25 entries in 0.739s

mod6: <+shinohai> mod6 was gonna add one to
tbot or something << yeah, will need to get to that...
shinohai: mod6 was gonna add one to
tbot or something
tbot here is perl, trb builder is either sh or Makefile
mircea_popescu: mod6 so here's a q : suppose a ticket gets allocated to a name. how does
tbot know this ? suppose the name completes the ticket. how's
tbot know ?
a111: Logged on 2016-06-03 21:52 mod6: damnit,
tbot is taken
mod6: damnit,
tbot is taken
☟︎ mod6: the log? atm, it's still in the instance that runs
mod6: ok sweet. so got the instance for
tbot up and going.
tbot is running.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> anyway, wiped. i guess once
tbot's here ima put the silkroad dump thing in there, maybe it's still around by the time someone figures out the world enough. << in related
tbot news: i've got 8 remaining steps outlined to get us to the initial rollout in here. each isn't super hard or anything, working on the first one as I type this.
mircea_popescu: anyway, wiped. i guess once
tbot's here ima put the silkroad dump thing in there, maybe it's still around by the time someone figures out the world enough.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> (recall, block index is RETARDEDLY kept resident in ram, being first leak) << yeah, getting these into `t' for the trb project will be a big main priority once i get
tbot deployed.
mod6: people will be expected to interact {add,edit,remove,view} tickets through
tbot - which is probably .. eh, 70% complete.
shinohai: ;;later tell mod6 Thanks for report, I like how
tbot is progressing.
a111: Logged on 2016-05-24 04:13 mod6: well, I've got
tbot now checking if a person is in L1, and if they are currently voiced before it'll answer commands:
http://dpaste.com/3GA9QJJ.txt shinohai: He is pretty close to having an awesum
tbot finished, twas working good last night.
mod6: <+shinohai> ;;later tell mod6 my
tbot can now add/remove tickets, little ugly but working :D << ah, ok. are you wanting to take yours all the way?
shinohai: ;;later tell mod6 my
tbot can now add/remove tickets, little ugly but working :D
shinohai: I got obsessed with
tbot features last night.
mod6: want a
tbot sneak peak?
mircea_popescu: $
tbot btcbase wot would result in a dump of the ticketlist for btcbase encrypted to my key that's of level world and level wot.
mod6: so, make '
tbot' for instance. then allow people to create tickets under whatever project they want.