34 entries in 0.94s

ben_vulpes: the
debian rng
bug is a good example of hosed RNGs, that's a fine place to start
mircea_popescu: zx2c4, the
debian bug was a nsa plant is neitehr controversial nor requires any conspiracy.
zx2c4: re:null - its one thing to make claims about how systemic shifts happen. these are usually compelling arguments and interesting, and usually not conspiratorial but still relevant. but when you argue about a *particular* *conspiracy* -- "the
debian bug was nsa sabotage" -- now there's a much harder argument to make, because you're talking about some individual @
debian.org guy being complicit in one way or another, and he's a human
zx2c4: asciilifeform: arent there some commit logs that show where the
debian bug comes from? i honestly cant remember
mod6: <+shinohai> mircea_popescu: The cmake in
Debian/Ubuntu repositories used to have that pthread
bug, first time I built a trb with `V` that happened. << i don't remember ever having this issue fwiw
shinohai: mircea_popescu: The cmake in
Debian/Ubuntu repositories used to have that pthread
bug, first time I built a trb with `V` that happened.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-17 13:49 asciilifeform:
debian had 32768 (yes) possible ssh keys per size variant, 2006-2008, because of '
bug' (if you believe the 'accident' i have five or six bridges to sell you)
Framedragger: ye olde
debian prng
bug => small set of possible ssh keys => factors extracted for keys => factors inserted into db?
Framedragger: "After realising I have a public key database of most users on GitHub, I remembered back to the May 2008
Debian OpenSSH
bug, where the randomness source was compromised to the point where the system could only generate one of 32k keys in a set. I used g0tmi1k’s set of keys to compare against what I had in my database, and found a very large amount of users who are still using vulnerable keys, and even worse, have commit access to some
mod6: asciilifeform: punindented was trying to help out a bit -- he hit that weird
bug with vdiff on ubuntu or
debian or something, when then reminded me that I lost your fix for that. I've searched through logs many times, can't seem to find it. I did actually ask yesterday too:
assbot: #792580 - chromium: Chromium calls home even in incognito mode with safe browsing turned off -
Debian Bug report logs ... (
http://bit.ly/1LXbvBc )
punkman: who doesn't remember THE
debian bug BingoBoingo: punkbot: Well, remember that
Debian bug circa 2006