500+ entries in 0.069s
diana_coman: jfw: listen, you do a full test-run of everything so that you can properly guide someone step by step and you know 200% what is required and at what point.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-12-02 16:41:29 mircea_popescu: ima try putting the first few in and we see (i hope for eg you do the sed 's%"%\\"%g' | sed 's%*%\*%g' escapings, yes ?)
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2020-03-10 dorion: BingoBoingo, http://trilema.com/2017/remember-the-security-hole-automattic-refused-to-fix-back-in-2014?b=that.%20Well..&e=able#select isn't selecting for me.
mp_en_viaje: god knows you've a much better shot not to mention shorter trip to me by talking to hannah, than by trying to talk to whatever broker / expert / etc that bought me lehman.
mp_en_viaje: ACS, 2014 : median household income $37,078, per capita income for the city was $25,589, 16.9% of families and 30.7% of the population below the poverty line. needless to say this wasn't the case in the 70s.
mp_en_viaje: there's a piece where ballas makes the point that "private" in the us just means state-owned-without-benefits (that he meanwhile carefully deleted from his own site) ; panama is exactly the same thing in state terms : another way of being a us state but without benefitting from fed printouts.
mp_en_viaje: in any case, this is the fundamental defect of all utopian "thinking", of the reformation ("the testament i read, and the testament that is, are the same testament!!!") in general, and of pretty much all usian attempts, from "believe women" to "manifest destiny" or w/e. this hope to one thing.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-01 14:36:47 mp_en_viaje: "On the more positive side, based on what he has told us, he made a career from designing and implementing HFT systems for a wide range of fiat exchanges and instruments. He told us at one point he was paying $20k/month for leased lines." << from experience, none of these claims are ever true. [http://trilema.com/2014/how-the-other-half-lives-or-michael-o-church-is-a-scummy-fuckwit/?b=roughly%20Di&e=equivalent#sel
mp_en_viaje: "On the more positive side, based on what he has told us, he made a career from designing and implementing HFT systems for a wide range of fiat exchanges and instruments. He told us at one point he was paying $20k/month for leased lines." << from experience, none of these claims are ever true. [http://trilema.com/2014/how-the-other-half-lives-or-michael-o-church-is-a-scummy-fuckwit/?b=roughly%20Di&e=equivalent#select][people just say thi
mp_en_viaje: ourdemocracy.tar.gz 14% 11MB 107.2KB/s 09:44 ETA << hhurray for technologically advanced germany, gloriously confronting the challenges of 1990
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2020/02/dow-drops-3-56-sp-500-down-3-35-and-nasdaq-down-3-71/ << Qntra -- Dow Drops 3.56% S&P 500 Down 3.35% And Nasdaq Down 3.71%
mp_en_viaje: o wait wait, it's "i don't have to actually do, because [http://thewhet.net/2017/01/feminine-exceptionalism/?b=The%20follow&e=The%20following%20is%20a[n%20attempt%20at]%20translation%20of%20the%20Trilema%20piece%20Exceptionalismul%20feme#select][i am worth]", i recall beating speshul cuntlets black and blue over the same delusionary approach, yes, yes, certainly.
mp_en_viaje vaguely recalls how "shocking" this self-obvious statement of fact "appeared" (to interested parties) last time, too.
mp_en_viaje: research is a term of art, it's done a certain way and by certain people, it is NOT done by dumbphone monkeys on
mircea_popescu: which, sadly but painfully, has been my experience of europe. i took a coupla sluts born in the colonies to take in the glories of the motherland, and the motherland meanwhile's turned 100% chad.
jfw: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-18#1958204 - I'll be so kind as to fix the reference for him; I suppose raster graphics must seem as good as text when your alphabet is unbounded: http://trinque.org/2019/12/29/a-republican-os-part-2/?b=The%20English&e=.#select
mircea_popescu: anyways, contrary to the purportings and pretences traditionally required by their culture, i do kinda suspect ye pantsuit gets pretty well overwhelmed in this here copacetic copse of #trilema
mircea_popescu: not that hanbot_abroad doesn't make >50% of all the sushi we eat by now, but holy hell
mircea_popescu: it couldn't be, in 1985 cluj, a case of "come meet me at X for Y". it always had to be "[unless they're out]" as a coda. unless theyre's a [too long] queue, etcetera.
mircea_popescu: there isn't actually any shortage. the world outside the gates is actually so intractably boring & pointless, it's pretty much necessarily as well as universally the case 100% of all available activity will pour into the republic.
hanbot_abroad: btw http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-07#1957931 << >> http://trilema.com/2019/forum-logs-for-13-jul-2014/?b=Built%20and%20operated&e=BlackBerry#select
mircea_popescu: ah there we go, meanwhile actually found the piece i was looking for. niciodata...
