235 entries in 0.42s
pete_dushenski: the_scourge: it's worth noting that most people "in bitcoin" tremble in fear a lot
pete_dushenski: the_scourge: ya the "phys-sec" thing is something i've heard about for years and years now
mircea_popescu: the_scourge the nuclear part is explained here : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=21-01-2015#987147 ☝︎
pete_dushenski: the_scourge: huh funny thing that intuition sometimes
pete_dushenski: the_scourge: it does take a significant amount of interest in investing, monetary history, politics, to grasp
pete_dushenski: the_scourge: and nuclear weapons most definitely do something
pete_dushenski: the_scourge: i've read more xeno that ur, it so happens
pete_dushenski: the_scourge: lol read more closely
pete_dushenski: the_scourge: http://www.contravex.com/2015/01/17/spending-all-your-time-figuring-out-what-kind-of-ism-you-and-your-friends-believe-in-so-that-you-can-call-each-other-whatever-ists-is-no-way-to-improve-the-world/#comment-8576
pete_dushenski: the_scourge: a handful, sure
mircea_popescu: the_scourge the standing advice for all usians has been "get the fuck out of the us" for at least a year.
mircea_popescu: the_scourge but you see the difference between working on and working within ?
BigBitz: the_scourge ... ?
mircea_popescu: the_scourge so how do these two come together in your reasoning there ?
pete_dushenski: the_scourge: mhm tis i
pete_dushenski: heya the_scourge did you ever read http://www.contravex.com/2015/01/17/spending-all-your-time-figuring-out-what-kind-of-ism-you-and-your-friends-believe-in-so-that-you-can-call-each-other-whatever-ists-is-no-way-to-improve-the-world/ ?
punkman: the_scourge: well now it's "cool" to write about it
fluffypony: the_scourge: I think we're going to end up like the people in Wall-E
fluffypony: the_scourge: because with Bitcoin checkpoints are optional, and won't be needed eventually. with PeerCoin they will always be needed (for pure PoS).
mircea_popescu: the_scourge from experience, not even human translation by billingual hands do my prose justice.
mircea_popescu: the_scourge myeah. http://trilema.com/2009/capitalism-si-naivitate/ << romanians have the same problem, if it helps anything.
fluffypony: lol the_scourge
mircea_popescu: the_scourge i would imagine so, and if not i'll soon find out.
fluffypony: the_scourge: he doesn't have a newsletter
fluffypony: the_scourge: yes
fluffypony: the_scourge: Poelstra's write-up is normally my go-to when PoS comes up in convo: https://download.wpsoftware.net/bitcoin/alts.pdf
fluffypony: the_scourge: Vitalik's approach to solving anything is to layer complexity on top, his Delegated PoS thing is just ugh
fluffypony: the_scourge: PoS is not a terrible idea, it just doesn't work
trinque: the_scourge: https://rumpydog.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/kenny-big-cat-rescue.jpg
trinque: the_scourge: heh, dude.. this feel, I know it
trinque: the_scourge: gotta just ignore useless people and not miss the opportunity to hang among the worthwhile when it comes along
mircea_popescu: the_scourge why not ?
asciilifeform: the_scourge: reddit article << now my turn to ask, what was the interesting part ?
BingoBoingo: the_scourge: ^ context
ben_vulpes: to the logs witcha, the_scourge
ben_vulpes: <the_scourge> which by the way, if we ever turn THAT kind of proof (fuck, even literate code commits) into PoW, then it's anybody's game (again) but ... too theoretical << bwahahahat?
ben_vulpes: the_scourge: they have an office nearby at which i drink occasionally
ben_vulpes: the_scourge: i don't fuck with any of that stuff.
ben_vulpes: the_scourge: not only fedwiki, but it's also got all sorts of css and javascript
mircea_popescu: the_scourge the logs are actually linked in the topic. and the variety speak is http://trilema.com/2013/youre-gonna-have-to-learn-that-variety-speak/
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: the_scourge: Not a bad log day to start on http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2013#411276 ☝︎
ben_vulpes: the_scourge: if you do it right, you'll find yourself searching through the dead logs for further context.
ben_vulpes: <the_scourge> mircea_popescu: yah cool, i did read through some logs << some lol. the point is that you've gotta pick up the variety speak, and that comes from reading logs in near-real-time for six months, not "some" or "a few" or "the ones i found interesting and/or easy" ☟︎
BingoBoingo: the_scourge> when we started cooking our food (cause fire was a new technology at some point), our intestine shrunk by over 20%, leaving more energy for our brain << More likely shrunk as meat became nutrient fire or not. Most carnivores have short GI tracts because meat digest faster than comlex plant matter. Cell walls are a bitch to break.
