43 entries in 0.968s
a111: Logged on 2018-11-27 15:38 phf: i have a poc, that uses vpy as an alternative to EGIT_REPO_URI. you put all of the vpatches and sigs into /usr/portage/distfiles/vpatches and you have your wot in /etc/wot and you say V_HEAD='foobar' and it attempts to press whatever's in distfiles to the corresponding head, and then use it as a build target. it works, but i'm not sure that's the right direction..
phf: i have a poc, that uses vpy as an alternative to EGIT_REPO_URI. you put all of the vpatches and sigs into /usr/portage/distfiles/vpatches and you have your wot in /etc/wot and you say V_HEAD='foobar' and it attempts to press whatever's in distfiles to the corresponding head, and then use it as a build target. it works, but i'm not sure that's the right direction.. ☟︎
phf: ccl has a fancy system, based on hacked up gcc, for generating ffi mappings (called interfaces), which you then can use with (use-interface-dir :foo) (#_foobar ...)
a111: Logged on 2017-11-20 00:56 asciilifeform: btw, for my fellow rotakus ( shinohai , pete_dushenski , ben_vulpes .. ? ) grep -i '^foobar' ro_eng_ascii.txt finds word foobar.
asciilifeform: btw, for my fellow rotakus ( shinohai , pete_dushenski , ben_vulpes .. ? ) grep -i '^foobar' ro_eng_ascii.txt finds word foobar. ☟︎
mod6: the main reason that I bring this up; 'foobar.vpatch' is being dumped out of the flow and causing problems since i've implemented the axiom of 'a vpatch can only be in the flow if all of its antecedents are present.' which causes a problem in this case as it gets chucked out as an orphan.
mod6: so say we go with that... that 'foobar.vpatch' just inherits an antecedent 'genesis.vpatch'; how does one distinguish between 'foobar.vpatch' as a root and 'genesis.vpatch' as a root without additional criteria?
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> either it builds in its own independent tree, or else it declares an antecedent in the trb tree. << so in the latter part here, should my 'foobar.vpatch' that just adds one file without any antecedents or descendants actually inherit an antecedent, in this case 'genesis.vpatch' ? just trying to understand ...
mod6: So basically, the deal is, that when using TRB, I have one user in my wot, say "mod6", and I drop out a vpatch from the flow, say "asciilifeform_dnsseed_snipsnip.vpatch" by moving it's seal to "asciilifeform_dnsseed_snipsnip.vpatch.mod6.sig.foobar", then I expected a few things to happen.
trinque: % echo foobar | ./rhash --sha3-256 -
phf: fwiw i tried both echo foobar and echo -n foobar
phf: echo foobar | rhash --sha3-256 -
asciilifeform: at no point is the notion that 'irrelevant' foobar will dissolve the bottle, the desk, the floor, the house, your mother, and you, and the town - contemplated.
asciilifeform: 'if foobar is broken, i will put it in BIG FUCKING BOTTLE from which it WON'T DARE escape'
asciilifeform: 'if i don't understand how foobar works, i can declare it irrelevant and never need to understand'
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: tangentially: you have remnants of http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=FOOBAR in trilema.
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/foobar/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz.uu.asc
a111: Logged on 2016-07-28 19:01 mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/foobar/buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz.uu.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/foobar/db-4.8.30.tar.gz.uu.asc
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/foobar/buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz.uu.asc ☟︎
mod6: $deed http://mod6.net/foobar/boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2.uu.asc
mod6: %r foobar 2
mod6: %r foobar 1
tb0t: Project: foobar, ID: 2, Type: X, Subject: TEST TICKET 2, Antecedents: 1, Notes: TEST TICKET 2 NOTES
mod6: %p foobar 2
mod6: %add foobar X "TEST TICKET 2" "TEST TICKET 2 NOTES" 1
tb0t: Project: foobar, ID: 1, Type: F, Subject: TEST SUBJECT, Antecedents: , Notes: TEST NOTES FOR NEW PROJECT TICKET
mod6: %p foobar 1
mod6: so you ran something like `./v.pl p v foobar non-existing.vpatch` and then something ends up in foobar?
asciilifeform: foobar verifies on my test box using kakobrekla's gpg binary and using this pubkey.
kakobrekla: foobar now verifies btw
assbot: Logged on 24-09-2015 20:23:18; mike_c: mircea_popescu: wot user does a live search now if user isn't found, and/or provides a handy link for the JS-handicapped among us. http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/FooBar/
mike_c: mircea_popescu: wot user does a live search now if user isn't found, and/or provides a handy link for the JS-handicapped among us. http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/FooBar/ ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and then perpmerp had foobar who lived to 103
ben_vulpes: <mike_c> [] https://s3.amazonaws.com/btcalpha/static/foobar.svg << neat
mike_c: https://s3.amazonaws.com/btcalpha/static/foobar.svg
asciilifeform: ;;yandex foobar
OneEyed: Let's assume I'm unsure it is wise to buy "foobar" at 1.0BTC/share
OneEyed: Or, as an attacker, intercept such a message, then resubmit it a day later, then again, then again, causing the original customer to buy 30 foobar instead of the intended 10?
OneEyed: You mean I can't sign a message containing "BUY|foobar|10|1", submit it, then submit it again a day later?
nefario: fixing the single trade at high price graph foobar stuff
nefario: date is currently foobar