mircea_popescu: and i ask because... wtf, fucking ridoinculous nonsense! Look for them online, it's an ad at the top (for discountmags.com, "Jazziz Magazine - Check Out Our New Low Price"), one on the side (this one for "redbubble.com", "JAZZIZ “Redemption”" by JAZZIZ " -- yes, including the BROKEN crapsoft quotes -- "Millions of unique stickers ready for laptops, water bottles, helmets, and more. Get up to 50% off. Glossy, matte, and
mircea_popescu: and secondly, the rpublic isn't intended to work this way. you're supposed to hear about the patches you hear about. you aren't happy with the patches you hear about, make better friends.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-03#1957857 << two problems. firstly, how about you just use the rss feeds / feedbot for this purpose. and if you're unhappy with the waterhose, ask the people who do it to maybe make a special category or tag ? and if they don't, consider that maybe this means ~[http://thewhet.net/2020/02/the-basilikon-doron-or-royal-gift-a-constitutional/?b=Assume%20problems&e=head#select][you
mod6: Not that I love having a centralized bot, either. It's just, I'm not 100% sure what the best way to go is on this. The mailing list was centralized, it worked fine.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-03 04:00:09 mircea_popescu: and in other wtf, hey lobbes does http://www.krankendenken.com/2019/12/paying-penance-for-walking-the-path-of-derealisation/?b=honestly%20a%20kind&e=slept#select work as intended for you ?
mircea_popescu: if it was worth doing all the better, you're helping someone do something that was worth doing, which helps everyone here in the most direct of ways.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-26 09:41:00 mircea_popescu: spyked, http://thetarpit.org/2020/botworks-ix?b=But%20what&e=if#select << ahaha ok that was lulzy. i confess it never occured to me it'd work.
mircea_popescu: i really don't give that much of a shit ; unless it starts getting in my way odds are i'll ignore it. this isn't even laziness or identity as much as actual political philosophy, and as such rather
billymg: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-28#1957556 << seriously. i was ashamed at myself for how long i'd let it go on. completely wrapped up in the saltmines i deluded myself into thinking i didn't need it
mircea_popescu: spyked, http://thetarpit.org/2020/botworks-ix?b=But%20what&e=if#select << ahaha ok that was lulzy. i confess it never occured to me it'd work.
dorion: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-24#1957153 - the online component is in python, the offline component is in Scheme.
bvt: dorion: slowly getting back into shape after vacations, so far some workslots got sacrificed for more sports. other than that, on the vacation i started to write a v implementation that would not have the performance issue; while it's 90% done, need to invest some more time to finish it. after that, will port the fg-rng to 2.6.32
mircea_popescu: funny how close together freedom & "mistreatment" tread.
mircea_popescu: the crown ~of the period~ understood enough to at least get out of the way (really, they helped in minor senses)
lobbes: Although, it looks like in some cases it will default to selecting the end of the paragraph when done across tag boundaries
whaack: if the text one's selecting is all within a tag, then the selection tool will properly match. But if you cross a tag, like so, then the markup will interfere
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2020/eulora-changes-or-hey-diana_coman/?b=we%20were&e=talking#select << sample
mircea_popescu: http://www.krankendenken.com/2020/01/stasis/?b=the%20improvement&e=cycle#select << what am i doing wrong then ?
dorion: spyked plans to cover it by the end of the month.
lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2020-01-18#1956913 << select works on my end. For example
diana_coman: ahaha; and if it's not ~33%, it will still be some % so the more writing the better anyway, sure; lolz.
mircea_popescu: from what i've noticed, about 33% of everything.
mircea_popescu meanwhile re-reading http://trilema.com/2012/the-problem-of-too-much-money/ ; it shoots from history, from a point midway osama bin laden's decerebration strike on the us and today's redditard notion of "evil financial elites".
trinque: ok, !!deed is 100% back in action.
mircea_popescu: bvt, i dunno man, commodity servers to this day come on 2.6, random sample turned out 100%
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-12 12:47:24 dorion: mircea_popescu in light of never moving off linux 2.x series, it seems to me bvt ought to port his rng work from 4.9.95 it currently sits on to 2.x.
dorion: mircea_popescu in light of never moving off linux 2.x series, it seems to me bvt ought to port his rng work from 4.9.95 it currently sits on to 2.x.
ossabot: (eulora) 2020-01-10 mircea_popescu: in the end, we painfully and i suppose expensively re-traced a point that was well (and very cheaply) established by 2016 : "The dispositive concern wasn't that the codebases selected are good ; rather it was that they are merely very, very, veryveryVERY dirty ; whereas the supposed cleanner substitutes aren't actually any
mircea_popescu: most of the humiliation coming from the Кто ты по жизни? line, "how come your nudes lag so much behind trilema ? i thought you were supposed to be cool and like, notable and shit ?".
