21 entries in 0.486s

mircea_popescu: and yes, it can be said it all stands in the same relation to
henderson & functional geometry as all the "gurus" and "experts" of the us school of management stand with skinner.
phf: oh the functional geometry
henderson pete_dushenski: "On Feb. 28, Jen
Henderson, 23, became the sole registered voter living within the community improvement district, or CID, meaning she is the only person who would vote on a half-cent sales tax increase for the district."
assbot: Logged on 11-07-2015 22:56:47; ascii_modem: fuck opengl. i want peter
henderson's sexpr graphics
ascii_modem: fuck opengl. i want peter
henderson's sexpr graphics
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "
Henderson Brothers, Inc., the specialist in our shares, is the oldest continuing specialist firm on the Exchange; its progenitor, William Thomas
Henderson, bought his seat for $500 on September 8, 1861."