BingoBoingo: <the_scourge> spirulina is far better than meat than meat as a protein source. fake bio knowledge or not, ask you local biochemist what must be done to meat before your body can digest it :D << Also even though "complete" spirulina in low in some more important amino acids
BingoBoingo: <the_scourge> spirulina is far better than meat than meat as a protein source. fake bio knowledge or not, ask you local biochemist what must be done to meat before your body can digest it :D << Must go in mouth. Even raw I digest fine.
adlai: the_scourge: generally doing a log search via !s or http://search.bitcoin-assets.com will help you find context for words or ideas that seem out of place
asciilifeform: the_scourge: if you do not know this, you are far behind in your studies
asciilifeform: the_scourge: the concept of 'proof of work' as it pertains to bitcoin is a very well-defied, mechanical thing. as in, machine-verifiable.
adlai: the_scourge: "people who work a part-time job so they can fund another person's part-time job doing their homework"
asciilifeform: the_scourge: learn ru, bookz immediately become something you get for free, instantly, and in grepable plain ascii.
asciilifeform: the_scourge: generally, ascii
mircea_popescu: the_scourge generally the advice given to noobs is to read the logs for six months to a year.
nubbins`: the_scourge among other things, yes
nubbins`: the_scourge because mining at the personal level is retarded, but running a node is not.
asciilifeform: the_scourge: experiment with a minimal-cost bitcoin node
asciilifeform: the_scourge: 'pogo' was suggested (iirc, i suggested it) purely on account of cost (and the fact of chassis and power supply being included in the cost, pre-assembled)
asciilifeform: the_scourge: have not tried personally
trinque: the_scourge: I think it's a bit of a problem to expect anything other than barbarism from those trained to execute it at industrial scale
trinque: the_scourge: seems the enslavement of soldiers has to do with the necessity of keeping them loyal/taking orders
asciilifeform: the_scourge: tactical success, as i think it well known, is not the only thing expected of a soldier
trinque: the_scourge: but directly aligned with being enslaved eh?
asciilifeform: adlai, the_scourge: all of these sounds like traditional military exercises
adlai: the_scourge is describing approved exercises. i'm describing legends about what happens in elite units outside the approval and regulation of the main army bodies.
asciilifeform: the_scourge: describe, for the benefit of folks in barbaric faraway lands, some of these nuances.
adlai: the_scourge: now that mp gave you legal residency, you should be able to !up yourself in PM with assbot, and that lasts as long as you're connected to the channel
asciilifeform: the_scourge: 'the fiat thing' ever tries, if you notice, to walk the fine line between scam and outright expropriation/dekulakization
adlai: !up the_scourge
adlai: the_scourge: what did you serve in?
asciilifeform: the_scourge: better example - 1918, lenin's boys experimented with cancelling money.
asciilifeform: the_scourge: that king cannot simply order arbitrary objects monetized, or forgo the use of money entirely
asciilifeform: the_scourge: point was the 'monetization' hypothesis
asciilifeform: the_scourge: you might enjoy reminiscing with them
asciilifeform: the_scourge: we have mats and adlai here, also former (or possibly reverse) army men in various corners of usa vassal empire
asciilifeform: the_scourge: as a boy i was fond of reading ungodly quantities of ww2 minutiae. and i remember marvelling that the luftwaffe had to pay xxx reichsmarks, for, e.g., a v2 rocket. 'why did nazis have to pay for things,' i asked.
asciilifeform: the_scourge: but why does a particular army demand to be paid in one thing and not another ?
asciilifeform: the_scourge: why, then, were cowrie shells demonetized ?
asciilifeform: the_scourge: what's the secondary use for a benjamin? cocaine straw ?
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for the_scourge with note: легальные резиденты
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.the_scourge.1:33e0ab5465f7642a6e1ae13ba6bbb73a29cd777a865ced5b2dfb9dd7a56197ab
mircea_popescu: !rate the_scourge 1 легальные резиденты
mircea_popescu: the_scourge what do you do for a living, and what sort of education do you have basically.
mircea_popescu: the_scourge who are you anyway ?
thestringpuller: !up the_scourge
thestringpuller: !up Jrum the_scourge
asciilifeform: the_scourge: you can now self-voice, as described in the assbot manual (message it with !up)
kakobrekla: the_scourge ^^
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for the_scourge with note: new blood, seems like a reasonable fella, presently
asciilifeform: !v assbot:asciilifeform.rate.the_scourge.1:97ebe29eec56db08f42ab0fbddfb4b60375c862c3ec0412baac3b1e9b0f39e28
asciilifeform: !rate the_scourge 1 new blood, seems like a reasonable fella, presently
asciilifeform: the_scourge: gotta be in wot and logged in to press that button
assbot: the_scourge is not registered in WoT.
kakobrekla: the_scourge see pm.
asciilifeform: the_scourge: you may be aware that bitcoin network does not function by 'vote' of the nodes.
mircea_popescu: the_scourge which one
asciilifeform: the_scourge: 'vc' around here typically refers to the american financial term
mircea_popescu: the_scourge the notion that anyone works on bitcoin or in any manner relevant to bitcoin outside of this channel is laughable on its face.
asciilifeform: the_scourge: this means bitcoin in much the same way that computing means semiconductor.
asciilifeform: !up the_scourge
mircea_popescu: <the_scourge> like we're back in a weird 'sleuth and journalist > public opinion' game which was lost a LONG time ago << public opinion only matters in fiat backed worlds.