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trinque: shinohai: are you trying to compile for the
pogo, or *on* the
shinohai: If anyone gets rotor to successfully build on the
pogo, please, by all means contact me.
trinque: though I suppose in terms of hardware support (
pogo, so on) it does better.
shinohai: I like everything except this goddamned
pogo. If I had gasoline in the house I'd set it afire this very moment.
shinohai: I'm going to try the
pogo build with rotor again later this evening. So everyone wish me luck.
shinohai: I was trying to do a stator
pogo build on Debian.
shinohai: I found out that building on the
pogo i an exercise in futility.
ascii_field: don't bother ever trying to build anything ~on~
pogo shinohai: This I am supposed to do on the
pogo itself?
shinohai: I'll help test as always mod6, in between this
pogo crash-course I am doing
ascii_field: shinohai: there is not, presently, a working bitcoind for the
pogo buildroot that is made by the recipe linked earlier.
shinohai: build bitcoind for
pogo of course
shinohai: but the buildroot I got has no "
pogo" folder
shinohai prays danielpbarron will release a prebuilt stator binary for
pogo shinohai: Besides
pogo, which I can't get to work at all
shinohai: asciilifeform: buildroot-2015.02/board/
pogo/linux.config <<< no such file or directory T_T
mats: I vaguely remember someone mentioning experimenting with
pogo and hybrid hard drive
shinohai: Every build I have tried so far has been smooth *except* for the
pogo, pirate warnings be damned.
shinohai: I'm actually following asciilifeform 's excellent tea advice today while doing
pogo research. On my second pot already.
shinohai: @ asciilifeform is there a stator binary available for
pogo anywhere?
ben_vulpes: and gradations between
pogo and "to ml"
shinohai: Buying a
pogo with btc that was on my 0.5.3. node was kinda cool too.
shinohai: It's nice being the first guy to destroy a SATA installing arch on a
pogo mod6: haha,
pogo chat server?
pogo is on hold until I get an ssd, still is a great chat server
trinque: been wanting to make my
pogo do something
mod6: i think the arm/
pogo stuff is going to be have to be tested separately perhaps.
trinque: mod6: I've got an opteron box,
pogo, i7, obsd i386, off the top of my head
mod6: <+shinohai> mod6: is your stator on a
pogo? << nope
shinohai: mod6: is your stator on a
mod6: sure, but about same cost as
ascii_field: also turns out that the other
pogo (the one still in print) has internal sata
ascii_field: did you remove the dust cover from the
pogo ?
jurov: back to
pogo, all mSATA drives i see are 5-6cm long and impossible to fit inside
jurov: ^ just found this
pogo sibling. but nowhere they say how much mem does it have
ascii_field: speaking of all of this, i realized not long ago that one could easily do a '
pogo' for some shitablet or other
mircea_popescu: "
pogo responds to magic packet on port X by sending over the iso"
shinohai: i havent built a staic stator on
pogo yet
ascii_field: point is not only to test
pogo build and get musl in, but also it is useful to have a rom-able pc realbitcoinotron
trinque: yeah, neat. I just fired up my own
pogo today
shinohai: so i am stalled, but it is a hell of a device, this
pogo shinohai: danielpbarron was down the day i got my
pogo of all days.
shinohai: meanwhile my
pogo is running smooth: I've been connected to mpex.btc for 1 week, 4 days, 2 hours, 31 minutes, and 6 seconds.
danielpbarron: my
pogo is currently -connect'd to ascii's thing, now is getting blocks in a reasonable timeframe
danielpbarron: yes it is a
pogo, and it's not syncing from any particular node
pogo has trouble keeping up with real-time?
mircea_popescu: this way, our nonstandard behaviour can at least be excused, nodes will continue to peer us for economic reasons, and your dream fo someday someone mining off a
pogo may come closer.
mircea_popescu: so, how about, something like this : 1.
pogo acquires max memory to be used for tx pool ; 2.
pogo accepts txn into this until full ; 3.
pogo calculates per byte value for eacxh accepted txn ; 4.
pogo accepts new txn only if their per-byte value constitutes an increase to its pool ; 5.
pogo keeps a score on all nodes ir EVER SAW, by IP! as to what txn it sent : -so much for sending unacceptable txn, + so much for sendin
assbot: Logged on 14-07-2015 14:57:48; asciilifeform:
pogo is going nowhere until we have a mempool limit mechanism.
funkenstein_: ok
pogo is a different story again.. for me broadcasting a tx is not as time important usually as your needs i bet
jurov: how?
pogo will not have wallet nor block explorer
assbot: Logged on 14-07-2015 14:57:48; asciilifeform:
pogo is going nowhere until we have a mempool limit mechanism.
ascii_field: but the point stands - after several months of on and off searching, i did find a box which 1) is less than 2x cost of '
pogo' 2) very close in cpu and has NOT LESS ram than
pogo 3) available in virtually unlimited quantities for the foreseeable future
ascii_field: slightly costlier than
pogo; comparable specs; would need a mechanical adapter for usb drive
phf: ascii_field: autorotators exist because people don't know how to syslog mostly. i.e. you build a syslog demon based on the constraints of your system, i.e. on
pogo might just be busybox's syslog, that does rudimentary truncation. elsewhere syslog writes to postgresql or whatever
ben_vulpes: is disabling logs on the
pogo not an adequate solution for you?
ben_vulpes: ascii_field: turn it off on the
pogo. they're fire and forget, are they not?
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: i'm all ears re: an alternative that doesn't turn my 5MB
pogo rom into 10
punkman: doesn't
pogo have logrotate or anything already?
ascii_field: at any rate, if you really must have rng on
pogo for some perverse reason, can do it right now
ascii_field: 'bad entropy' is easy: the kind which the enemy can cut you off from by silencing your net connection; or the kind he can guess some bits of, by watching packets (no interrupt source in
pogo is in any sense entropic other than the NIC's)
ascii_field: Xiaomi Router sells 7620-based routers for ~25-35 usd, with usb jacks (but 128m ram, as
shinohai: but i goofed somewhere and my static build isn't very static on the
ben_vulpes: <asciilifeform>
pogo cannot see the sun! << i hazard that
pogo is not the thing
danielpbarron: also, BingoBoingo's proposed change to 0.001 of the minrelayfee is very handy for keeping
pogo synced
danielpbarron: idk if anyone else had tried this already, but I sent some bitcoin to an address created by on my
pogo, and I think I have successfully sent it all back out but bc.i doesn't want to admit my transaction exists yet
assbot: Logged on 09-07-2015 15:07:02; asciilifeform: can be attached to the gpio in
pogo mircea_popescu: they are kept in warehouse for same reasdon you want untouched