37 entries in 0.426s
assbot: Logged on 23-01-2016 08:52:39; assbot: Latest posts of: organofcorti ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pp0g8b )
assbot: Latest posts of: organofcorti ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pp0g8b ) ☟︎
TheNewDeal: I searched for the top miners on organofcorti's website
TheNewDeal: ahhh I've read that one before. On a similar note - does that empty block miner still persist? Haven't seen organofcorti mention it
Adlai: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2014#923008 << a first step in some sort of appropriate direction could be http://organofcorti.blogspot.ru/2014/11/daily-and-weekly-bitcoin-transaction.html although that article doesn't go far enough for interesting results ☝︎
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell organofcorti http://trilema.com/2014/a-humble-proposal-to-bitcoin-miners/ << would you consider discvussing that article on your blog ?
gribble: organofcorti was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 years, 20 weeks, 3 days, 9 hours, 31 minutes, and 40 seconds ago: <organofcorti> Hey, does anyone know what the cost to reissue an expired bond is?
mircea_popescu: ;;seen organofcorti
thickasthieves: like organofcorti
ThickAsThieves: organofcorti was first probly
thickasthieves: organofcorti has a nice post today http://organofcorti.blogspot.com/2014/10/106-does-price-still-lead-difficulty.html
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2014/10/gavin-andressen-proposes-scalability-roadmap-and-hardfork/#comment-16 << OrganofCorti
gribble: organofcorti was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 years, 8 weeks, 0 days, 17 hours, 6 minutes, and 41 seconds ago: <organofcorti> Hey, does anyone know what the cost to reissue an expired bond is?
mircea_popescu: ;;seen organofcorti
punkman: well I've been looking for all that data in the book but I only found copy-pasted charts of dubious provenance and footnote links of dubious provenance. Not even a single link to organofcorti.
assbot: 5 results for 'organofcorti' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=organofcorti
mircea_popescu: !s organofcorti
ThickAsThieves: organofcorti
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for agentx24, bitcoinpete, buanzo, Cametam, EricNakamoto, fbastage, frankenmint, Immukization, iwilcox, moiety, mrbutler, ninjashogun, nubbins, oleganza, organofcorti, phelps, Phinnaeus, plezoh, princesnell, princessnell, ryepdx, sic_nic, starsoccer9, ThickasTheives, and tweeeaks.
gribble: I currently have notes waiting for agentx24, anarkitty, bakinat, buanzo, EricNakamoto, fbastage, frankenmint, Immukization, MurphyLawn, newyorkadam, nubbins, nubbins`i, organofcorti, Phinnaeus, plezoh, ryepdx, sic_nic, starsoccer9, ThickasTheives, unbalanced, and weenfan.
mircea_popescu: http://organofcorti.blogspot.com << he's like the mike_c of mining
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell organofcorti nice site btw
mircea_popescu: http://organofcorti.blogspot.ro/2014/03/181-who-owns-1htm4tysxf5yzklpco6mtuunfs.html#!/2014/03/181-who-owns-1htm4tysxf5yzklpco6mtuunfs.html
ThickAsThieves: http://organofcorti.blogspot.com/
ThickAsThieves: do you know of organofcorti?
unbalanced: The OrganOfCorti site is great for charting insights... and is also a .ca so maybe he's Canadian http://organofcorti.blogspot.ca/2013/11/162-short-post-on-mapping-historical.html
kakobrekla: http://organofcorti.blogspot.com/2013/10/146-distribution-of-investor-bitcoin.html
jcpham: http://organofcorti.blogspot.com/2013/10/146-distribution-of-investor-bitcoin.html
jurov: http://organofcorti.blogspot.sk/2013/09/105-forecasting-network-hashrate.html
ericmuyser: Chaang-Noi: their's a blog post on determining investment price in hashes at any given time based on those variables, but it'll prob make your head spin - http://organofcorti.blogspot.jp/?view=magazine
Diablo-D3: http://organofcorti.blogspot.com/2013/04/915-fair-price-for-asic-miner.html
jurov: http://organofcorti.blogspot.com/2013/04/914-asic-earnings-23-april-2013.html says difficulty can be 40m on June 19
punkman: http://organofcorti.blogspot.com/2013/04/913-asic-choices-asic-earnings-17-april.html
punkman1: relevant, http://organofcorti.blogspot.com/2013/04/121-pre-asic-network-hashrate.html
Bugpowder: http://organofcorti.blogspot.com
ThickAsThieves: http://organofcorti.blogspot.com/
Bugpowder: http://organofcorti.blogspot.com/2013/02/98-asic-choices-avalon-update.html