235 entries in 0.689s

the_scourge voiced for 30 minutes.
ben_vulpes: !!up
the_scourge planning to do something about all the reconnects?
the_scourge stop with the relogs. either get a line that works or read the web log.
deedbot: asciilifeform rated
the_scourge -2 at 2015/02/03 12:44:20 << dear usg, please send better clowns; the cheap ones are growing tiresome.
ben_vulpes: !~later tell
the_scourge fix your connection, wouldja?
the_scourge: What did you get pinched for?
the_scourge voiced for 30 minutes.
a111: Logged on 2015-02-03 21:34 ben_vulpes: <
the_scourge> mircea_popescu: yah cool, i did read through some logs << some lol. the point is that you've gotta pick up the variety speak, and that comes from reading logs in near-real-time for six months, not "some" or "a few" or "the ones i found interesting and/or easy"
a111: Logged on 2016-11-12 00:08
the_scourge: BingoBoingo: alphrophecy not in the logs on either channel, what is that?
the_scourge your idea of "thje rest of the world" is based on some fly droppings you gaze on the peeling wallpaper that constitutes your only wall decoration, on a wall you watch every day.
the_scourge: Fat bitches can't be important
the_scourge dude get out. she's nobody on a stick, to a larger degree than that other nobodyu on a stick. you think different because you have no exposure to the world.
the_scourge voiced for 30 minutes.
the_scourge voiced for 30 minutes.
the_scourge: Kako's rating does not hold on this side of schism
the_scourge voiced for 30 minutes.
the_scourge: Why would I want terrorist jap truck when I can find rust American Iron to give blessing of Great Again!
the_scourge: I'll prolly go GM, either S10 or Sonoma. Factory bed replaced with flat one of own crafting. But truck must wait for 5 kilo dollar to USd exchagne rate because priorities
the_scourge: It isn't like a bit of inflation or devaluation of the USd is a bad thing.
the_scourge: It is in logs. A future president drives to White house and parks pick up truck on lawn.
the_scourge: Why would Mr. T make you bullish on USD. Renegotiating national debt will raise interest rates. Especially when US has bankruptcy filing on credit report.
the_scourge notreally. it can provide an edge if the other side is just as incompetent, that's about all.
the_scourge voiced for 30 minutes.
the_scourge voiced for 30 minutes.
assbot: Logged on 07-02-2015 02:20:39;
the_scourge: 'Emacs actually comes with a builting Emacs Aptitude Test. Do you remap your keyboard or the Emacs keybindings before the chords and sequences it comes with by default have wreaked havoc with your hands? If you do not do anything to make Emacs more convenient for yourself, you may not have the prerequisite aptitude to use it productive.' (naggum, who else.
http://www.xach.com/na < funny, that's one of t
mircea_popescu: mike_c "легальные резиденты" my ratting comment @
the_scourge ? lol
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell
the_scourge hey ninjashogun managed to crap more lines into the log over a longer time than you. howzat feel?
ben_vulpes: by the way, isn't it amusing how
the_scourge got instanuked, but the outright derps keep getting upped?
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for
the_scourge from 1 to -2 with note: dear usg, please send better clowns; the cheap ones are growing tiresome.
the_scourge: he already blogged it all
the_scourge, have you been told to read the log yet?
the_scourge: shit doesn't even really count compared to actual impressive public market scamming like VGMC
the_scourge: It is the plague of people having no concept of history pretending they can haz bzns
the_scourge: you are making a loud public fool of yourself, unnecessarily. friendly warning.
the_scourge did not actually read a word of it
ascii_field: i must confess - despite having read every word of mr mold's UR (and got my fair fill of the author in his previous life, and likewise played in his hindley-milner mathemasturbatorium until could take it no more) - i am still no closer to grasping
the_scourge's arguments
the_scourge are you looking for the log bit about the spanish revolutionary right ?
the_scourge, only 300?
chetty: <
the_scourge> obviously not everyone in the world enjoys prose, otherwise everyone in the world would agree with modlbug that atheists worship equality, not science// atheists worship not worshiping
the_scourge: wait, are you suggesting that socialism isn't part of The Cathedral? << a) "the cathedral" is about as solid a concept as moldbug's new os.
chetty: <trinque> +
the_scourge | mike_c: i'm starting to think that i've taken a pill which ran an end-run around #b-a ... not sure yet << I came for the bitcoin, stayed for the mindfuck// aren't they the same thing?
trinque: +
the_scourge | mike_c: i'm starting to think that i've taken a pill which ran an end-run around #b-a ... not sure yet << I came for the bitcoin, stayed for the mindfuck
chetty: <
the_scourge> chetty: are you talking about CHris Kyle? ... i guess he is a 'journalist' lol// no Brian Williams
mike_c: <+
the_scourge> trust me, those assertions seem like total nonsense to me now, even though i fully believed them as recently as 3 weeks ago << imagine what you'll whole heartedly believe a month from now!
the_scourge: i'm in edmonton. and iirc you're in canada too
the_scourge: all = modern only. rousseau didn't invent socialism
the_scourge: i'd say allah's been around longer so... lindy effect
the_scourge you don't understand how the world works :)
the_scourge: i suppose this is another admonition not to use "we"
the_scourge if you did log probably has the line somewhere.