130 entries in 0.545s
asciilifeform: (no signs of 'blackhole', and node died peacefully)
ascii_butugychag: what i do know is that -connect nodes within my walls do not ever blackhole.
ascii_butugychag: blackhole results when the worker thread (the one that handles nearly everything) is wedged ☟︎
pete_dushenski: tevye having fun with a different type of blackhole than yesterday. log snippet for those curious : http://dpaste.com/2K9AAQ6.txt
asciilifeform: ye olde blackhole also back
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: proper blackhole, with the characteristic logz, or plain old lag ?
assbot: Logged on 10-01-2016 15:49:35; copypaste: so people going along with soft forks are literally just throwing their coins into a blackhole which will be opened whenever miners defect, which is a gaurantee as more muppets follow along with the softfork the potential gain from defecting rises
copypaste: so people going along with soft forks are literally just throwing their coins into a blackhole which will be opened whenever miners defect, which is a gaurantee as more muppets follow along with the softfork the potential gain from defecting rises ☟︎
asciilifeform: a trb node in the 'blackhole' state is also extremely slow to respond to local api reqs
asciilifeform: classic blackhole, now that i think about it.
asciilifeform: (lengthy blackhole periods apparent to naked eye, in log)
asciilifeform: phuctor is now in recalculatory limbo, and may be for weeks; and therealbitcoin node is in blackhole limbo
ascii_modem: only brake on the realestate blackhole.
asciilifeform: i suppose we'll see if there is a gnome with a hand-edited 'google blackhole' chart, soon enough
asciilifeform: assuming the thing isn't simply a blackhole for money,
TheNewDeal: They say that burning bitcoin, or sending it to a bitcoin blackhole, is a great way to fund an altcoin
jurov: youre stretching it too extreme... then the blackhole is punishment gazette too
dexX7: well, should not be much of a problem, even if it's a blackhole at the moment. thanks fluffy anyway :)
mircea_popescu: if a blackhole pops up anywhere in the atmosphere we'd likely hear about it.
Duffer1: it's like a bitcoin blackhole
davout: awshit- blackhole
kleeck_: A blackhole.
Namworld: For a limited time only, pretrading, I offer you LABCOIN! Only 0.05 BTC per unit! Simply send funds to this blackhole address: 1Blackhole
ThickAsThieves: he made is a blackhole
seongyupyoo: Does anybody know how to make a blackhole address?
seongyupyoo: i'm wondering what ways there are to do 1. really destroy bitcoins 2. blackhole it 3. give it back to blockchain
jurov: seongyupyoo, what about sending the btc to *minable* blackhole and publish the challenge?
seongyupyoo: kind of still similar to putting it in blackhole
asciilifeform: why not use actual destruction (send to a blackhole address) ?
mod6: abuse? to the blackhole you go!