103 entries in 0.452s
assbot: 199 results for '
fivezerotwo' - #bitcoin-assets search
kakobrekla: <
fivezerotwo> now I am going to ddos targets I actually give a fuck about. but don't worry, you can have you fun with bitbet afterwards with the same qntra/trilema-down flood
fivezerotwo are you ddosing that poor creature?
cazalla: mandycandy =
fivezerotwo and is trans? lol
cazalla: well,
fivezerotwo did tell me he would have a surprise for #b-a in a few days
assbot: Logged on 19-11-2014 09:07:55; BingoBoingo: * assets_idle_bot (~fivezerot@unaffiliated/
fivezerotwo) has joined #bitcoin-assets << You know... there's a log...
BingoBoingo: * assets_idle_bot (~fivezerot@unaffiliated/
fivezerotwo) has joined #bitcoin-assets << You know... there's a log...
☟︎ nubbins`:
fivezerotwo what's your favourite type of cheese?
fivezerotwo, can you stop for 5 minutes so i can publish an article
mats_cd03: 19:59:25 <
fivezerotwo> wanna ddos anybody? << a nice PM. whaddya all think? got any targets?
fivezerotwo was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 6 days, 21 hours, 54 minutes, and 17 seconds ago: <
fivezerotwo> have fun, i'll see you soon :D
gribble: Successfully removed your rating for
gribble: You rated user
fivezerotwo on Sat Oct 18 10:55:21 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: kinda derpy kid with a kinda derpy botnet..
mircea_popescu: <
fivezerotwo> reddit killed digg, one of the fastest growing tech startups at that time <<< ahahhhaha o gawd.
BingoBoingo: Maybe
fivezerotwo waits a few years and he can scrape his ransom out of the deedbot bin?
kakobrekla: 15:31 <
fivezerotwo> these people have a world view that 99% of the populance are dumb morons < its not my fault :(
assbot: dpaste: 1QE0QRB:
fivezerotwo 2014-11-03, by PinkPosixPXE
punkbot: [trust-update] | removed:
fivezerotwo mircea_popescu: cazalla:
fivezerotwo wants 2 btc to stop lol <<< guy sounds a lot more like, he'd want to start above the grunt level, doesn't know how to ask but figures (correctly) that no matter how he'd ask he won't get it.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of -1 for user
fivezerotwo has been recorded.
kakobrekla: ;;rate
fivezerotwo -1 >I wanna see if trust list notifications work correctly (next one in a couple of hours)
punkman: <
fivezerotwo> 15mpps << wait, all this trouble from 15mbits?
assbot: <
fivezerotwo> i haz vry p0wrful LOIC cannonz <
fivezerotwo> 15mpps <cazalla> i - Pastebin.com
fivezerotwo, you never got back to me
cazalla: ;;later tell
fivezerotwo i was asleep, email or say whatever it is you want to say in pm
fivezerotwo was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 18 hours, 11 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: <
fivezerotwo> That's doubtful, perhaps you got banned
cazalla: while i was sleeping "
fivezerotwo> let's talk" has he been around?
fivezerotwo: May you pretty please let us become legit News Outlet++
fivezerotwo: What, do you not like the new favicon?
mircea_popescu: <assbot> <
fivezerotwo> hello <ninjashogun> hi <
fivezerotwo> are you looking for investm <<< ahahahaha wut.
ninjashogun: I was just referring to the bottom lines. <
fivezerotwo> im just trolling you dude <
fivezerotwo> we're being paid to troll you (and then he disconnected)
assbot: <
fivezerotwo> hello <ninjashogun> hi <
fivezerotwo> are you looking for investm - Pastebin.com
mats_cd03: !up ninjashogun 20:47:42 <ninjashogun> I have an important convo to pastebin with
fivezerotwo mircea_popescu: <
fivezerotwo> so qntra has nice servers and nice inbound pipes <
fivezerotwo> mats_cd03, totes will burn a 0day on this << i suppose this is the ultimate endorsement or something ?
fivezerotwo: youre gonna have to burn a 0day, if you even have access to those, mate
fivezerotwo: planning on targeting me? you've got my attention now
mats_cd03: 19:45:29 <+
fivezerotwo> irccloud looks like this: sid23029@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-lexoqakyeznnmfjo << kek
fivezerotwo load average: 0.57, 0.31, 0.31 /me shrugs.
fivezerotwo: now why would you think that?
fivezerotwo but dude! the bandwidths keep expanding 50% a year! by 2024 it'll be fine!
mircea_popescu: <
fivezerotwo> the ones that are decent don't get popular << no, im sure he has it. they're "not user friendly"
fivezerotwo: that's a waste of resources, dood
fivezerotwo kinda lulzy, that. all the "anyonymous" derpage is getting on my nerves.
mats_cd03: 11:21:02 <+
fivezerotwo> ;; later tell devthedev you suck. 26 Fernon Lane Palm Coast FL 32137 << trying hard to impress #b-a
ThickAsThieves: <+
fivezerotwo> mircea_popescu, ah ty /// such a polite attacker
fivezerotwo how long have you been reading the logs anyway ?
fivezerotwo you interested in writing an article about your motivations and techniques?
fivezerotwo sweet, feel free to pop in with updates
fivezerotwo how long you been ddosing sites?
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user
fivezerotwo has been recorded.
mircea_popescu: ;;rate
fivezerotwo 1 kinda derpy kid with a kinda derpy botnet.