3900+ entries in 0.311s
mircea_popescu: I mean, who in the marketing industry is able to decode a 15K Web graph even if it contains loads of useful informations? And that was our number #1 feature. Now, I acknowledge the graph data was essential. We should have delivered them in an more effective and practical way: spreadsheets, data views (who are the influencers, how can I contact the websites owners, recommended keywords for Facebook/Twitte
mircea_popescu: there isn't really that much difference. all this mentally deranged "we are changing the world" third reiteration of the quake
r/puritan insanities tries hard and in selected idiots manages to cover up the simple fact that every situation where "our saviour the entrepreneur created value" can always be described in terms of "this leech is arbitraging the roof against the wall, either wayy we'll end up under rubble."
punkman: aforementioned shouldne
r/neck strain
punkman: oh man this shoulde
r/neck strain makes me want to murder puppies
punkman: /me was talking at some kind of compute
r/security/bitcoin workshop in dreamworld
assbot: As a journalist, it's harder to use /
r/bitcoin for story sources when the comment scores are hidden. I used to use the comments for additional information, but now I don't know which have been highly vetted, and which haven't. : Bitcoin ... (
http://bit.ly/1TFCwdq )
mircea_popescu: next time you feel the itch to "drive adoption", specially to poo
r/stupid people, think that giving a car to a guy living in a horsepulled cart doesn't help him.
nubbins`: lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 41 17 Mar 2015 gcc -> /us
mod6: grep "_SITE" roto
jurov: it that why uss
r/russia won't fund the real thing, either?
trinque: this is a particularly lulzy american myth, that one only seeks powe
r/control out of fear
BashCo: /
r/bitcoin is burning _again_... it's like that 50 year coal fire.
ascii_field: (one rung of the ring ought to be the size of the
r/w burst for the dram)
shinohai: reddit.com/
r/Bitcoin/comments/3uigpd/peter_todd_remember_how_we_discussed_adding/ <<< Is Peter Todd insane ?
ascii_field: btc.yt/lx
jurov: BingoBoingo: what does fsf/membe
r/jeraldv cloak mean?