mircea_popescu: wanna see their local clean room ? 100% built out of straw and mudpies ? clean to 10 ppk standard! it's just like ppb only with a k.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-04#1956606 << oh, you mean like in http://trilema.com/2015/argentina-for-business/?b=The%20administration&e=shit#select ? mmyeah.
ericbot: Logged on 2020-01-03 07:54:24 mircea_popescu: and in other wtf, hey lobbes does http://www.krankendenken.com/2019/12/paying-penance-for-walking-the-path-of-derealisation/?b=honestly%20a%20kind&e=slept#select work as intended for you ?
mircea_popescu: and in other wtf, hey lobbes does http://www.krankendenken.com/2019/12/paying-penance-for-walking-the-path-of-derealisation/?b=honestly%20a%20kind&e=slept#select work as intended for you ?
mircea_popescu: trinque, can i get you to use sane referencing for quotes ? your http://trilema.com/2015/the-anal-child/#selection-43.31-47.27 selects http://trilema.com/2015/the-anal-child/?b=s%20no%20point&e=he%20kno#select , is that what you meant ?
mircea_popescu: do you see the argument that "an sukhoi" is worth exactly the same as "an ai", in the sense that they're the ash of a cigar someone else smoked, the marblecake of an anal cavity someone else fucked, and, to quote the quite prophetic mr mel again, what's the point of a program that can't rewrite its own code ?
hanbot: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-29#1956198 << i thought i got rid of the need for imagemagick with gimp's built-in scheme thing: http://thewhet.net/2019/11/a-little-bit-of-tinyscheme-a-lot-of-cozonac/?b=It%20turns%20out%20the%20box&e=thereby#select
mircea_popescu: and what i mean by "there's no more space" is rather a lot in the vein of "you lot chafe and get massively butthurt at even the faintest version of what that world would look like anyone [by which we mean me, for lack of alternatives] can come up with". lisp is a tool for resolving closed problems, not for floating about the endless uncharted seas [http://trilema.com/2014/i-love-rochester-so-will-you/?b=try%20to&e=swim#
mircea_popescu: the main problem (and the reason i don't come across as much of a lisp fan) is that since the 80s complexity exploded significantly ; there's no more space for proto lisp as represented by mel ; nor for the classical lisp as represented by the defunct moron club.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-29#1956258 << except for the part where lisp code production was never this paste in google / paste from github. this works well for ineptly structured languages like the moroncrowd favours, that are lenghtly verbose and cubical-dweller optimized, loaded with wooden tongue constructrs and in gene
mircea_popescu: 100% costi rogozanu, 9 articles since sept. basically a 1/100th of a qntra, "trustul realitatea media" (wikilink because notable keks)
mircea_popescu: chema/?b=Compared&e=be#select][bit], then eventually a small pile of actually useful and working code is left behind, implementing 108% or so of what the old pile actually did while removing 98% or so of what it had no business doing"
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in beautiful if ancient turns of phrase, vorbesc din viitorul ulterior unor oameni care sed in trecutul imemorial si viseaza frumos la viitorul paralel
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-25 13:21:44 hanbot: dorion_road haha, so you met voorhees in 07 '13 and this, two months previous, seriously never came up? There's a truly toxic acquaintance for ya.
hanbot: dorion_road haha, so you met voorhees in 07 '13 and this, two months previous, seriously never came up? There's a truly toxic acquaintance for ya.
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: MPEx is built on GPG contracts upheld voluntarily. Introducing "these GPG contracts must be upheld always and forever no matter the cost as if they were fiat contracts" would be subversion. For that, in representing the claim I can't say "This must be paid no matter what" or other constructions along that line without attacking a
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile I am nothing in particular, because I have done nothing in particular... man, the gems just keep on coming.
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/12/pichiaje-in-california-up-16-4-in-2019/ << Qntra -- Pichiaje In California Up 16.4% In 2019
mp_en_viaje: there's tremendous difference between "i want something like that but with a better face" and "i want a great looking woman that's my 5th grade classmate from back in jr high".
mp_en_viaje: they both do this as it is, but it's "not relevant" because "bigger themes". except those "bigger themes" are 100% driven by historical accident and naught else entirely at all whatsoever.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-18#1955615 << irl, most coin sits in appaling security contexts and yet "liberations" are indeed rare. it's a problem of roi, most theft is opportunity-driven rather than systematic (mirroring how most people's houses ~could~ be broken in, by your gf. but most people's houses nevertheless aren't broken into -- and especially not by your
mp_en_viaje: in the east, the "mobster" has a buncha girlies in tow that are "coo at hair theory, inc". still, you sit down with them to talk business if fucked in the head only.
mp_en_viaje: who the fuck taxes ~exports~ anyway ?! this might be the dumbest thing i ever heard, everyone's ~subsidizing~ exports, the euros give a >20% tax break with their whole vat scam, the chinos prolly more though it's byzantine, these idiots actually TAX it ?
