31 entries in 0.712s
mircea_popescu: actually, do you recall those "business" imbeciles discussing "the superior alternative to phuctor" and "what to do in case of divorce" roth-blabla in the same breath ?
mircea_popescu: there is no substantial difference between smoking crack and checking your roth ira
ben_vulpes: live in the ghetto, scrape pennies to buy btc. zillion times better than investing in the stock market bezzle or any of the other mad 401k/roth lockup chumpatrons
a111: Logged on 2017-11-21 07:13 ben_vulpes: this is a hilarious curveball to throw civvies: "but i thought you were so virulently anti-altcoin?" "no man," long drag on cigarette, "you gotta realize that even the dipshittiest, hilariously self-critting piece of nonsense like the thing that self-advertised as usgcoin /is still a better buy than usg fictions like the 'roth ira'"
BingoBoingo: Still, if buying into the IRA/401k dream, gotta go to Roth
ben_vulpes: this is a hilarious curveball to throw civvies: "but i thought you were so virulently anti-altcoin?" "no man," long drag on cigarette, "you gotta realize that even the dipshittiest, hilariously self-critting piece of nonsense like the thing that self-advertised as usgcoin /is still a better buy than usg fictions like the 'roth ira'" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "In a 2008 interview, Schenker added "We would never again do something like this".[11] The band's former lead guitarist Uli Jon Roth notes that the cover art of the "old Scorpion albums" were "usually done by other people".[10] He has since expressed regret over the original album cover: Looking at that picture today makes me cringe. It was done in the worst possible taste. Back then I was too immature to see that." and bull
mircea_popescu: wtf is google, the employer of syria and you're their parents and let's make an employee roth ira ?!
decimation: asciilifeform: I made this point awhile ago about 'roth' ira accounts
decimation: asciilifeform: I was pondering this the other day with the supposed 'tax-free' retirment scheme called Roth
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-03-2015#1055438 << it's BELL boy. as aptly explained for tim roth's benefit in 4 rooms, "they ring the bell, ya hop!" ☝︎
decimation: there are some who transfer traditional ira/401k to roth, and then withdraw the 'contributions' after 5 years
decimation: roth you can only withdraw contributions
hanbot: roth too.
mircea_popescu: it's like putting your dollars in a roth.
BingoBoingo: Next they come for the Roth IRAs http://reason.com/blog/2015/01/19/lets-pay-for-free-community-college-by-t
mircea_popescu: "Allan S. Roth is the founder of Wealth Logic, an hourly based financial planning and investment advisory firm that advises clients with portfolios ranging from $10,000 to over $50 million. "
nubbins`: "tim roth, pre-tupac"
assbot: 8 results for 'roth' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=roth
mircea_popescu: !s roth
decimation: the latest deal is 'roth' - the deal being that if you pay taxes now, usg promises never to tax your earnings on that money again
decimation: well, the roth deal is that you pay tax up front, on the promise that you never pay tax again...
mircea_popescu: how's taht specific to roth anything ?
decimation: the problem with Roth plans: "I am altering the deal, pray I don't alter it further..."
BingoBoingo: Generally in the US Roth anything is less insane
decimation: asciilifeform you can avoid some of the 401k madness if your company offers a "Roth 401k"
nubbins`: tim roth, pre-tupac
decimation: there is a thing called the "roth IRA" where you save post-income-tax money; USG claims it will never tax it again
Namjies: Hey Roth. I see you have your eye on the bot.
copumpkin: anyway, I was planning on maxing out the 401k pretax contribution next year, and squeezing more than is supposed to be possible into the roth
copumpkin: yeah, I'm doing a backdoor roth IRA