127 entries in 0.553s
asciilifeform: the situation of open sores is really not at all different.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-31#1511886 << run moar open sores 'seeekooority-focused' shitware!111 ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-07-17 17:31 asciilifeform: the ~STABILITY~ implied in an alt-world where software ~actually works correctly~ is Ur-terrifying to the typical maggot, whether of the microshit or 'open sores' variety
asciilifeform: the ~STABILITY~ implied in an alt-world where software ~actually works correctly~ is Ur-terrifying to the typical maggot, whether of the microshit or 'open sores' variety ☟︎
asciilifeform: but distinguishing 'if you want me to run this on my iron, let's have the source' from 'open sores movement'
ben_vulpes: can't tell how poorly without actually trying to duct-tape more open sores together, though.
asciilifeform: it leverages what they have. (seats on standards committees, stooges in open sores, etc.)
asciilifeform: the ~total unavailability of derplibraries (~no open-sores 'ecosystem') in ada land also has a cleansing effect.
asciilifeform: open sores.
asciilifeform: like most open sores crud.
asciilifeform: the 'open sores' world wasn't even able to cough up a mouse gui that didn't trigger anaphylactic shock in half the users
assbot: Logged on 07-01-2016 02:13:30; asciilifeform: google open sores works rather like 'here have a bag of $$$, do whatever you like, but you can be poettering and you definitely cannot be jurov, asciilifeform, ben_vulpes'
asciilifeform: google open sores works rather like 'here have a bag of $$$, do whatever you like, but you can be poettering and you definitely cannot be jurov, asciilifeform, ben_vulpes' ☟︎
asciilifeform: microshit is slowly getting into the game, but their 'open sores' only run on microshit and hence easily ignored by sane folk
asciilifeform: sop in open sores
asciilifeform: but illustrative of the 'open sores' thing in general.
mircea_popescu: this because bitcoin is not like open sores.
ben_vulpes off to duct tape more open sores together
asciilifeform: this being said, the language is not a favourite among the open sores crowd and so you will not find a great many full-length megaprojects in public
ascii_field: open sores!
ascii_field: it was 'open sores'd' not long ago
ascii_field: borderline-unreadable shit soup like every single other 'open sores;
asciilifeform: open sores.
mats: three cheers for open sores
asciilifeform: open sores.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: try another hypothesis re: rationale for ferguson. engineered creation of 'open sores' for military action on the cheap. as described in http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-rationale-behind-boston-psy-ops.html
BingoBoingo: "Smoking rock candy is a great way to gain all the social benefits of meth use with none of the open sores.