28 entries in 0.72s
mircea_popescu: neways, as it turns out on the autopsy table, management's plan to build perceived market value in the fuckgoats through running republican isp delivered, ~twenny bux of fuckgoats trades for about a hundy in the exact environment a nominal hundred dubaloos worth of generic hardware trades for like twenty. five this way and five that way, not half bad.
a111: Logged on 2019-10-07 08:12 mp_en_viaje: you're going to be the guy who went to uruguay to establish republican isp who instead started subsistence farming ? the man from the future turned into the dead of the past ?! become a fucking guarani now ?!
mp_en_viaje: you're going to be the guy who went to uruguay to establish republican isp who instead started subsistence farming ? the man from the future turned into the dead of the past ?! become a fucking guarani now ?! ☟︎
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-06 13:05:51 asciilifeform: ddosism i suspect will follow all attempts to build republican isp. and will appear at the maximally effective time, i.e. when resources have already been sunk into buildout, long-term contracts with pipe seller signed, etc
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: my current take, is that any adventure in republican isp, regardless where located , is a walk between scylla and charybdis .
asciilifeform: ddosism i suspect will follow all attempts to build republican isp. and will appear at the maximally effective time, i.e. when resources have already been sunk into buildout, long-term contracts with pipe seller signed, etc
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-05 05:07:28 mp_en_viaje: if indeed the observations are that 1. "non-nato" is meaningless, contemporary fucktard mindset is socialism anyways everywhere ; AND 2. the true problem for republican isp is actually clean bw, which "datacenters" fail to provide,
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-05 04:51:37 mp_en_viaje: if indeed the observations are that 1. "non-nato" is meaningless, contemporary fucktard mindset is socialism anyways everywhere ; AND 2. the true problem for republican isp is actually clean bw, which "datacenters" fail to provide,
mp_en_viaje: if indeed the observations are that 1. "non-nato" is meaningless, contemporary fucktard mindset is socialism anyways everywhere ; AND 2. the true problem for republican isp is actually clean bw, which "datacenters" fail to provide,
mircea_popescu: how do i lean on him, "trinque, stick with the republican isp!" "but mp, LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO MY BABY!". what do i say at that juncture ?
asciilifeform: trinque: the text to answer 'wai republican isp' exists, unfortunately it's a coupla hundr MB, aka.. the l0gz
trinque: oughta say something about why the fuck someone wants a republican ISP
a111: Logged on 2017-04-21 17:09 mircea_popescu: republican isp = competent sysadmin who handles relationship with multiple dcs in terms of getting hardware installed and refuses any requests made under color of law by the terrorist organisation known as "the united states government". and publishes them.
mod6: Pizarro, The Republican ISP's offical channel is now: #pizarro
ben_vulpes: somehow lobbes trinque phf asciilifeform can run bots without the republican isp but all of a sudden shinohai cannot?
ave1: will the republican ISP also provide some sort of website hosting?
mircea_popescu: caaddr empire ~stole the box, started quest for republican isp.
BingoBoingo: What kind of hardware are you building those with? As ISP develops would be nice to know what a republican box builder is offering.
mircea_popescu: we're in the process of setting up a republican isp because non-republican isps are 100% shit.
BingoBoingo: <trinque> BingoBoingo: and hey, why don't you script a qntra deploy and blast it on a new VPS every other week? << A few reasons: 1. I r idiot, 2. Database updating constantly which means need box and not VPS rapehole, 3. This points to Republican ISP needed or no nice things
asciilifeform: 'republican isp' on magicpacketable-nsaware iron...
mircea_popescu: let's redo the whole http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=republican+isp discussion huh.
mircea_popescu: i am discussing a republican isp.
mircea_popescu: republican isp = competent sysadmin who handles relationship with multiple dcs in terms of getting hardware installed and refuses any requests made under color of law by the terrorist organisation known as "the united states government". and publishes them. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-04-21 16:59 mircea_popescu reviews with unmitigated sadness that the republican isp issue IS STILL NOT RESOLVED.
mircea_popescu reviews with unmitigated sadness that the republican isp issue IS STILL NOT RESOLVED. ☟︎
Framedragger: so yeah, running a republican dns root would still imply "collaborating" with current internet infrastructure. reform, not revolution. something like, in those tmsr ISP discussion, someone e.g suggesting to acquire an autonomous system number for tmsr. "is it even worth it."
mircea_popescu: do you happen to know the republic has been looking for an actual republican isp ?