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mircea_popescu: putin doesn't understand how the world works.
mircea_popescu: there's a very deep link between "putin doesn't understand how the world works ; notwithstanding which he stole our election" and "cell (5,7) on your screen".
mircea_popescu: (or, in the imperial expression, "putin doesn't understand how the world works".)
mircea_popescu: next i suppose they'll be "teaching the controversy" of whether shit or turd is the correct choice, and we'll continue ignoring them and they'll continue to pretend that we don't matter and their 5% is inexplicable at the same time. without any problem whatsoever in their absent minds, putin doesn't understand how the world works and influences the elections, sure, why not.
mircea_popescu: "shells that were artificially created" takes the cake. it's not just that putin doesn't understand how the world works - it's that the one true socialism is the only NATURAL producer of artefacts
mircea_popescu: lol. and what else, putin just didn't understand how the world works ?
mircea_popescu: google.com?hackdog.me should go to google com notwithstanding it belongs to hackdog.me by the standard because IT HAS GOOGLE COM IN IT!!1 and hackdog.me doesn't understand how the world works! and anyone who still remembers the standard is just putin's bitch! and hurr durr!
mircea_popescu: gets lulziest when they encounter people who do not want to exchange their life for a fetish, and then explode into "putin doesn't understand how the world works!!1"
mircea_popescu: wtf else, putin doesn't understand how the world works ?
mircea_popescu: hence "apple could buy russia - if only it wanted to!" "oh yeah, what about russia ?" "oh, putin just doesn't understand how the world works" "oh yeah ? and who;s going to show him ? you ?" "democracy! humanrights!" "fuck your mother."
mircea_popescu: "how obama made sense in english" "how putin doesn't understand how the world works" "how a bored housewife discovered the secret barbers hate"
mircea_popescu: and putin doesn't understand how the world works, and so on.
assbot: Agency Goes To The Active, Or How Putin Doesn’t Understand How The World Works. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1FH7jyF )
mircea_popescu: PeterL it's an expression, referencing the case when putin handed obimbo's butt to him for the nth time and the english propaganda yelled "putin doesn't understand how the world works!"
mircea_popescu: now you understand how the world works. unlike putin!
mircea_popescu: undata> wouldn't... *using the thing* collect the data relevant to judging its performance? << YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS PUTIN!
bounce: apparently it was mr. reid who thought putin doesn't understand how the world works: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-2014-03-27/html/CREC-2014-03-27-pt1-PgS1781-6.htm
mircea_popescu: you know who understands how the world works ? obama lmao. putin doesn't.
mircea_popescu: ;;google "putin doesn't understand how the world works"
mircea_popescu: bounce putin doesn't understand how the world works.
mircea_popescu: "putin doesn;t understand how the world works"
mircea_popescu: oh, no, it's just that putin i mean roberts "does not understand how the world works"
mircea_popescu: you have politics/current affairs, which are mostly a bunch of who we're calling the bad things this week, putin "doesn't understand how the world works" for having dared to humiliate our beloved leadership bimonthly for the past year, and israelis are whatever and on and on
BingoBoingo: My hypothesis on why Putin can't understant how the world works though is that the world just doesn't work because it has no benefit from doing so.
mircea_popescu: i guess may account for why putin "doens't understand how the world works".