20 entries in 0.746s
mircea_popescu: "This is how hunger begins: the morning you wake,
feeling lively, then begins the weakness, then begins the boredom. Then comes the loss
of the
power of quick reason, then comes the calmness. And then begins the horror."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i'm not doing more shit for free in this context ; not only because it is outrageous for the recipients
of charity to direct the disbursement
of charity, but most
of all because the end result
of a world kept clean, warm and humming along on charity is a disproportionate
feeling of power in the idle denizens, who then end up running into "steel walls".
nubbins`: "The need to assemble is as constant among humans as the necessity
of making decisions is rare. Assembling corresponds to the joy
of feeling a common
power. Decisions are vital only in emergency situations, where the exercise
of democracy is already compromised. The rest
of the time, “the democratic character
of decision making” is only a problem for the fanatics
of process. It’s not a matter
of critiquing assemblies or abandoning them,
Adlai: !s
feeling of power jurov: you know, it is so much fun,
feeling of power and whatnot
nubbins`: pankkake, the
feeling of power than one gets from having a very long-winded, very specific drink order plays a part in this too