25 entries in 0.677s

ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: you mean robert
viragh ?
ben_vulpes: hey just because i never trumpeted my
viragh logs
a111: Logged on 2015-02-10 04:00 ben_vulpes: at least robert
viragh and the_minor_pestilence had the good sense to not leave a crumbtrail
ben_vulpes waves to the forever-tarnished robert
viragh mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and check out the comments - he has his very own
viragh all spinning.
assbot: Logged on 23-01-2016 18:26:38; ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu may have his reasons for being so friendly and welcoming but bearing a deep suspicion of new faces in #b-a has saved me untold heartbreak (and no doubt riches, if i were to listen to robert
viragh's ilk)
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu may have his reasons for being so friendly and welcoming but bearing a deep suspicion of new faces in #b-a has saved me untold heartbreak (and no doubt riches, if i were to listen to robert
viragh's ilk)
☟︎ ben_vulpes: i don't extend the robert
viragh s of the world nearly so much rope as i did before
adlai: the brains behind it spin a bullshit game that would make robert
viragh proud
ben_vulpes: much less protracted than the
viragh episode
ben_vulpes: hey robert
viragh fuck off quit emailing me.
ben_vulpes: trinque: are you familiar with the story of ninjashogun aka robert
ben_vulpes: at least robert
viragh and the_minor_pestilence had the good sense to not leave a crumbtrail
☟︎ ben_vulpes: i'm still waiting for robert
viragh to call my mother and tell her i hang out with nasty people on the internets
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: this is why you kept getting sucked into arguing with Robert
Viragh over plainly stupid shit.
ben_vulpes: ah that's right the virulent robert
viragh assbot: 2 results for 'robert
viragh' - #bitcoin-assets search
benkay: hue hue hue i just got an email back from pg@ycombinator.com disavowing "robert
ninjashogun: Fine, you can call Paul Graham (pg@ycoombinator.com) and ask about Robert
ninjashogun: "Mr.
Viragh, \p If it constitutes a security, yes. \pThe definition of security is included in Securities Act Section 2(a)(1) and Exchange Act Section (3)(a)(10). In addition, the term investment contract has been further defined by court cases. While the determination that stocks and bonds are securities may be fairly simple (because they are specifically named in these definitions), the determination