ☝︎
mircea_popescu: it's complicated. for the true believer (not everyone who reads the books gives a shit, you realise, though many do) faith is a major factor, as measured in two things : uniques (on the theory that hey, god wouldn't allow the flock to scatter) and miracles (on the theory that nature is a whore, and whoever she picks is king). ☟︎
cazalla: soz, i am only playing :) god knows my missus does not look near as good as she did when we first mete
trinque: "By saying "eliminate the state" we are advocating a security improvement, namely adopting signature schemes that do not need to record information after every signature. We are not talking about eliminating other types of states. We love most states, especially yours!" << oh god
trinque: by god, sometime this month it might even have a fully synced trb to poke too
mircea_popescu: "old miners" do what you say in cases such as saudi arabia cutting prices to sink obama's hopes of reindustrializing the us, sure. but note that there's a strong "god-given" element to this : the saudis didn't BUILD those oil deposits.
trinque: god that's another motherfucking terrible notation and I play music!
assbot: Logged on 12-01-2016 13:32:43; mircea_popescu: "f course, a full charge won't be that important most days," << god fucking help them once memory effects and other such things start taking a toll. the full prospect should read " As previously announced, the Bolt's 288 cells will be able to go over 200 miles on a full charge about 20 or so times. Good fucking luck with your new disposable car!"
mircea_popescu: "f course, a full charge won't be that important most days," << god fucking help them once memory effects and other such things start taking a toll. the full prospect should read " As previously announced, the Bolt's 288 cells will be able to go over 200 miles on a full charge about 20 or so times. Good fucking luck with your new disposable car!" ☟︎
pete_dushenski: but since no one else on god's green earth actually uses this set-up, it's probably a moot point
mircea_popescu: Tubro, the fat Panamanian God of Money is a useful notion
mircea_popescu: it'd have failed even more miserably if god himself sat with budhha and fucked the actual shiva on that very table.
mircea_popescu: keep your stuff as rolls like god & newton intended
danielpbarron: yes, God causes all things and there is no will outside of His
thestringpuller: if I broadcast tx and have to use block explorer or god forbid "upgrade" to see it confirm, then I take issue
mircea_popescu: yeah. "o my god raw milk". herp.
mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> It talks and proposes soft forks and apparently eats a bunch of USD VC money from god knows where << yeah. none of this counts for anything. and i have nfi why they'd get any amount of vote in any discussion re bitcoin.
BingoBoingo: It talks and proposes soft forks and apparently eats a bunch of USD VC money from god knows where
assbot: Logged on 09-01-2016 08:32:46; punkman: and good god, all this implicitness is code is enough to drive a man crazy
punkman: and good god, all this implicitness is code is enough to drive a man crazy ☟︎
pete_dushenski: god help venice if it needs to rebuild the roads of rome
thestringpuller: oh god mircea_popescu is making me hungry
ben_vulpes: god bless coredata
mircea_popescu: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CX73jDVU0AA4l4R.jpg:large << the reason pimps use main bitches is that no thing on god's earth is or ever could be as hard on a cocksucker as another cocksucker just like her.
mircea_popescu: so he followed her, and as he was going prayed the lord, "my god, do not let me fall into sin for this woman". so as god had it the woman turned a corner, there was a church, she went in, they were married and it was all good.
mircea_popescu: "if wealth is a curse let god smite me down with it! and let me never recover!"
mircea_popescu: ima have the thing rescanned and resent. but god damned this has to be fixed omfg.
mircea_popescu: oh god damned. WHO THE FUCK DID THIS!
assbot: Logged on 03-01-2016 18:51:26; mircea_popescu: and in other news, fuck upbringing. i lived up twenty fucking years thinking you absolutely gotta peel potatoes. god damned, peels' the best part of the fucking potato.
mircea_popescu: and in other news, fuck upbringing. i lived up twenty fucking years thinking you absolutely gotta peel potatoes. god damned, peels' the best part of the fucking potato. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: my god has tv died
mircea_popescu: like god fucking intended.
mircea_popescu: too god damned many bands
mircea_popescu: 15 x 20 doth not a fucking club make good god.
mircea_popescu: i tell you, if world is ramping up to exterminate mosquitoes and some derp decides that it's his god given right to keep stale water on "his propertah" ima shoot him and burn his propertah down.
mircea_popescu: anyway. lo and behold, most of the womenz trying to date online have a god damned reason for it! behind a monitor, nobody knows you're short!
mircea_popescu: anyway. i like it here. instead of "full nudity for all visitors. house rules." "what ?!??!" it's "full nudity for all visitors. house rules." "oh thanks god!"
assbot: Louis CK : Of Course But Maybe - Oh My God (HD) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1IEEWc4 )
pete_dushenski: thank god blogs aren't published in print
mircea_popescu: very specifically female, this idiocy. once some chicks start being "x-sexual", all the bulk of them gotta be "y-sexual" because oh my god! being left behind by fashions is like the #1 fear of your average demisexual out there.
shinohai: Dear God newsbtc looks like an ad agency took a shit on it
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355290 << i broadly agree. laptops have no future ; thanks god for that. ☝︎
junseth: God the XT-ers
asciilifeform: whether stopped for this reason, or because god pressed a button, i do not know.
ben_vulpes: oh god. damnit. assbot.
ben_vulpes: oh ho god no
mircea_popescu: jesus god.
asciilifeform: 'god created the integers, all else is the work of man' (tm) (r) (gauss)
mircea_popescu: ima wipe this entire thing and start over. god damned tis frustrating.
mircea_popescu: o god damned it.
mircea_popescu: god damned it.
mircea_popescu: god damned half filled manifest.
mircea_popescu: "oh my god what if i read it and it makes sense to me".
assbot: NOFX - Thank God Its Monday - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1RAkOdP )
mircea_popescu: god damned...
pete_dushenski: and thank god it's only part of b-a because the trb-dev stuff is waywaywayway over my head
ben_vulpes: god bless chuck
mircea_popescu: in other news, one inch of costa rica coffee, three inches of milk, a pinch of black sugar, three drops of vanilla oil (actual!), four ice-cubes and havana club anejo especial (genuine) qs makes the god-damnedest... bootleg kalhua let's call it/
Birdman: I think you need to calm down and get ahold of yourself mentally. Good god where's your fortitude man?