33 entries in 0.821s
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: my wp is squarely a 'legacy system', analogous to e.g. 'mpb'. i dun propagandize its use, nor intend to separately genesis it, imho mp has the wp question 100% covered .
asciilifeform: i view it rather like (i picture) mircea_popescu views his 'mpb' item
asciilifeform: unrelatedly, while mircea_popescu is awake -- mircea_popescu do you still have a 'mpb' noad running on public net ? would like to try my exerciser on one
a111: Logged on 2018-10-15 00:54 asciilifeform: this line of thought was prompted by my 'trb observatory', which has uncovered a number of 'mpb'-style nodes, i.e. trb-like but not presenting 'modern' vers and therefore invisible from heathen www indices
asciilifeform: this line of thought was prompted by my 'trb observatory', which has uncovered a number of 'mpb'-style nodes, i.e. trb-like but not presenting 'modern' vers and therefore invisible from heathen www indices ☟︎
asciilifeform: ( granted if mircea_popescu has a mpb noad there, it won't show in in this heathen www , iirc they filter vers. #s <0.8 )
asciilifeform: iirc mpb also had something equiv. to 'wire'.
a111: 24 results for "mpb", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=mpb
asciilifeform: !#s mpb
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu iirc also has at least one, but iirc he's on some year1 version thereof and in fact i have nfi whether it even worx, or he still uses own 'mpb'
asciilifeform: but gotta reproduce the bug. or we're doing the mpb thing.
asciilifeform: whether scalpl or mpb.
asciilifeform: and i have reason to suspect that mpb is catastrophically defective and fails to pass tx to trb (which, recall, is a reference, one does not get to say that it is broken in vs the unpublished mpb) under certain circumstances.
asciilifeform: half the time i do not even know if he is speaking of a trb -- or mpb! node.
asciilifeform: the latter - old mpb node spoken of last year
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform mpb is creaking at the seams.
asciilifeform: my understanding is that this role, to the extent it was filled by anything, was previously filled by mpb.
PeterL: if mp would share mpb txn-fee setting algorithm, then you could say why
PeterL: asciilifeform mpb apparently calculated his transaction did not need one, it was wrong
asciilifeform: pretty much all i know about mpb comes from these !
asciilifeform: (not with own hands, naturally, but whatever makes mpb)
asciilifeform: but i will point out, i see this entire story (the bbet meltdown) though 'shoemaker' eyes, and i never had any idea, whether jurov and kako were part of mircea_popescu's actual inner circle, i.e. folks who actually move serious coin around, privy to how mpb works, physically met his intelligence agents, etc. or not.
asciilifeform: perhaps this is a failure of my puny brain, but i am at a loss as to what assurance mircea_popescu could possibly have had, and from whom, that there is not a prb vermin between mpb-net and the miner.
asciilifeform: the 'lighter weight', parsimonious hypothesis is that mpb-net was bamboozled by sybils. rather than miners.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it is not actually my business how mircea_popescu transmits his tx, but since he chose to present the bbet matter in the tmsr public forum, rather than limiting it to folks 'whose business it is', i will say, that the mpb (client and network both) is a serious ?????? in the story. i have nfi how it works, and imho it actually matters for making sense of the observations.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is synthesis from earlier threads where you stated that yes, there are sybils, but your octopus of mpb connecting to various trusted folks, incl. over crypted links, is not sybilable
asciilifeform: the ~only thing i know about mpb is that 1) it is roughly compatible with 0.6 and 2) he fixed the db locks bug years ago, and shared with me the patch, a while back, and it is in trb
asciilifeform: mpb prolly.
asciilifeform: nubbins`: incidentally i have nfi what mpb does, i have never seen it and don't expect to
mircea_popescu: i distinctly recal trb nearly sunk in the other incident, while mpb provided the magic constants. why was that ?
asciilifeform: i distinctly recall that trb sailed through the july incident while mpb did not.
asciilifeform: ahahahahaha so we have mircea_popescu's mpb mysterymeat in the mix.
thestringpuller: jurov: is it possible to make an MPB-PT on CoinBR?