26 entries in 0.719s
amberglint: asciilifeform: I've stumbled upon a video recording of the lecture on the Ivory given by a bolix engineer in 1987, apparently uploaded by a bolix 'graphics division' alumnus just two weeks ago, thought I should share it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e39LnDVBl4c
a111: Logged on 2019-04-01 14:08 asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform nao has what appears to be full pinout, timing, bus sequence, register, init magic, interrupts, etc. spec for bolix 'ivory' (won't, presently, say from where, unless source wants to be cited, plox to write in. )
asciilifeform: 1st time i booted up that 'ivory' bolix, it actually listed a coupla 'and here ecc triggered, corrected x to y' when revving up
mp_en_viaje: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=bolix+ivory << top hit, of course... the one, the only, the true etcetera. last year's vintage, too.
a111: 20 results for "bolix ivory", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=bolix%20ivory
asciilifeform: !#s bolix ivory
asciilifeform: in other noose, asciilifeform nao has what appears to be full pinout, timing, bus sequence, register, init magic, interrupts, etc. spec for bolix 'ivory' (won't, presently, say from where, unless source wants to be cited, plox to write in. ) ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-11-30 18:04 asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/bolix_ivory_pinside.jpg
a111: Logged on 2018-12-25 23:02 asciilifeform: i'ma share a pair of example inputs: http://www.nosuchlabs.com/pub/bolix/pic/ivory_bottom_a_super.jpg http://www.nosuchlabs.com/pub/bolix/pic/ivory_bottom_b_super.jpg (warning: 300MB! each!) .
asciilifeform: ( and , for completeness, a second, http://www.nosuchlabs.com/pub/bolix/pic/ivory_top_a_super.jpg , http://www.nosuchlabs.com/pub/bolix/pic/ivory_top_b_super.jpg , whynot . again ~300MB ea.! )
asciilifeform: i'ma share a pair of example inputs: http://www.nosuchlabs.com/pub/bolix/pic/ivory_bottom_a_super.jpg http://www.nosuchlabs.com/pub/bolix/pic/ivory_bottom_b_super.jpg (warning: 300MB! each!) . ☟︎
phf: there's no "docs", it's not some kind of mother lode of all things bolix. fwiw i went into as excited and with the same expectations you're imagining right now. there was a set of printed papers that primarily existed in pre-ivory days. they are mostly related to e.g. mechanical layout of the boards (the bulk of stuff was e.g. machining parameters of motherboards and cases, something i didn't even touch)
asciilifeform: pretty sure there's custom bolix ic other than ivory in xl
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: he does : http://www.loper-os.org/pub/bolix_ivory.jpg object dun look removable, but rather like it was inserted from other end
asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/bolix_ivory_pinside.jpg ☟︎
asciilifeform: >> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/bolix_ivory.jpg << subj
lobbesbot: phf: Sent 2 days, 2 hours, and 23 minutes ago: <asciilifeform> in bolix lulz : loox like dks relisted that 'ivory' for 3rd time nao... apparently not so many eager-worth-of-$5k archaeologists any moar
asciilifeform: !Q later tell phf in bolix lulz : loox like dks relisted that 'ivory' for 3rd time nao... apparently not so many eager-worth-of-$5k archaeologists any moar
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: nope, tho possibly phf might , he appeared during prev bolix/ivory thread
asciilifeform: meeeaanwhile in failed experiments, asciilifeform tried to take an xray of the bolix-ivory die, so as to get moar realistic microscopy quote at some point. method : ra-226 capsule (commercial geiger test src), b&w 'polaroid' film. weakness turns out to be the latter : when developed using rolling pin, fixer pouch bursts, and result is liquishit
mircea_popescu: binturds are NOT unapproachable. they are very much as approachable as, eg, reversing ivory/bolix software. not necesarily as perfumed, but be that as it may.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-14 14:55 asciilifeform: in sadder noose, cheapest bolix ivory microscopy quote, chinese, that covers all the layers ( metal and passivation ) is ~30,000 usd.
asciilifeform: in sadder noose, cheapest bolix ivory microscopy quote, chinese, that covers all the layers ( metal and passivation ) is ~30,000 usd. ☟︎
asciilifeform: also met a phriend of his, who asked not to be named, who traded 2 bolix 'ivory' cpus for asciilifeform's 1 bolix-3620 .
asciilifeform: speaking of old harleys, looks like d00d from #bolix will trade 2 ivory cpu for 1 3620
asciilifeform: liek bolix after the whisperers are done burning through the last ivory's mtbf yea