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danielpbarron: I must admit. Your Twitter polls actually make a person think before answering...
BingoBoingo: Anyways this dispute
danielpbarron raised largely relates to how different people navigate the WoT. At this point in time I'm not providing weight to low information connections.
shinohai: Your outlook on s.qntra is rather grim though
danielpbarron phf: didn't
danielpbarron made a point a few times that one is not to seek a wife
danielpbarron: The hacked email and the targeted use of it.
danielpbarron: There's prolly a way to rewrite what you submitted to news it up, but as you presented it it wasn't news. Maybe a "look how unlucky this guy is" angle would help? All those misfortunes may very well involve malice on the part of persons other than him. Such an angle could be very newsy.
danielpbarron: Qntra pointedly tells republic news to the outside, BUT znort does not at this time have a relation to anyone I know such that his signature carries more weight than rando unsigned pastebins
danielpbarron: Based on the way the guy interesctionalittitties with my WoT maybe your blog is the best place to make the point you want to make about it?
BingoBoingo: <
danielpbarron> BingoBoingo, what gossip? << The signed recollection by minimally collected guy.
danielpbarron: Thing is more gossip than news. What happened? There may be a way to rewrite it into news, but it is still early this morning.
danielpbarron nothing wrong with rejecting invalid addresse.s
BingoBoingo: <
danielpbarron> why do people go to the trouble of making burn addresses that have valid checksums if such a thing isn't enforced by consensus rules? << Because you can either make baby or you can make baby but feed girl levaqin while baby is baking.
danielpbarron it's enforced in the sense high-s is enforced : miners won't mine it.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-20 21:10
danielpbarron: i only feel smart about computers when i'm among people not-in-here
danielpbarron: here's a qq, were you ever able to successfully build bitcoind with the build-bitcoind-V99994.sh ?
mod6: im pretty dumb,
danielpbarron :]
danielpbarron this is your choice to make. but be aware that there's a perfectly valid interpretation of that joke where the dying man is actually proud of the competent ho on his side.
mircea_popescu: you know the joke with "tell me the truth, is he really mine"
danielpbarron ?
danielpbarron yes. if she's not married, and wants to have kids, some sort of arrangement will have to be made. this has a cost. if she is ALREADY made the fix is already in. this is a value.
phf: holy mother of logs is the only holy thing for a citizen of tmsr (unless they are, of course,
a111: Logged on 2016-08-14 23:03 mod6: ;;later tell
danielpbarron You wanna help the Foundation test the latest V99994 incantation?
danielpbarron: it's an insecurity, i.e. "if she has had other dick onoes she might think of that dick at some point"
danielpbarron so move to admire the classical civilisation. lotta stuff worth seeing in the middle east.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-15 20:20 ben_vulpes:
danielpbarron: your "cool" and her "cool" have ~epsilon to do with each other
a111: Logged on 2016-08-15 18:31
danielpbarron: my argument isn't that they should wait for mr. perfect. My argument is that they should stick with whoever got her first
a111: Logged on 2016-08-15 18:28
danielpbarron: because 3) has a father who cares
danielpbarron: your "cool" and her "cool" have ~epsilon to do with each other
☟︎ trinque:
danielpbarron should have no problem with him; his swimmers won't be able to go the distance
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: can't stand cocks in his porn,
danielpbarron can't stand his cock touching a cunt that might have had other cocks in it!
danielpbarron: is even more cock0phobic than asciilifeform !
danielpbarron: "should" leaves your argument to stand upon a "because reasons".
danielpbarron: I'm speaking from her perspective, not yours
danielpbarron: I met plenty in tx public school
a111: Logged on 2016-08-14 23:03 mod6: ;;later tell
danielpbarron You wanna help the Foundation test the latest V99994 incantation?
mod6: ;;later tell
danielpbarron You wanna help the Foundation test the latest V99994 incantation?
☟︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-08-14 19:45
danielpbarron: they are helping you select for decent customers
danielpbarron: i don't follow this bit about taint only being a thing when used against usg
danielpbarron rated znort987 1 << bought BitBet after it was delisted and put into receivership
danielpbarron: working around coinbase policies is not hard, but 90% of users aren't savvy enough to pull it off
znort987: asciilifeform,
danielpbarron: coinbase is not the issue. the core issue is that by making addies public, it affects coinz fungibility.
danielpbarron: understood but ... crypto-hard proof of solvency would be a very nice feature I think.
danielpbarron: it's essentially bash rendered with microsoft comic chat
danielpbarron: jerkcity just came up in a conversation with some oldfags. it doesn't really translate and is part of a now dead culture. there's also
http://yellow5.com/pokey/ and some others that i will probably go "oh man i remember thaaat one." if i were to see it. it's back when absurd non sequiturs typed in all caps was a thing, somehow it's part of hacker culture, which i think goes back to zippy the pinhead
danielpbarron: I think I've managed to do that in #bitcoin-assets
danielpbarron: the only time I hear "universe" confused with 'god' is from AA members.
danielpbarron lol. the interwebs are full of that though, why bother with "Darknet"
a111: Logged on 2016-08-12 21:41
danielpbarron: seems to me the news is now broke-- whatever the details. Not that the qntra competitors are gonna link to trilema logs as their source.. but still
mircea_popescu: re
danielpbarron 's thing : yes, the texts do not support the reading of leviathan as demon. it is beast ; a sort of cow, or hippo or what have you.
danielpbarron: Well with some rewording that it failed you can self republish
danielpbarron: That thing your submission discusses was already withdrawn. Otherwise it would have been in the News Roundup Xtend
danielpbarron: wd on the latest blog post. made me realise i missed the last couple too!
danielpbarron: qntra still has a place, even when news breaks in channel.
danielpbarron so consider publishing it. you got a blog neh ?
thestringpuller: until he made that tweet
danielpbarron archived "gpg needs to die cause grandma can't use it"
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell
danielpbarron see ^^^ if you're looking for blog post fodder
hanbot: ah,
danielpbarron beat me to it. was gonna post my config file, had similar issues as shinohai
shinohai: oh yes mircea_popescu i met you in game, was gonna pair up with
danielpbarron one day but system froze after a few minutes walking :/
a111: Logged on 2016-08-05 02:45 mircea_popescu: iirc
danielpbarron got that sizable barehanded, too.
danielpbarron, let me know if you have spare cycles too ^
shinohai does not link to log to avoid pissing off his worship
danielpbarron a111: Logged on 2016-08-01 18:22
danielpbarron: i don't see the value in referencing the conversation from within itself..
danielpbarron natural gas is explosive around 14% or so. fresh air dun help your cause.
danielpbarron rated Jybrael 1 << Euloran
danielpbarron: cell phone's still a radio beacon at a particular place even if it's lying to whatever API
danielpbarron: well, dan isn't a nickname for daniel.... except it is. that different people are better known by one or the other doesn't change the fact that 'king dick the lionheart' is perfectly valid
danielpbarron: doesn't /affect/ gameplay