48 entries in 1.648s

a111: Logged on 2019-07-30 14:22 ave1: jurov: Thanks!, I'll try it, but are all these lisp (sbcl,
ecl etc) version 2 or 1?
jurov: sbcl,
ecl, ccl are all Common Lisp (notice the big C) implementations
ave1: jurov: Thanks!, I'll try it, but are all these lisp (sbcl,
ecl etc) version 2 or 1?
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-06-30 18:04 asciilifeform:
ecl is a 'black art' incidentally. for instance, it runs 'backwards' voltagewise, with ground-as-positive, and needs negative supply
a111: Logged on 2017-08-31 19:14 phf: jack daniel or whatever his name (
ECL guy, who's working on CLIM) made actual progress on the codebase (though some percent of it is wracker work) despite and since being condemned by g_l. i'm not quite sure what g_l did meanwhile..
phf: jack daniel or whatever his name (
ECL guy, who's working on CLIM) made actual progress on the codebase (though some percent of it is wracker work) despite and since being condemned by g_l. i'm not quite sure what g_l did meanwhile..
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-05-16 01:55 asciilifeform: for bonus 'ourdemocracy' decapitation, bake it out of
ECL logic
a111: Logged on 2016-08-22 11:27 jurov: re: eulora build system. last i saw it still carried crap like --with-hunspell . And when i tried to add configure option for
ecl support.. i just gave up, it uses jam with poorly documented custom CS extensions.
jurov: re: eulora build system. last i saw it still carried crap like --with-hunspell . And when i tried to add configure option for
ecl support.. i just gave up, it uses jam with poorly documented custom CS extensions.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-08-05 08:46 jurov: i just have embedded
ecl in eulora and made quite a complete functionality available to it
jurov: i just have embedded
ecl in eulora and made quite a complete functionality available to it
☟︎ jurov: well, after light usage i found bugs in core functionality in
ecl, like it ignored *TRACE-OUTPUT*
phf: i thought
ecl and sbcl are the only lisps that are in active development
a111: Logged on 2016-06-07 01:28 phf:
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-03#1475432 << i've used it, and the wukix people are responsive to feature requests. i think the source is a fork of one of kyoto common lisp derivatives, probably akcl. fwiw it's the same lineage as gcl and
ecl, so ascii's "why not compile
ecl" is entirely reasonable
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-03#1475432 << i've used it, and the wukix people are responsive to feature requests. i think the source is a fork of one of kyoto common lisp derivatives, probably akcl. fwiw it's the same lineage as gcl and
ecl, so ascii's "why not compile
ecl" is entirely reasonable
☝︎☟︎ assbot: this simple function always segfaults - at least on linux amd64 (#225) · Issues · Embeddable Common-Lisp /
ECL · GitLab ... (
http://bit.ly/1p1F3WH )
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: and the reason you picked tinyscheme over say
ecl is...footprint? dreppers in
decimation: "Each cable between the modules was a twisted pair, cut to a specific length in order to guarantee the signals arrived at precisely the right time and minimize electrical reflection. Each signal produced by the
ECL circuitry was a differential pair, so the signals were balanced. " <
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cray-1 decimation: the original 'cray' machines used differential
ecl lines
jurov: btcg: if you can synthsize it from
ECL chips, no prob
jurov: ah that. so, thinking about
ECL, one basically needs to put together 2x80 identical circuits for two rouds of SHA1, and pipeline them, no?
jurov: really? how quickly
ECL logic can do, say, one SHA step?
decimation: asciilifeform: yeah I forgot about
ECL. The point is, discrete logic need not be slow. However, at high speeds propagation delay is going to be a serious issue, which implies distributed clockless dataflow design.