BingoBoingo: In other news, the Argentines went from proposing the tourist dollar to finalizing their rate for it. 30% over official. I suspect the blue is going to have to beat 30% over official
mp_en_viaje: ye olde hb problem.
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, truth be told there's this immense, but i do mean IMMENSE pile of accumulated tech debt via "i'll do it tomorrow" device
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, http://ossasepia.com/2019/10/31/working-with-ideals-and-perfections/?b=the%20history&e=whole#select << isn't that part weird ?
mp_en_viaje: in other news, how the fuck uk laboratory party can still lose seats ? the "conservative" / lulzparty got like 70% of the seats and it's still gonna pick up 50 ?
ericbot: Logged on 2019-12-11 22:09:54 dorion_road: With tmsr os, how much work to support the implicit clients isn't clear yet. I'm also not 100% clear on spyked, bvt and lobbes situation apart from gathering they've been consistently productive while working salary mines.
dorion_road: In the short term, jfw and I are going to integrate it into our service, which, at this point, aims at guiding the right people in learning how to lower their risk in
dorion_road: I defintely have to think more about the long term monetization, but I see big potential.
dorion_road: With tmsr os, how much work to support the implicit clients isn't clear yet. I'm also not 100% clear on spyked, bvt and lobbes situation apart from gathering they've been consistently productive while working salary mines.
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: there's the statement as such that positive loops are just another name for death
mp_en_viaje: for the other thing, the original reason the thing was set to auto-devoice in 30 minutes was to avoid the burden of hostility upon the devoicer, and the situation of voice inflation, where randos have it just as good as actual people, like thios were athens or something.
BingoBoingo: LAR BOLSA REFERENCIA $ 71,920 = VARIACIÓN 0% ACTUALIZADO: 10/12/2019 15:00 RIESGO PAÍS ÚLTIMO 2.180,00
BingoBoingo: Milepost now that K's back in the pink house: http://archive.is/92vj5 DOLAR OFICIAL COMPRA $ 57,910 VENTA $ 62,910 VARIACIÓN -0,130% ACTUALIZADO: 10/12/2019 15:00 DOLAR BLUE COMPRA $ 65,250 VENTA $ 69,250 VARIACIÓN -1,070% ACTUALIZADO: 10/12/2019 15:00 CONTADO CON LIQUI REFERENCIA $ 75,130 VARIACIÓN -2,080% ACTUALIZADO: 10/12/2019 15:00 DOLAR PROMEDIO COMPRA $ 58,49 VENTA $ 63,45 VARIACIÓN -0,130% ACTUALIZADO: 10/12/2019 15:00 DO
dorion_road: the complexity/cost of the first is the apparent thompsonization of gentoo bootstapping.
dorion_road: I'd like to know your thoughts as well. Not just about those, but, e.g. also Gales Linux now that it has been released. Gales bootstraps with busybox, which I know you've been working with.
mp_en_viaje: the collation of the "what is engineering" discussion with ye olde observation and all the many parts in their entrain colliding with the faux ethics of the preva
mp_en_viaje: the unexamined/rationalized life still delivers at the end the same exact death.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-04 23:02:02 mircea_popescu: it's this sorta thing that gets you bloody.
dorion_road: In the immediate term, Corebootable machines are part of the consulting package jfw and I are offering clients.
dorion_road: If a full process insurance business can be derived from tmsr.os in the longer term, I'd expect the bios to be included (assuming bios as it's now referred is part of the end process).
mircea_popescu: the WHOLE FUCKING POINT of "armored" mode is to armor it, you're not wasting those 40% extra bytes just for the sake of wasting them wtf.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-03-04 16:14:16 mircea_popescu: empire does not in any factual sense exist. man who works 70% of the time for idiots is === the remaining 30% of that man.
dorion_road: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-05#1954371 << I agree reversing chips is not a dependency of tmsr-os. My thought process there is it's an optional package.
mircea_popescu: in other webidiocy lulz, http://ivy.paheal.net/_images/61370761c2ece4571a3a354e16605a52/1556124%20-%20Bugaboo%20Princess_Peach%20Super_Mario_Bros..png is the FIRST, and roughly speaking only, non-stroller result for a pic search for the string "bugaboo".
mircea_popescu: it's this sorta thing that gets you bloody.
mircea_popescu: anyway, to belabour the point : the difference between us, dictated by experience and high level understanding as it may be, nevertheless comes in simple droplets. where i choose to let sql handle its own date format and use proper numeric notation for time, you attempt to convey string dates across boundries. it's [http://trilema.com/2015/the-downtrodden-are-downtrodden-for-a-reason-step-on-their-faces/?b=Old%20age&e=trea